Parent/Guardian & Student Overview

Nathan Wendt

Course website:

Website typically has a copy of in-class lectures, handouts for the day, schedule, unit syllabus, and resources. Please consult regularly or when in doubt regarding assignments.

This elective course will focus on the year 1968 and its effects on today. It is a course that will enable the student to learn recent American history by studying one of its most pivotal years. The course will focus on how events of 1968 affected American history in the following areas:

  1. Politics
  2. Vietnam War
  3. The Civil Rights movement
  4. Cold War
  5. Social Change

The student will be expected to trace the historical background of events in each area, describe the events in each area, and explain how these events have affected and continue to affect America today


The students are required to be in charge of their own education using the teacher as a facilitator. To achieve this the students will be required to use a variety of rich primary and secondary source material such as biographies and autobiographies; landmark cases of the U.S supreme court; Novels; speeches; letters and diaries; poetry; songs; artwork and documentaries.

Grading Policies:

Tests/Major Essays40%

Classwork/reading assessments20%


Projects 30%

Course Schedule:

*We reserve the right to adjust schedule, as needed, based on class needs.

The course schedule can be found on the HUB

Class Procedures:

In this class we have a limited amount of time to pursue a subject rich and in-depth content area. In an effort to create and maintain the best possible learning environment, the teacher has established certain classroom procedures. These guidelines are in direct conformity with the philosophy of Carnegie Vanguard School

  • All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on assigned dates. All online work is due at 8:30 a.m. on their due date.

Late Policy:

All assignments are due ON TIME. Late work will be accepted up to seven days late and no later. The highest possible grade on late work is 50%. If a student is on campus the day an assignment is due, then the student is required to turn it in, even if he/she missed the period. It is the students’ responsibility to come and to turn in work even if arriving late or early to school.


You are expected to attend class every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to promptly gather the assignments that you missed. If you are out you must email me what you missed and we will set up a time table for you to complete that assignment. You must take the initiative to find out what you missed. The assignments and lesson discussion are all available on the HUB. If you miss a test, YOU must schedule on the day of your return, a new test date, but keep in mind that the format of the re-test is at the teacher’s discretion. It is your responsibility to reschedule your missed test in a timely manner. Any assignments not made up from an absence will result in a zero. Tests and projects are schedule far enough in advance that absenteeism the day before a test will not allow for a postponement of your test. A tentative course school has been provided for the entire academic year, please take this into consideration when considering family obligations as well as off-campus commitments.


Retakes are available under the CVHS re-take policy. You may retake a vocabulary quiz or test for a grade no higher than 70. You must notify the teacher via the website form at: no later than 24 hours after receipt of the grade. All retakes require test corrections completed and submitted prior to the retake date and time.

Academic Integrity: All students are held accountable to the CVHS Academic Honor Code as well as HISD policies regarding academic integrity/cheating. The CVHS Academic Honor Code maybe found in full in the CVHS Student Handbook/Planner and CVHS Website. To supplement these policies, we would like to remind students that cheating, copying, talking during assessments, and plagiarizing will not be tolerated in this course. All assignments, handouts, notecards, homework, etc. are expected to be completed INDIVDUALLY by the student; unless EXPLICITEDLY stated in the assignment instructions. It should be noted that academic dishonesty extends to any student aiding another student by providing test answers, quiz answers, assignment answers, or any disclosure of in-class activities prior to the other student having received the activity/information directly from the teacher. Any student displaying academic dishonesty will face the full consequences of their actions. In like manner, the student will receive a “P” in conduct and a zero on the assignment. There will not be an opportunity to make up the assignment. Academic Integrity applies to ALL parties involved, not simply the individual receiving assistance.

Extra Help:

Please note, this course is fast paced and requires a significant amount of college level reading. The first question that will always be asked of students seeking help is: “Have you read?” Warm up activities and reading quizzes are typically good indicators of whether or not a student has read. In addition, we have found that reading on a college level is different than reading at the middle school level and often requires the additional steps of re-reading and outlining.

If you experience unusual difficulty in the assignments, either in general or consistently in a specific area, this is a signal to seek extra help. For best results, attend extra help sessions as needed, rather than only the day before a test or major assignment. Bring in your notebook and homework to help identify troublesome areas. A teacher isALWAYSavailable and willing to help, but sometimes the student needs to take the initiative to communicate this issue. Communicate with your instructor about when you would like to seek help and it will be scheduled accordingly. E-mail is checked multiple times a day or you may call the school and leave a message.


All materials will be provided in class

I look forward to having a great year with you!!!!

I have read and I understand the 1968 syllabus

Studentname (Print)

Student signatureDate

Parent / Guardian name (print)Email

Parent / Guardian signatureDate

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