Page1 | Pre-Arrival and Registration Information
Pre-Arrival and
Registration Information:
Advanced Modules (AM)
tropEd cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. tropEd is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from this booklet.
Version: October 2017
China / Shanghai / School of Public Health , Fudan University / Page 5Info
to be provided
Indonesia / Yogyakarta / Gadjah Mada University / Page 6Info
to be provided
Viet Nam / Hanoi / Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH) / Page7
Belgium / Antwerp / Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine / Page 13
France / Bordeaux / Institut de Santé Publique et de Développement (ISPED), Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux2 / Page 17
Germany / Berlin / Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Charité Universitäts-medizin Berlin, Free University and Humboldt University / Page 21
Germany / Heidelberg / Institute of Public Health,
University of Heidelberg / Page25
Germany / München / Center for International Health at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München / Page 29
Norway / Bergen / Centre for International Health
Universitetet i Bergen / Page 33
Portugal / Lisboa / Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa / Page 37
Spain / Barcelona / ISGlobal, Barcelona Institute for Global Health
Hospital Clínic – Universitat de Barcelona / Page 41
Sweden / Uppsala / Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, International Maternal and Child Health, IMCH / Page 45
Switzerland / Basel / Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute / Page 48
Switzerland / Geneva / Geneva Centre for education and research in humanitarian action, A joint Centre of Université de Genève / The Graduate Institute (IHEID), Geneva / Page 52
The Netherlands / Amsterdam / Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) / Page 56
UK / Edinburgh / Institute for Global Health and Development, Queen Margaret University / Page 60
UK / London / Institute for Global Health, UCL / Page 64
UK / London / London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine / Page 68
Latin and Middle America
Mexico / Cuernavaca / Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública / Page 73
Members with no Advanced Modulescurrently
Bilivia / San Simon / Universidad Mayor de San Simon
China / Wuhan / Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Italy / Brescia / Clinica di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali,
Università degli Studi di Brescia P.le Spedali Civili
Laos / Vientiane / Institut de la Francophonie pour la Médecine tropicale (IFMT)
(Francophone Institute for Tropical Medicine)
Spain / Barcelona / Master on International Health and Tropical Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Thailand / Khon Kaen / Department of Public Health ,
Khon Kaen University
Sweden / Umeå / Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine - Umeå University
School of Public Health, Fudan University- information to be provided-
Status Institute / Collaborating member
tropEd Coordinator / Prof. Biso Xu
Contact / School of Public Health
Fudan University
Shanghai 200032
Tel: 86 21 64174172
Fax: 86 21 64174172
Country / China
Homepage Institute general
Homepage regarding tropEd courses
General course venue/s
Local Student Representative
Wheelchair access y/n
Further special needs, please contact
Gadjah Mada University
- information to be provided-
Status Institute / Collaborating member
tropEd Coordinator / Prof. Siswanto Agus Wilopo
Contact / Graduate Programme in Public Health Gadjah Mada University, Ji-Farmako Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Tel: 62274-565076
Fax: 62274-548156
Country / Indonesia
Homepage Institute general
Homepage regarding tropEd courses
General course venue/s
Local Student Representative
Wheelchair access y/n
Further special needs, please contact
Hanoi School of Public Health (HSPH)
Status Institute / Collaborating member
tropEd Coordinator / Dr. Nguyen Thanh Ha
Contact / Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH)
1A Duc Thang Road, North Tu Liem Distric, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 - 4 – 62 66 23 35; Fax: – 62 66 23 85
E-mail: ,
Country / Vietnam
Homepage Institute general /
Homepage regarding tropEd courses /
General course venue/s / HSPH campus at the above address
Local Student Representative / N/A
Wheelchair access y/n / No
Further special needs, please contact / Mr. Dao Hoang Bach, MS.
Contact for registration / Dr. Nguyen Thanh Ha, Contact details as above
Procedure for registration / Registration submitted via email and/or fax
Required documents / Registration form, proof of tropEd status
Registration deadline / Early registration (at least 2 months prior) recommended and preferred, as first come, first serve, but no strict deadline as such, registrations possible as long as seats are available, but students should be aware of the time they need for their travel and visa arrangements.
