Panel Pack

Panel Pack for Hiring Managers

The information summarised below is for departmental reference purposes only. Full details can be found in the Recruitment and Selection Procedure. Additional information including sample interview questions can also be found on the Human Resources website.

Trained Panel Members

To qualify as a panel member, it is essential that you have successfully completed Recruitment & Selection training. It is theresponsibility of the chairperson to ensure all of the panel have been formally trained.Details can be obtained from the HR Strategic Developmentwebsite. Refresher training should be undertaken at least every three years or sooner if you feel appropriate.

The following documents to be used in the recruitment process can be obtained from the Human Resources website and are enclosed within this pack:

  • Template Regret Letter – after shortlisting

To send or email to those applicants who have not been successful.

Invite to Interview/AssessmentLetter

This template provides information to candidates about the selection process.

  • Template Regret Letter – after interview/assessment

To send or email to those candidates who have not been successful – following verbal feedback

  • Chairperson’s Report

This document is to be completed by the Chair of the Panel following the interview process.

  • General Hints & Tips for Hiring Managers

General guidance on recruitment & selection

  • Providing Feedback

Detailed guidance on giving feedback to candidates

Other documents that you will need to use in the recruitment process include:

  • Applicant Shortlisting Form

This document is to be completed by all panel members involved in the selection process.

  • Candidate Assessment Form

This document is to be completed by all panel members involved in the selection process.

A map of the Universityshould be sent to external candidates not already employed by the University.

Human Resources, 3rd Floor, Edinburgh Building, Chester Road, Sunderland, SR1 3SD

Tel: (0191)5152055 or email

Panel Pack

Template Regret Letter – after shortlisting


Vacancy Title:

Vacancy Reference Number:

Thank you for your recent application for the above post.

We received a high volume of applications and regrettably on this occasion we have to inform you that you have been unsuccessful, and we will not be pursuing your application any further.

If you would like to receive feedback on this decision please do not hesitate to email me on .

DELETE IF INTERNAL – I hope this does not deter you from applying for vacancies at the University in the future. All of our vacancies can be viewed at

In the meantime, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest and wish you every success in the future.

Yours sincerely


Template Invite to Interview/AssessmentLetter (please amend as appropriate)





Vacancy Title:

Vacancy Reference Number:

Thank you for your recent application for the above post. I am pleased to advise you that we would like you to attend an assessment event/interview on(DATE) at (TIME).

The assessmentwill be held at(VENUE)(see map enclosed) and on arrival please report to (CONTACT NAME AND LOCATION)at least 10 minutes prior to your assessment.

The assessment will consist of (DETAIL HERE WHAT SELECTION METHODS YOU WILL USE) and will last approximately(AMOUNT OF TIME).

The selection panel will be chaired by (NAME AND JOB TITLE), and will include(NAMES AND JOB TITLES OF OTHER PANEL MEMBERS).

NOTE FOR HIRING MANAGERS – Please insert the following paragraphs if appropriate

(Selection Test:

As part of the selection process you are required to complete the 16PF5 Personality Questionnaire prior to attending the selection event. You will shortly be contacted via email. Please let us know if the email address we have for you is incorrect(CANDIDATE’S EMAIL ADDRESS). The email will give you clear instructions about the questionnaire, which should be completed online in one sitting and will take approximately 40 minutes.

I have enclosed some information about the 16PF5 Questionnaire.It is tailored towardscandidates who would complete the questionnaire onsite rather than online, but it provides a useful overview of how the tool works.

Please can you complete the questionnaire by no later than 5pm on (DATE). If you have any queries about this part of the process please do not hesitate to contact me.

For information, following the recruitment process, all candidates are entitled to receive feedback on the 16PF5 questionnaire, which we will be happy to provide.)


You will be asked to deliver a presentation to the selection panel, lasting between 10-15 minutes on:


A PC with Microsoft PowerPoint will be made available for your use. You may be asked questions on your presentation.)


The interview will focus on key aspects of the role and the competencies described in Part 2B of the role profile.)

