Ted Nuttall
Apr 9-13 2007
9:30am to 3:3O pm
St. Andrews EpiscopalChurch
4000 Lorcum Lane
TUITION $325 Members
$375 Non-members
Ted Nuttall is a graduate of Colorado Instituteof Art and has had a twenty five year career ingraphic design. His work as an illustrator and fineartist has won numerous national and regionalawards including the American Watercolor Societyand Watercolor West. Ted is a signature member ofthe National Watercolor Society. He teaches portraiture and figure painting in watercolor at ScottsdaleArtistsSchool in Arizona and conducts workshopsthroughout the country and abroad. In this workshop, Ted will share with you specific techniques heuses to bring spontaneity, character and life to hispaintings. There will be an initial introduction andslide show then he will demonstrate using a previ-ously completed drawing. There will be a brief critique at the close of the day.
"Although I will spend some time in the workshopdiscussing drawing and the value and essentials of agood drawing, our focus will be on painting. Tomaximize painting time please have completed drawings ready for class. I would recommend that younot paint someone you know. The pressure of trying to get a likeness of someone you know can beconfining and frustrating. Avoid using a photograph taken with a flash. The camera flash makesthe light on the subject go flat and eliminates half-tone detail that is important to a good drawing andpainting. Don't get too involved with complicatedbackgrounds. Make the figure the dominant element. I recommend that you start with quartersheet size (11 x 15) or at the largest, half sheet size(15 x 22) depending on your comfort level. Do acontour drawing with enough detail to indicate allof the information you will need to do the painting.Be sure to invest time in your drawing. A gooddrawing will really pay off in terms of getting a goodfoundation for your painting."
PLEASE NOTE: Space will be filled on a first-come basis and will be held for members until Feb26. Early requests from non-members will be placedon a waiting list and will be allocated after that date.Cancellations up until Mar 12: full refund minus$25. After Mar 12 refunds will be given only if the space can be filled.
Paper: 300lb CP, any quality brand. Full sheetcut in half or quarters.
Brushes: #14 or 16 sable or synthetic roundsand brushes of choice.
Board: Any hard surface cut 1/2" larger than thesize paper you are using.
Palette: Any commercial watercolor palette withcover and large mixing area such as the JohnPike Palette. Ted uses a folding enamel metalpalette.
Paints: Please use fresh tube paint
Alizarin crimson
Yellow ochre
Raw umber
Burnt umber
Cad orange
Cobalt blue
Mineral violet
Cad red light
Cad yellow
Raw sienna
Burnt sienna
Hookers green
Cerulean blue
Ultramarine blue
Pigments of choice
Other supplies:
Clamps or push pins to hold paper
Natural and cellulose sponges
Paper towels provided
Cloth towel
Table or floor easel that allows you to work at anangle or horizontally
Water container
Other favorite supplies
April 9-13, 2007
Full tuition requested with this form
Name ______check number_____
Address ______
Tel ______email______
Member _____ Non-Member_____
Return with payment to Liz Roberts, 16596 Wayland Road, Culpeper, VA 22701
Questions: Marilyn Milici, , 703-941-4575
Emilie McBride, , 301-656-1359
Liz Roberts, , 540-825-8658