PALs Meeting Minutes, 9.16.13

Attendees: Laura Smith, Lara Willox, Judy Butler, Gail Marshall, Dawn McCord, Jim O’Donnell, Rebecca Harrison, Kim Griffith, Jessica Bucholz, Becky Stanard, Susan Hall, Christie Johnson, Tami Ogletree, Elaine Roberts, Glaucio Scremin, Jennifer Heidorn, Mary Hooper, Yun Jo An, Hema Ramanathan, Mary Beth Slone, Dawn Putney, Julie Whisenhunt, History rep ???

Dr. Cobia talked about the AFIs from the NCATE/CAEP visit in April, 2013 (posted on the powerpoint). Differentiation of instruction & data use are 2 biggest areas.

Dr. Stanard talked about the edTPA. We are conducting a pilot with 15 ECED students at C’ton Middle School who will complete this assessment. Wanda Calhoun is the edTPA coordinator. There will be a coordinator in each program as well. Next year we’ll do a wide-scale pilot. Then the year after that is actual implementation. Wanda, Laura Smith, and Tami Ogletree are supervising this year’s pilot, during which we’ll work out a lot of the logistics and any “bugs.” This will all be done through Tk20. There may be different edTPA models for different programs; it isn’t necessarily one size fits all. Faculty will have training opportunities, such as webinars. They will be able to learn how to look at and score the edTPA.

Dr. Hooper & Dr. Johnson spoke about how to effectively use data. EDLE was not using the data they collected in any useful way, then switched to a portfolio in Tk20 in order to mine data more effectively. They used a rubric to evaluate their own use of data and only scored 1’s and 2’s. This rubric’s criteria were: Approach, Implementation, and Outcome. EDLE scored themselves as a 2 on approach, 1 on implementation, for example.

Dr. Cobia announced that the Tk20 product consultant visit schedule is on PALs wiki. Also, she announced the Tk20 update is scheduled for 9/17 from midnight until 6am.

She also announced upcoming rubric workshops (not yet scheduled).