Model Question Paper

Paper Name: Structural Design –IPaper Code: ETCE-208

Q.1:Attempt all the following questions:

a) Explain the effects of water-cement ratio and age on the strength of concrete with proper diagrams. (5)

b) Define the following: (4)

i) Characteristic strength

ii) Design strength

iii) Characteristic load

iv)Design load

c) Explain with proper diagram the difference between braced and un-braced column.(3)

d) Explain the distribution of loads on staircases with the help of diagrams.(4)

e) Differentiate between design mix and nominal mix concrete.(4)

f) Derive the following equation:

yf= 0.15 xu,max + 0.65 Df (5)


Q.2: a) Define creep coefficient θ of concrete and express the relation between the effective modulus Ece, short term static modulus Ec and creep coefficient θ of concrete. (4)

b) Draw stress-strain curve of steel bars with or without definite yield point and indicate the yield stress fy of them. (4)

c) Give four reasons to justify the design of structures by limit state method.(4.5)


Q.3: a)List the common steps of design of structures by any method of design.(7.5)

b) Define partial safety factors of load and material. Write the expressions to determine the design load and design strength of the material from their respective characteristic values employing the corresponding partial safety factors. (5)


Q.4: a) Derive the governing equations of a doubly reinforced beam.(5)

b) Determine the moment of resistance of the doubly reinforced beam with 300 X 600 mm dimension. The beam is reinforced with 2-30mm and 2-20mm bars in compression with an effective cover of 75mm. In tension 4-30mm and 4-16mm bars are used. Use M30 concrete and Fe 500 steel. (7.5)


Q.5: Design a cantilever beam supported on a column of thickness 450mm carrying uniformly distributed load of 16kN/m. Apply necessary checks and detail the reinforcement with proper curtailment. Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel. (12.5)


Q.6: a)Explain short- and long-term deflections and the respective influencing factors of them. (4)

b) Design the mid span of a three span one-way continuous slab of 3X8mclear dimensionssubjected to uniformly distributed imposed loads of 5 kN/m2 using M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. The load of floor finish is 1 kN/m2. The width of beams at the support is 300 mm. (8.5)


Q.7:Design a 4.5X 5.5m simply supported slab not having adequate provision to resist torsion at corners and to prevent the corners from lifting. The slab is supported on walls of thickness 230mm. The factored live load is 4.5kN/m2 and the load of the floor finish in 1 kN/m2. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. (12.5)


Q.8: Design the reinforcement to be provided in the short column subjected to Pu = 1500 kN,

Mux = 120 kNm (about the major principal axis) and Muy = 100 kNm (about the minor principal

axis). The unsupported length of the column is 3.2 m, width b = 400 mm and depth D = 500 mm.

Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.(12.5)


Q.9: Design a plain concrete footing for a column of 400 mm x 400 mm carrying an axial load of

500 kN under service loads. Assume safe bearing capacity of soil 250 kN/m2 at a depth of 1m

below the ground level. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.(12.5)