Additional Information

For information and context I have attached - (As appropriate)

  • Our Faculty/Service Plan
  • Role Profile
  • Our Faculty/ServiceStructure Chart
  • University of Sunderland Structure Chart

Additional information about the Faculty/Service, working for the University of Sunderland and the benefits available can be obtained from the following websites:

  • Human Resources website

Please bring with you the originals of any relevant Certificates as evidence of qualifications obtained. Originals will be photocopied and returned to you on the same day.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity and actively encourages applications from disabled candidates. I would like to ensure, therefore, that if you consider yourself to have a disability you are not put at a disadvantage during the recruitment process due to your disability. If I can be of any assistance with the assessment arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact me so that I am able todetermineif any reasonable adjustment(s) can be made.

INSERT AS APPROPRIATE (Given the work may involve considerable contact with young people and vulnerable adults/groups, you will be asked in the interview about your understanding of the related Safeguarding policies, which can be found on our website,and also your suitability to work with, or interact with, young people and/or vulnerable groups.)

If you require a reserved parking space, please email me to confirm your vehicle registration number. Spaces are limited and allocated throughout the organisation on a ‘first come first served’ basis so please reserve yours at your earliest convenience. (INSERT AS APPROPRIATE) Entrance to the City Campus car park is via Johnson Street and the reserved parking spaces are located between buildings 22 and 23 on the campus map. Our building is within easy walking distance of the University/St. Peter’smetro station.

I would be grateful if you would contact me to confirm your attendance on 0191 515 (EXT NUMBER).

If in the meantime I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely




Panel Pack

Template Regret Letter – after interview/assessment



Vacancy Title:

Vacancy Reference Number:

Thank you for attending the interview/assessment event for the above vacancy.

We had several candidates to interview/assess and regrettably on this occasion, we have to inform you that you have been unsuccessful, and we will not be pursuing your application any further.

If you would like to receive feedback on this decision please do not hesitate to email me .

DELETE IF INTERNAL – I hope this does not deter you from applying for vacancies at the University in the future. All of our vacancies can be viewed at

In the meantime, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest and wish you every success in the future.

Yours sincerely


Chairperson’s Report

To: / Human Resources
Third Floor, Edinburgh Building / From:

Vacancy Job Title:



Faculty /Service:

Department / Section:

Academic Subject Team:


HESA Cost Centre:

Interview / Assessment Record Date of Interview: ______

Shortlisted Candidates / Attended? / Appointable? / Panel Members
1. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 1. / (Chair)
2. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 2.
3. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 3.
4. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 4.
5. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 5.
6. / Yes / No / Yes / No / 6.

Offer of Employment

Successful Candidate:


Date of Verbal Offer:

Is the successful candidate a current University of Sunderland staff member? Yes / No

Qualifications Checked:


Yes / Not Applicable


(Please attach copies of Certificates.)

Please note that the offer of employment is subject to production of qualification certificates & medical clearance.

Proposed Start Date:


Has this been agreed verbally?


Yes / No



Has this been offered verbally?


Yes / No

Undertakings Already Agreed:

We aim to issue the statement of particulars within 5 working days of the verbal offer so please return this report to HR straight away.

We would welcome any feedback or suggestions regarding the Recruitment & Selection process:
For HR purposes only - % success rate (appointable) =

