Every parent has the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers, when needed. We believe that the key to a child’s success is parental involvement and communication between the home and school. Through planners and the SV Portal, parents are able to monitor their child’s progress throughout the school year. If you have a concern, at any point in time, please contact the appropriate teacher immediately. We try to implement a proactive approach when addressing student concerns. We meet with parents regularly throughout the school year, not just at “parent conferences” that are scheduled in November. This allows the teacher and parent to work together to develop a plan that will enable the student to maximize their learning potential, when needed.
We have developed a checklist of student expectations for sixth graders. If your child does not display these behaviors on a regular basis, then we recommend that you sign up for a parent conference.
· Are they responsible?
_____ Do they complete their assignments on time?
_____ Do they have no missing assignments?
_____ Do they ask questions when they don’t understand an assignment?
· Are they independent?
_____ Do they know what their homework assignments are nightly/use
their planner?
_____ Do they accept responsibility for their actions?
_____ Do they try to make better choices and decisions as a result of
· Are they developing a Personal Value System?
_____ Do they consistently put forth their best effort on school
_____ Do they follow directions on assignments?
_____ Do they want to get “good grades?”
If your child does display these behaviors on a regular basis, then you have the option of signing up for a parent conference. Please note that if you do not sign up for a parent conference now, but a need does arise at a later point in time, then we will schedule a conference to address your concerns.
We are using for Parent-Teacher Conference sign-ups. There is a “Web Button” on our Team Website that will take you to our conference sign-up pages.
If you would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference, please only sign-up to meet with ONE teacher on our team. You may meet with your child's homeroom teacher; however, ifyour childis not making progress in one particular subject area, then you may schedule a conference with that teacher, and that teacher only.Weare trying to accommodate the needs of each parent, however, we do reserve the right tomove a conferenceto a different teacher,if deemed necessary.
The following links will also provide you access to the sign-up pages:
Mr. Cammisa:
Mrs. Clarke:
Mrs. Roe:
Mr. Tucciarone:
Thank you, and please contact us with any questions.