Berkeley Late Spring Tournament—I Know Kung Fu (2004)

Questions by UC Irvine (Khoi Le, Diana Lavery, Michael Crume, and Willie Chen)

1. A university in this nation's capital is named after Cheikh Anta Diop, one of the founders of Afrocentrism. A nineteenth-century Tukulor uprising, led by al-Hajj Umar, was crushed by the French military, which then recruited his followers as mercenaries. In 1914 Blaise Diagne was its first African representive in Paris; the last, Leopold Senghor, became its first president on independence in 1960. FTP, name this West African nation that almost entirely surrounds the Gambia.

Ans: Senegal

2. As Secretary of Foreign Affairs under the Articles of Confederation, he was frustrated by his negotiations with France, Spain, and the Barbary Pirates. His next diplomatic initiative, the "Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation" that bore his name, patched up relations with Britain but earned him the hatred of the Democratic-Republicans. Adoption of the Eleventh Amendment was encouraged by the opinion he wrote in Chisholm v. Georgia during his service as the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. FTP, this man who collaborated with Hamilton and Madison to produce the Federalist Papers.

Ans: John Jay

3. A seagull dropped a red-bellied one on a boat near London in February 2004. Since the Thames is at least five degrees too cold to permit its survival, it was thought to be an escaped pet. However, keeping these members of the genus Serrasalmus is illegal in many jurisdictions. Their common name, derived from the Tupi and Guarani languages, is a compound of "fish" and "tooth." FTP, name these South American creatures, known for powerful jaws and the ability to quickly kill humans and cattle.

Answer: piranhas

4. Following the Fifth Crusade to Egypt, he was captured by the Muslims, who released him when he offered to walk through fire to prove the truth of the Catholic faith. Pope Innocent III blessed him, in the hope that his followers would fight against the Waldensian and Albigensian heresies. The prayer usually attributed to him begins "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace." FTP, name this thirteenth-century founder of the order of Friars Minor.

Answer: St. Francis of Assisi

5. One of its characters is a ruthless publisher with a magnificent private art collection. Dominique Francon marries the publisher, Gail Wynand as part of an elaborate program of spite against the protagonist, who rapes her in a ritualized manner at a construction site. Wynand ends up losing his empire when he puts all his editorial force behind his support of the protagonist's work. For 10 points—name this fat stupid novel about architect Howard Roark written by Ayn Rand.

Answer: The Fountainhead

6. This product has been available in Europe for about 17 years, and its production involves mixing albumen with an extracted mycoprotein. First produced in Britain from fungi in gigantic vats, it is textured and then pressed into a mince or into chunks. In the US, this meat-substitute has run into opposition from the Center for Science in the Public Interest because of potential allergic reactions. FTP, identify this vegan product, whose name is a homonym for a certain food eaten on a cob.

Answer: quorn

7. Two years after it was made public, one of its instigators was found guilty of perjury, flogged, and imprisoned for life—only to be freed by the Revolution of 1688. Its immediate aftermath included 35 executions and the fall of the Danby government. Israel Tonge and Titus Oates originally planned to burn London, slaughter Protestants, and place James, Duke of York, on the throne, replacing the current monarch. FTP, name this apocryphal 1678 Jesuit "plot" to assassinate Charles II.

Answer: Popish plot

8. They can include porphyroblasts, which resemble phenocrysts but grow by replacing portions of the matrix. They are grouped into various facies depending on the parent material and the grade, which describes the temperature and pressure field of formation. These rocks can be formed by contact or regional processes, which can produce textural foliation. Hornfels, greenstone, marble, and gneiss are all examples of, FTP, what class of rocks formed by altering pre-existing rocks?

Answer: metamorphic rocks

9. One of the title characters later became a baronet, with a coat of arms displaying his missing right leg. The other title character is incorrectly portrayed with lips and two types of teeth. A sense of motion is implied by the thrust of the boathook, and the boatswain hanging on to the shirt of a sailor straining to rescue the boy. Set in Havana harbor, FTP name this Copley painting depicting a swimmer attacked by a marine predator.

Answer: Brook Watson and the Shark

10. At the end of Alban Berg's opera Wozzeck, the illegitimate son of Wozzeck and Marie goes off the stage on one of these. Traditionally associated with the English Morris dance, this object is used in rituals to increase fertility and general well-being. Donned by a man, its mock animals are probably group emblems or totems. Created of wood, wicker, and cloth or—in some cases—a real equine skull, FTP what is this object, known as "dada" in French?

Answer: hobby-horse

11. The Mughal emperor Akbar made his favorite one a judge as well as executioner. Timur used flaming straw on the backs of camels and large caltrops to deal with them. At the battle of Thapsus, Caesar armed his fifth legion with axes and commanded them to strike the legs of these animals. Scipio's men separated into columns and made loud noises at the battle of Zama, causing these animals to run ineffectively through the gaps. FTP, name these animals brought across the Alps by Hannibal, the symbol of the Republican party.

Answer: elephants

12. This technique was greatly sped up by the introduction of echo planar imaging, which uses a spin-echo effect seen in protons precessing coherently in the applied field. It does not involve ionizing radiation, and exploits variations in relaxation times and water concentrations to obtain greater contrast resolution of soft tissues than x-ray absorption or CT scans. Useful for spinal cord and brain scans, FTP name this technique which utilizes radio frequency pulses and strong, uniform magnetic fields.