General Hints and Tips for Hiring Managers

  • If you receive notification from HR that at least one of the applicants has declared they have a disability, contact your HR Assistant/Manager after you have short-listed to find outwho they are. If these applicants have not been short-listed check whether, they meet or partially meet the essential criteria. If they do, we have a duty under the two ticks commitment to short-list those who have declared a disability (and meet or partially meet the essential criteria).
  • 16pf feedback needs to be reviewed at least 2 days before the interviews (please arrange to meet with your HR Manager).
  • Consider using the various selection methods, not just an interview e.g. in-tray exercises/work sampling.
  • Complete theAssessment material collaboratively at least 2 days before the interview and make sure everyone on the panel is in agreement with them. The questions must focus on the competencies in section 2B of the role profile as well as the duties of the job.
  • If you decide to use a presentation as a method of assessment, ensure the topic is relevant to the role & score it.
  • Interview a maximum of 6 candidates per day
  • Treat candidates as you would like to be treated – we have to be equal, fair and consistent.
  • Complete an assessment grid detailing timings so you and the panel know who to expect when. Share this in advance with the Receptionist/Administrator where the candidates are arriving. Leave time for over-runs, short breaks and lunch.
  • At the start of the interview, don’t forget to greet the person, offer them a drink of water, introduce the panel, explain the process and provide an overview of the University and the role.
  • Do not ask a question and then proceed to take notes – listen to the candidate. Select one person to take the notes or take notes for the other person while they ask a question and vice versa, and explain how this will work to the candidate. Maintain eye contact.
  • You should allowat least 1 hour per interview (including 10-15 minutes for the presentation if applicable).
  • In a 1 hour interview, you should look to ask no more than 8questions focusing on the required competencies. Although you will be asking broadly the same questions to all candidates, you can prompt the person if you need a more detailed answer, or follow up on a piece of information. If the candidate fails to give a satisfactory answer or example, consider prompting them, rephrasing the question or asking what they would do hypothetically. The purpose is to give them every opportunity to demonstrate whether they can do the job. Ensure the note taker records any prompts.
  • If applicable, make sure the presentation topic is directly related to what is required of the person in the role. Ensure you have agreed criteria to assess against and to enable structured feedback to be provided on the presentation.
  • During an interview, listen to the candidate’s responses carefully, it may be that he/she has already answered your next question or they may have said something you don’t fully understand and need clarifying.
  • Give the candidates an opportunity to share any additional information with the panel which they may not have had the chance to get across and let the candidates ask questions at the end. Sell the benefits of working at the University.
  • Make sure the candidates know when to expect to hear from you and always stick to this – adding an extra couple days to when you think you will be able to respond can help if further discussion is required. Allow time to debate with panel members and ensure that the person offered the job accepts before you get back to the others.

Providing Feedback

Giving accurate feedback during selection enables candidates to understand why they haven’t been successful. It can help in their future preparation and performance at selection and is likely to help them be more successful in future.

Constructive feedback does not mean only positive feedback. Negative feedback, given skilfully, can be very important and will help the candidate in future.

Badly given feedback often leaves the recipient upset and is not helpful in their learning or development.

Post Short listing

Applicants should be informed of short-listing decisions within 2 weeks of the closing date of the role. If you take longer you should expect a number of phone-calls from curious candidates (they will be very keen to hear the outcome of their application).You should send the outcome in writing (email or letter) and invite applicants to contact you on your telephone number should they wish for verbal feedback.

Any feedback should be framed specifically around the criteria you shortlisted against. You should use the Essential, and if relevant Desirable criteria and inform the applicant where they did and did not meet. All applicants should have to meet the ‘Essential’ criteria to pass this stage and you should be clear and refer directly to this information.

Should you have a large number of applicants who have met the ‘Essentials’ you should explain that you have shortlisted against the ‘Desirables’ and point out where they did not provide evidence of this within their application.

‘We really liked your application but there were some others that were better’ / ‘We shortlisted against the Essential Criteria in the Role Profile. It was clear from your application that you have the necessary experience in project management, influencing and planning and organising however the role requires someone with people management experience. Your application did not demonstrate that you had this experience and therefore you did not meet our Essential Criteria to be shortlisted.’

Post Selection

Feedback should be offered verbally when you call to inform the candidate of the outcome. Inform Candidates at selection when they will hear the outcome. Be realistic with your timescale and add on an extra day for unforeseen issues, it is much better to hear sooner than expected rather than later (should be no longer than one week without explanation).

Written feedback is one dimensional with little or no opportunity for the candidate to clarify what you mean and can often lead to difficult situations. Should you wish to give written feedback to candidates, you should speak to your HR Manager who will be able to advise.

Verbal feedback allows dialogue between the giver and recipient and can be useful when you want to explain something more in detail. It is often perceived by the candidate as more personal and can lead to a more positive overall experience. Providing you have carried out a process that directly measures a candidate’s capabilities against the criteria specified within the role profile, you will have a clear framework to refer to and explain where they did and did not display evidence of this.

‘We think you could do most of the role but there were some areas that you could improve and the successful candidate was able to show us that. We liked some of the examples you gave and how you did the presentation' / ‘There were a number of selection criteria we used in the selection event. You were able to demonstrate experience that met our expectations in three out of the four areas; planning and organising, influencing and project management. However, you did not demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the role specifically relating to your people management skills. You demonstrated that you had experience of supervising staff but were unable to show how you have performance managed and developed your staff; this is key to the role. '

1.Start with the positive

Most people will be disappointed that they have been unsuccessful at selection and will need some encouragement. When offering feedback, it can really help the receiver to hear first what you like about them or what they have done well.