Selection criteria / Registered tropEd students are eligible for all current courses that HSPH got accredited by tropEd;
For some courses specific experience is recommended, but not mandatory (such as Public health practitioners, public health researchers, health managers, and other health workers are highly welcome).
No. of places for tropEd students / Minimum 3, maximum 10 tropEd students per course
Note / Some prerequisites may be required in specific course
Course structure (general)
Please note courses within one institute may have different structures!
Language of courses / English
Full / part time / Full Time
Contact hours / self study hours proportion in general / / ~80% contact (may include some field visit and field works) / 20% self study time
Lecturers / Usually a mixture of departmental staff, project staff and researchers as well as external lecturers (NGOs, GO’s, from other (partly intern.) universities, intern. Consultants, etc.
Participants / tropEd students, MPH students at HSPH, Master of Hospital Management students at HSPH, NGO self-funded and individual participants. Group composition varies between courses
Example general course structure: / 2 weeks, Mo-Fri, 9am- 5pm, 90h SIT, 3 ECTS
Course Fee
Course fee (general) / Usually EUR 600
Payment: bank transfer, credit card, cheque, cash / Usually by bank transfer (preferred); check and cash payment possible; in exceptions by credit card transfer (further confirmation).
Cancellation fees apply y/n / Usually based on bank transfer fee in negotiation with the bank
Courses with venues away from institute
Outside of campus / city / country? / All courses on campus, however some courses may include field visit (hospitals, health care providers and community projects in Ha Noi - capital city and suburb – within 15 km distances).
Available? / Unfortunately non available so far
tropEd Grade Report signed by / Course coordinator and/or tropEd coordinator, certified by Dean of HSPH or Vice Dean for Training
GR Given / Send out usually / If possible at the end of the course, usually within 4 weeks after the course if possible.
Certificate of Attendance / Usually given at the end of the course, stating duration and content, signed by course coordinator
Other / Note / Other forms of certificates may be provided upon request
Arranged, self, etc, on campus? / Accommodation needs to be arranged by participants themselves.
However, tourist and travel companies contact details could be provided by HSPH staff to assist tropEd students to book for appropriate accommodation.
On campus accommodation may be possible, on first come first served request.
Contact / Mr. Dao Hoang Bach
Department of Graduate Education, Hanoi School of Public Health, 138 Giang Vo street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Tel: +84 - 4 – 62 66 23 35, Fax: +84 - 4 – 62 66 23 85
Estimated Living Costs
Accommodation / Range could be from $15 to $70 per day
Food / Range from $10 to $100 per day
Note / Estimated cost provided based on hotel information and living cost for tourists
Travel Information
Country / conventional long form: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
local short form: Viet Nam
Currency / Viet Nam Dong (VND). Approximately 1 USD = 20000 VND; 1 Euro = 25000
However, US dollar (and sometime Euro) cash is welcome and could be easily exchanged in currency exchanges private shop/ public bank throughout the city.
Language in country / Vietnamese
Time Zone / GMT/UTC +7(same Time with Bangkok-Thailand and Jakarta-Indonesia)
Location of institute / 138 Giang Vo street (west central part of Ha Noi city)
Nearest airport / standard airport / Noi Bai International Airport (40 km, ~ 45 minutes)
Airport to city taxi cost (fixed price) ~ 10 USD
City to airport ~ 12 USD
Travel to venue / Easily reached from Bangkok (~ 2 hours), Hong Kong (~ 2 hours), and Singapore (~ 3-4 hours), direct flights Paris – Hanoi and Frankfurt – Hanoi (~10-12 hours)
Electricity / 220V50Hz , two round pin (like in most European countries), but many places offer outlet compatible for Japanese and North American equipments as well.
