Palm Harbor Friends of the Library

Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2017

In Attendance: Sandy Carr, Sharon Sandoval, Kathy Coffin, Linda Kingsbury, Jeanette Malouff, Diana Silveria, Anne Bartels, and Dana Dockery

Minutes: The September minutes were read and approved.

Director's Report

  1. There is a vacancy on the Advisory Council and Arlene Tracht has volunteered to fill the position. Diane Silveria made a motion to approve her appointment, Anne Bartels seconded, a vote was taken and the motion passed.

Treasurer's Report:

  1. Bookstore sales continue to do well. .
  2. The only library expense for Sept was for the Reading Program.
  3. The Friends FY 2017 closed out on Sept 30th more than $12,000 over FY 2016.
  4. AS discussed at the July Friends meeting Sharon has done some research and found a night drop style safe on Amazon Prime for $129.95 that would hold the Friends money until she can pick it up. Anne Bartels made a motion to approve $200 to purchase the safe, Diana Silveria seconded, a vote was taken and the motion passed.

Old Business

  1. An email motion was sent to all Board members, on June 10th by Sandy Carr, to request a $100 contribution toward the refreshments that will be offered at the memorial service for Mark Mazurek. The motion was voted on and approved.
  2. The Treasurer will handle all donations and all correspondence concerning them.

New Business

  1. The monthly meetings for Nov and Dec will be combined into one meeting to be held on Dec 4th.
  2. Record keeping – the minutes for a 501c organization must be kept from the first meeting until the organization is dissolved.

Committee Reports:

  1. Communication: The concert to be held on Oct 21 has been posted to the Website. The Literacy annual luncheon went very well. Food was delicious and everyone had a good time.
  1. Membership: .A motion was made by Linda Kingsbury for the membership year to be the same as the FY which is October 1 – September 30. Sharon Sandoval seconded the motion and a vote was taken and the motion passed. It is time to send out the renewal notices for 2018.
  1. Fund Raising: There was a discussion on the Trash and Treasure Flee Market being held on Sunday, March 11, 2018. The donation for each space would be $20. Further discussion is needed.
  1. Programming: Diana's father would be willing to do another TV Nostalgia program in the future. It was also discussed about the possibility of having a Road Scholar program.
  1. Bookstore – Books that are not sold are donated to Goodwill. This is not cost effective. More magazines are needed because they sell very well.

The next meeting will be held on Dec 4thst. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00.PM. Kathy Coffin