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July 6, 2017

The Town of Columbia Board of Aldermen met in regular session at 7: PM, Thursday, July 6, 2017, in the meeting room of the Columbia Municipal Building. Aldermen attending were: Lloyd Armstrong, Gabriella Crail, James Cahoon, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens.

Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.

Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order.

Mayor Griffin administered to Ellen Bell the Oath-of-Office as Deputy Town Clerk.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the consent agenda was unanimously approved. This included:

  1. Minutes of June 5, 2017 Regular Board of Aldermen Meeting,
  2. Minutes of Jun 19, 2017 Recessed Board of Aldermen Meeting
  3. Tax discoveries of Betty Spruill $1900.00, Bessie Marcell $8400.00, and Rosa Hernandez $385.00

Mayor Griffin announced the Public Comment Period and invited comments from the public. Marie Cutrell inquired about the status of the Spencer property on Virginia Ave.

Mayor Griffin stated that the Town has been in contact with Zaccheaus Legal Service and that the property is still tied up in the foreclosure process. More heirs were discovered and an attempt has been made to contact them. Fleedie Reynolds asked if the canal/ditch cleaning is still scheduled for November. Mayor Griffin said November may be optimistic. The dredging is up to the NC Department of Highways and they have not released their schedule. There were no further comments and Mayor Griffin closed the comment period.

Mike Barnette of McDavid Associates presented to the Board of Aldermen the NC Housing Finance Agency Grant/Policy Approvals. $150,000.00 in grant funds is the maximum available per town for hurricane relief. Housing structure must have incurred at least $5000.00 in damage and owners can’t receive any assistance from FEMA. Funds are distributed on a first come, first approved basis. $40,000.00 is maximum allocation per unit and this program is based on the recovery of three (3) residences. If home owner was offered a Small Business Loan and turned it down, they are ineligible for this program. Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon and unanimous vote, the Assistance Policy, Disbursement of Procurement Policy and the Grant Budget were approved.

Attachment #1

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Mayor Griffin introduced Sarah Fox, Tyrrell County Schools. Sarah reported that a walkability assessment had been done on Columbia High and Middle Schools. The Safe School Zone is requesting:

  1. Reduction of the speed limit to 25 MPH from Road Street east to US-64/Scuppernong Drive.
  2. Approval of Encroachment Agreement between the town and NCDOT to adjust north east corner curb/access at Fonsoe Street and US-64/Scuppernong Driver so the crosswalks will line up.
  3. Approval of the installation of a high visibility crosswalk at US-64/Scuppernong Drive and Main Street intersection by increasing the striping in the crosswalk areas. The Department of Transportation has agreed to re-do the crosswalk striping at no charge and no formal action is necessary at this time.
  4. Future plans are for a pedestrian lane on Fonsoe Street that would connect Hwy 64 and Main Street.

Sarah explained that The Town of Columbia would not have any monetary investment. The Board of Aldermen agreed to ask the Town Manager to draft a resolution to the Department of Transportation to reduce the speed limit to 25 MPH from Road Street east to US-64/Scuppernong Drive.

Sheriff Darryl Liverman requested a moment of silence to honor the memory of Dwight Wheless, Town Attorney who passed away on June 30th, 2017. Sheriff Liverman reported on the law enforcement actions for the month of June. He noted there were 639 calls/complaints including 74 ambulance calls and 31 citations. He also reported that since the inception of “Operation Suitcase”, there have been 13 inmates arrested at Tyrrell Prison Work Farm for bringing drugs and contraband in. With the new 911 system, he is able to track the calls in Dare County. Tyrrell County Law enforcement responded to more calls than Manteo, Southern Shores, Kitty Hawk and Duck. Alderman Armstrong asked Sheriff Liverman where in his reports does the noise ordinance citations appear. Sheriff Liverman stated that he did not know but would find out before the next meeting.

Mayor Griffin announced that there are two vacancies on the planning board. Tim Nielsen’s and Janet Walker’s term expired on 6/30/2017. Upon motion by Alderman Armstrong and unanimous vote, Nielsen and Walker were approved and reappointed for a term of 7/1/17-6/30/20.

Mayor Griffin then announced that a Planning Board Chairperson needed to be approved. Upon motion from Alderman Cahoon and unanimous vote, Janet Walker was approved to continue as the Chairperson.

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Mayor Griffin pointed out that there had been no change in the State Funded Building Renovation and Reuse Grants since the last meeting. No funds were disbursed.

Ellen Bell reported that the tax collection rate was 95.74%. She also reported that the auditors, CRI, CPA’s would be in the office July 26-28 and reminded the Aldermen to complete the fraud letters from CRI and return to them.

Mayor Griffin stated that the NC Wildlife Resources Commission requested 2.75 acre tract be annexed into The Town of Columbia. Upon motion by Alderman Cahoon and unanimous vote, a Resolution to accept the Certificate of Suffiency and authorize advertising was approved. As suggested by The Town Manager, Rhett White, Alderman Cahoon made a motion to accept the resolution to hold a public hearing on the question of annexation to be held at 7: PM, Tuesday, September 5, 2017. The vote was unanimous.

Attorney’s Report: Alderman Cahoon made a motion for The Town manager to work on a resolution recognizing the services of Mr. Wheless, the Town Attorney. The voted was unanimous.

Manager’s Report: Ellen Bell handed out a copy of the new Tyrrell County Chamber billboard and also a description of the services provided by The Town Attorney. Noted also was the fact that Dwight Wheless had served as The Town’s Attorney since April 5, 1993. Mr. White also stated that he plans to compose a Resolution of Respect for Dwight Wheless and present at the August meeting.

Alderman’s Comments: Alderman Owens stated that she was honored to have known Dwight Wheless and she had a lot of respect for him. Alderman Cahoon reported that we still have some issues with crepe myrtle trees blocking views at the intersections of Road Street/Green Street and Broad Street/Road Street. They are also hindering residents walking on the sidewalks.

This the 6th day of June, 2017.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor



Ellen P. Bell, Deputy Town Clerk