Immunisation requirements or specific health issues / Influenza and Hepatitis A vaccination recommended (but not required to enter the country)
Visa requirements
Please note that requirements vary between country offices and may change over time! The below is only a short, most likely incomplete, indication of the generally required information. Students have to check for the details of requirements themselves!
Schengen Visa, applicable y/n / No
Generally required information / Invitation letter from the authorized institutions in Vietnam. Usually the HSPH will issue such letter for TropEd students, submit that letter and personal information of the students (Name, DOB, Passport number, etc.) to the Ministry of Health of Vietnam and then to the Immigration Authority. Authorized letters then will be sent out to Vietnam Embassy at the students countries (such as EU) for visa application. Students then can submit visa and other documents (if needed), fee to the embassy.
Please note: some Vietnam embassies accept scanned invitation letters, some others may not.
Requirements may vary between country offices!!!
Homepage Foreign Affairs (or other homepage where students can get information) /
Average time for application / Varies greatly! From 2 to several weeks! To assure visa issue on time. Students are encouraged to start visa application process at least 2 months before expected arrival date.
Computer / Internet Access
Computers available for course work / Computer room with Internet access can be booked for course work or used on individual basis, except when booked by other groups. Student photo ID card necessary for entry to the campus and sometime to the computer lab facilities. Other facilities could be arranged upon request.
Internet access / Most lecturing halls and campus are Wi-Fi capable (with no password required). Internet is free. Students can access to Internet in most classrooms, academic department offices (wired and wireless) and some dormitory rooms.
Wireless LAN access? / Most lecturing halls and campus are Wi-Fi capable
On campus
Registration with university necessary / possible? / Student photo ID card necessary for entry to the campus and sometime to the computer lab facilities. All TropEd students are required to register with Dept. of Students Affairs.
Facilities on campus /
- Library (with Wi-Fi Internet): registered students will have access to some online full text and abstract resources (HINARI, EBSCO, POPLINE, etc),
- copy shop, computer rooms , ATM machines
- Other banks and ATMs, shopping malls, cinema theatres, some tourist attractions, restaurants (both Asian and Western cuisine served) within walking distance.
Food / Student canteen: Vietnamese food only.
Cafes, bakery, breakfast, small grocery available.
Library access: how? / Library (with Wi-Fi Internet) offers both offline services and online access (registered students, see above). Opened reading room and closed reading room are served Mon-Fri with student ID card for entry with lending possibility. Students are allowed to make copies following rules and regulations of Library (served by library staffs). Reference service is available via email or in person
Antwerp Institute of Tropical MedicineInstitute
Status Institute / Full member
tropEd Representative / Dr. Govert van Heusden
Contact /
Country / Belgium
Homepage Institute general /
Homepage regarding tropEd courses / > education > course programme
General course venue/s / Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Local Student Representative / Contact tropEd representative
Wheelchair access y/n / Yes
Further special needs, please contact / Contact tropEd representative for current details if needed
Contact for registration / Online course registration via website
Required documents / In general: filled registration form, copies first degree, references, scholarship application (if applicable)
Registration deadline / See > education > course programme
Selection / Selection criteria include: previous training & transcript of records, professional experience, motivation, publications and references
No. of places for tropEd students / No specific number
General Course Structure
Please note, courses within one institute may have different structures!
Language of courses / Courses are, or in English or yearly alternating between English and French
Full / part time / Most courses are full time, e-learning courses are part time
Contact hours / self-study hours proportion in general / / Average relation is: 25 contact hours and 20 self study hours per week.
Lecturers / Mostly own academic staff. Depending on the course, invited lecturers cover between 10 and 40% of contact hours.
(tropEd students, MscIH students, individual participants, other specific groups) / tropEd students usually represent between 5 and 10% of all students in a course.
All students are experienced (medical or other) health professionals
80 % of students are international (mainly from Africa, Asia and Latin-America)
Example general course structure: / Most courses follow a deductive approach (theory followed by practice) some courses have a problem based inductive approach – see specific course brochures
Course Fee
Course fee (general) tropEd student / Course fees of advanced modules vary between 370 and 400 euro per credit.
