Pakenham Upper Riding Club
Cross Country,Show Jumping
Dressage over PolesClinic
Saturday 17 February 2018
Huxtable Road Reserve, Huxtable Rd, Pakenham Upper (Melways Ref p. 315/ F5)
Open to HRCAV all levels1-5
Instructors: Vanessa Canning,Molly Barryand Nina Clarke
The PURC cross country course includes drops, brushes, trakehners and a superb water jump for training. Experienced instructors,good prices and a friendly,supportive atmosphere. Suitable for all levels riders and horses.
$65 for 1 lesson (includes morning tea andlunch)
$55 each for 2 or more lessons (includes morning tea and lunch)
Your choice of XC &/or SJ/or Dressage over Poles (max2sessions per horse; max 2 horses per rider).
Small classes –no more than 4 riders in a group.
Lessons 1 hour 10 minutes each.
Places allocated in order of entries received. BE EARLY and don’t miss out!
If sessions are filledlater entries will be placed on a waiting list and considered in case of scratchings.
Session times will be posted on the PURC website:
Extra lunches/morning tea for spectators/strappers/friends $10 each.
Yards available – no charge.
See Facebook page PURC XC & SJ Clinic for updates.
Enquiries: Trish Tomlin – 0439 899 300 or email . Entries will be accepted and acknowledgedvia this email addressonly (no texts, Facebook or other email address).
Conditions of Entry:
- Riders must be members of the HRCAV; not open to EA or PCAV members.
2.Medical armbandsmust be worn during this clinic. Back protectors strongly recommended.
3.The first sessions will start at 8am.
4.Levels may be combined depending on numbers.
5.No refunds after the closing date unless a place can be filled from the waiting list.
6.If the clinic is cancelled (eg due to extreme weather) entry fees will be refunded.
7. Please - no dogs.
8.The organising committee reserves the right to substitute instructors, cancel the clinic or to refuse entry with/without stating the reason.
9.Neither the organising committee of this clinic nor the HRCAV accepts any responsibility whatsoever for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, ground spectators or any other person or property.
See PURC website for the booking form:
Booking and Payment Deadline 10pm Friday9 February
Pakenham Upper Riding Club
Cross Country and Show Jumping Clinic
Saturday 17 February 2018
Please EMAIL these completed pages to . Entries will be accepted and acknowledged via this email addressonly (no texts, Facebook or other emailaddress).Alternatively, send hardcopy form and cheque (payable to Pakenham Upper Riding Club) to Trish Tomlin, 2475 Main Neerim Road, Neerim 3831.
Emergency Contact: / Phone:
Car Rego & Description: / Float Description:
Level / How long in this level? / Please note on a 1 to 10 scale (10 = extensive experience) where you are positioned in this grade.
Horse 1 Name:
Horse 2 Name:
Any comment re you or your horse’s experience?Also, if any issues (eg bucks, refuses, hates water), please indicate.
Any time constraints? We’ll do our best, but no guarantees.
Entry Fee Calculation ($65 for 1 lesson,$55 each for 2 or more lessons; extra lunches $10)
Horse 1 (Name):Number of XC sessions: / Number of SJ sessions: / Number of DoP sessions: / Fees:
Horse 2 (Name):
Number of XC sessions: / Number of SJ sessions: / Number of DoP sessions: / Fees:$
Number of extra lunches: / Fees:$
If we are unable to schedule your first preference (eg 1 xc & 1 sj), what is your second choice? (eg just 1 xc? 2 sj?) )
We try to give everyone their first choice, but sometimes the logistics are challenging!
PURC direct debit details:
BSB: 063733
Acc No: 10036481
Make cheques payable to Pakenham Upper Riding Club / Direct debit proof of payment - lodgement/receipt number:
Cheque/money order attached?
Name of Horse / COLOUR / HEIGHT / BRANDS / SEXOriginating address of horse
Returning address of horse
Name of Horse / COLOUR / HEIGHT / BRANDS / SEXOriginating address of horse
Returning address of horse
I understand and agree to abide the Rules and Regulations of the Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria Inc. and the Conditions of Entry as stated on the Program. I understand that due to diseases such as equine influenza, government bodies may restrict or
prevent the movement of horses, vehicles and personnel for a period of time (‘standstill’). I acknowledge and agree that a standstill is a risk of participation in the event/activity and agree that I will pay any costs or expenses incurred by the organising committee for or on behalf of my horses as a result of a standstill.
Signature of Rider: ______Date: / /2018
(If emailing, scan and insert your signature. No signature, no ride.)
Save this file as “XC Clinic February 2018Your Name” (eg “XC Clinic February 2018Trish Tomlin”) before emailing. Make sure you have paid, included proof of payment, and signed. If sending hard copy, mail to Trish Tomlin, 2475 Main Neerim Road, Neerim, Vic 3831.
See you at the clinicwith your medical armbands and back protectors!