Page 1Town of Plymouth Minutes from theJanuary 9, 2017 Select Board Meeting
Town of Plymouth
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Plymouth Town Hall
Plymouth, NH 03264
January 9, 2017
Members Present: Mr. Mike Conklin Chairperson,Mr. Bill Bolton,Mr. John Randlett,and Mr. Neil McIver
Members Absent:Mr. Mike Ahern
Others Present:Mr. Paul Freitas, Ms. Kathryn Lowe
6:00 pm. Mr. Mike Conklin called the meeting to order and Mr.Boltonled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approve Minutes:
- BOS Work Session, December 12, 2016
Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Randlett to approve these minutes. All in favor.
- BOS Minutes December 12, 2016
Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Randlett to approve these minutes. All in favor.
- The Select Board will meet on the following dates:
- Regular meetings – 6:00PM: 1st Budget Public Hearing Monday, January 23rd, 2017 and 2nd Budget Public Hearing if needed/Read Petitioned Warrant Articles, Thursday, February 9th, 2017.
- Work review sessions prior to the regular meeting will start at 5:00PM
- Town Offices will be closed Monday, January 16, 2017 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Special Town Meeting to be held Wednesday, January 18, 2017, regarding appointing the Select Board as agents to expend from the Highway Material and Handling Capital Reserves.
All of the above meetings will be held in the Town Hall, unless otherwise posted
- Citizens wishing to be listed on the Select Board’s Agenda should notify the Town Hall before 12:00 PM the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
Chairman’s Comments:
New Purchase Orders:
- Chief Lefebvre – Motorola Inc.; for portable radios, chargers and accessories: $7,070.22.Mr. Conklin noted that Chief Lefebvre was unable to attend. This is a previously approvedannual expenditure. Mr. Randlett made a motion; seconded by Mr.McIver to approve this purchase order. All in favor.
- Karen Freitas – KOFILE Technologies; conservation, microfilming of Town Records: $41,553.00. This purchased order was previously approved. Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to approve this purchase order. All in favor.
- Paul Freitas – EcoLectric, LLC; heaters for 2 front offices and gold room: $7,717.40. There was a brief discussion, these units will heat and cool an area. Mr. Randlett made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to approve this purchase order. All in favor.
- Jessie Jennings – Javelin Manufacturing; Conveyor/Sorter for Recycling Center: $9,240.00. For years the recycling center has used a makeshift sorter which has been damaged and repaired many times. Jessie would like to use part of the $2M bond, which was approved by the townspeople, to purchase a custom made can sorter. He has submitted several grant applications which could defer the cost 20-30%.Mr. McIver made a motion; seconded by Mr. Randlett to approve this purchase order. All in favor.
New/Other Business:
- Ms. Merelise O’Connor, Jason Randall, Engineer Mike Theriault, Chris Woods and Steve Temperino from Plymouth Village Water and Sewer District, came before the Board to discuss their concernsregarding the proposed South Main St. water and sewer project and the potential impact of the new Northern Pass specifications on Main St. Many water and sewer lines are 80-100 years old and need replacement due to deterioration, which has caused leaks. Though repair of these lines is still in the design phase, this work should be coordinated with any Northern Pass work that may need tobe done in the same area. Jason explained that the separation of lines can vary from 2-15 feet. Heaving and voids were found in addition to original concrete plates that may need to be removed. It is believed that the Northern Pass project will require a road closure (Main St.). It is estimated that it will take 3 construction seasons to complete. Work could start anywhere from 2019 to 2021. The Town of Plymouth does not want Northern Pass to come through town and are acting as interveners. Mark Fischler commented that we all need to work together on this.
- Ms. O’Connor had another item for discussion. The Town Highway Garage sits on property owned by the District which has a 99 year lease. The sand/salt shed sits on a smaller property owned by the District, whose lease has expired. Ms. O’Connor informed the Town that the 60 foot section was needed and needs to be vacated by June of this year. The Town is being notified now, in the event that there needs to be any planning for Town meeting. The sand shed needs to be removed.
Committee Reports:
- Mr. McIver attended a meeting at the Plymouth State University Welcome Center. There were presentations from faculty and students. They are adapting academic programs for on-hand learning in the community. The students were very impressive.
- Mr. Bolton attended a Planning Board meeting. There were 3 Zoning Ordinance changes and some definitions were modified. Statutes for municipalities to deal with Accessory Dwelling Unit regulations were discussed. Signage ordinances for the Town will be compliant with the law. The Planning Board had its first public hearing. Changes to ordinances will be firmed up before the second public hearing, which has to take place before February 2, 2017.
- Mr. Bolton also attended an Energy Commission meeting. The focus of the meeting was the P/V array, which may be constructed at the Recycling Center. The Chair of the Energy Commission is getting information on a power purchase agreement from Revision Energy and will report back. The committee has been working with the Co-Op for alternative wattage bulbs for the street lamps, in order to save money. 3 sample bulbs have been placed throughout town to see how they work.
- Mr. McIver inquired how to go about getting a light at the intersection of Loon Lake and Fairgrounds Rds. This needs further discussion.
Public Comments:None
Mr. Randlett made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to go into Non-publicin accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a thru i). All in favor.
Adjourn: 7:23 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Roach