Payment: bank, credit card, cheque, cash / Payment is required via bank transfer prior to admission
Cancellation fees apply y/n / There is a cancellation fee of 15% of registration fee with a maximum of 500 euro.
Courses with venues away from institute
Outside of campus / city / country? / All course on main campus
Available? / Full scholarships are available for students from Belgian Development Cooperation partner countries (41 countries - see ITM website) and partial scholarships are available for EU students
Contact / tropEd representative
Deadlines / See course overview on website
Requirements / Academic admission, citizenship from specific countries, age limit 45 for scholarship
tropEd Grade Report signed by / ITM director: Prof Dr. Bruno Gryseels
GR given / send out usually / Sent out to student and student’s home institution
Certificate of Attendance / Issued if student fails or chooses not to do the exam leading to a grade report (credit certificate)
Arranged?! Self?! On campus?! / ITM Student Service will assist. Full scholarship students are assigned suitable accommodation close to ITM Campus.
Contact / ITM student service
Estimated Living Costs
Accommodation / 300-400 euro / month for a student room, 45 euro per night in cheaper hotels
Food / 15 to 30 euro / day
Travel Information
Country / Belgium
Currency / Euro
Language in country / Dutch / French / German
Location of institute / Antwerpen (Flanders) – Dutch speaking part of the country
Nearest airport / standard airport / Zaventem airport, Brussels and Schiphol airport, Amsterdam
Travel to venue / From Brussels by airport bus, from Amsterdam by train
Electricity / 230 Volt, 50 Hz
Immunisation requirements or specific health issues / None
Note / GMT/UTC +1(Central European Time)
Visa requirements
Please note that requirements vary between country offices and may change over time! The below is only a short, most likely incomplete, indication of the generally required information. Students have to check for the details of requirements themselves !
Schengen Visa, applicable y/n / Yes
You need to apply for the Schengen visa within your country
Generally required information / Admission letter, proof of means of subsistence (scholarship or other), sometimes proof of moral probity and medical certificate.
Homepage Foreign Affairs
(or other homepage where students can get information) /
This website is a portal for foreign students.
Average time of application / Visa application takes between one and three months
Computer / Internet Access
Computers available for course work / Yes
Internet access / Yes (everywhere on campus and in most student homes)
Wireless LAN access? / Yes
On campus
Facilities on campus / Sports & Cultural facilities, off-campus
Food on campus / Student social and lunch room available, but no student restaurant (will open in Jan. 2014)
Registration with university necessary / possible? / Registration with ITM is automatic at admission to course
Library access: y/n / Yes (Monday to Friday from 08:30 tot 18:00)
Universite of Bordeaux
Status Institute / Full Member
tropEd Coordinator / Pr. Denis Malvy, Ms. Deborah Didio
Contact / University of Bordeaux, Department of European Affairs and International Relations
Case 143-146 Rue Léo-Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex – FRANCE
Tel: 0033 5 57 57 15 39
Country / France
Homepage Institute general /
Homepage regarding tropEd courses /
General course venue/s / University of Bordeaux – Department of European Affairs and International Relations
Case 143-146 Rue Léo-Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex – FRANCE
Local Student Representative / Changes every year, according to student cohort (Erasmus Mundus & national students)
Wheelchair access y/n / yes
Further special needs, please contact / tropEd Coordinator
Contact for registration / Deborah DIDIO
Université Victor Segalen
case 143 – 146, Rue Léo-Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex, France
Tel: 0033 5 57 57 48 24
Required documents / Application form, CV
Registration deadline / According to courses dates, registrations possible as long as seats are available.
Selection / tropEd Students are eligible for all tropEd courses proposed by the UBS without specific selection process.
Selection applied only in case of limited seats.
No. of places for tropEd students / No limit except general seat capacity
General Course Structure
Please note courses within one institute may have different structures!
Language of courses / English – French (only for core course)
Full / part time / Full time
Contact hours / self-study hours proportion in general / / It depends on the course. In general 40% contact hours – 60% self-study hours