Answer: Magnetic Resonance Imaging

13. This novel's author wrote a senior thesis on Dostoyevsky's use of the double, and the main character of the novel considers writing a senior thesis on Finnegan's Wake focusing on the theme of twins. The protagonist prefers Dr. Nolan to Dr. Gordon, and finds herself unable to think about knives after one treatment. This novel begins in 1953, "the summer they executed the Rosenbergs," and the heroine is subjected to electroshock therapy. Focusing on Esther Greenwood, FTP name this semi-autobiographical novel by Sylvia Plath.

Answer: The Bell Jar

14. In 1963, The Jimmy Dean Show featured this man's character Rowlf the piano-playing dog. One of his earliest works was the TV-short Sam and Friends for WRC-TV. His later success largely depended on the technique of focusing on the puppets and keeping the puppeteers out of the camera frame rather than hiding behind a structure. He created The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth as well the children's program Fraggle Rock. FTP, identify the creative force behind Sesame Street and The Muppet Show.

Answer: Jim Henson

15. Okun's law states that every one percent increase in this quantity results in a two-percent increase in the gap between potential and real GDP. Traditionally, it is divided into four types: frictional, seasonal, cyclical, and structural. Monetarists believe that a natural level of this exists below which government policies to reduce it will be counterproductive, and the Phillips Curve shows the relation between this quantity and inflation. For ten points, what is this macroeconomic quantity measuring the rate of people out of work?

Answer: unemployment

16. Complex ones have Kahler structures given by the Fubini-Study form and have cell decompositions with one cell in each even dimension. An n-dimensional one over any field can be obtained by gluing together n+1 copies of the n-dimensional affine space, crresponding to the n+1 possible homogeneous coordinates being nonzero. They are defined as the set of lines in a vector space. For 10 points--parallel lines intersect in points at infininity in which sort of spaces?

Answer: projective space

17. It begins: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear ... though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." It later continues "He breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder". The two halves of a certain author's surname appears in these quotations, spaced from the beginning and end a number of words equal to the number of this chapter and the author's age when the King James Bible was revised. For 10 points--which psalm is therefore cited as proof that Shakespeare contributed to the King James Bible in 1610?

Answer: Psalm 46 of the King James Bible

18. This term has been used to describe the 1991 Shiite uprisings in southern Iraq against Saddam Hussein. The first of its kind saw rock-throwing mass demonstrations, which provoked an armed response from Israeli forces that claimed 1000 lives. But it was followed by peace talks, beginning with the 1991 Madrid Conference. FTP, identify this Palestinian uprising, erupted in December 1987 in the Gaza Strip that quickly spread to the West Bank.

Answer: Intifada

19. This structure boasts a triangular web of steel supports and is sheathed in exactly 666 ocher-tinted glass panels drawn by St. Gobain. An inverted version of this structure provides light to the underground complex of the museum. This centerpiece of the Cour Napoleon was commissioned by Francois Mitterand, nicknamed "the Sphinx," and some detractors saw it as further evidence of his Egypt-fixation. FTP, name this I. M. Pei-designed entrance to a Parisian museum.

Answer: glass Louvre pyramid (accept Louvre entrance until "Pei-designed entrance" is read; prompt on Louvre vestibule, Louvre anteroom, etc.)

20. When ionized, it produces the H and K absorption lines in stellar spectra. With oxalate, it forms the most common type of kidney stone. In Bowen's reaction series, the continuous branch moves from a composition rich in this element to the sodium-rich end of the plagioclase series. Its level in blood plasma is raised by parathyroid hormone, and its absorption in the body requires vitamin D. The principal mineral of limestone is the carbonate of, FTP, what element important to bone formation?

Answer: calcium

1. For this music-theory bonus, assume both notes given are within an octave, with the bottom note given first. For 10 points each, identify the interval between:

10) C and A-sharp

Answer: augmented sixth (do not accept "minor seventh"; do prompt on "sixth")

10) B and D

Answer: minor third (prompt on "third")

10) G and F-flat

Answer: diminished seventh (do not accept "major sixth"; do prompt on "seventh")

2. For 10 points each, name these people in the history of the Philippines:

10) Namesake of the former capital on Luzon, he was the first president of the Philippines.

Answer: Manuel Luis Quezon

10) This Filipino revolutionary led the rising against Spain in 1896 and against the USA in 1899. After he was captured in 1901, he took the oath of allegiance to America.

Answer: Emilio Aguinaldo

10) This lavish wife of the assassinated Benigno served as president from 1986 to 1992.

Answer: Maria Corazon Aquino-Cojuangco (or "Cory Aquino")

3. Answer these questions regarding technology companies for 10 points each:

A. Formed in 1972 by five former IBM employees, its dominance in it's market was one of the reasons given for Oracle's attempted hostile takeover of Peoplesoft.

Answer: SAP

B. Starting as a vegetable oil and soap manufacturer, this company has diversified into other fields, such as IT outsourcing. It's president used to help run GE's medical scanning business.

Answer: Wipro

C. In 2004, this company was number 8 on Fortune Magazine's list of best companies to work for with only Adobe being the only technology company ranked higher. It is the world's largest privately held computer software company.

Answer: SAS

4. Answer the following on responses to a famous poem, FTPE.

10) This Marlowe poem inspired Donne's poem "Bait," which begins, "Come live with me and be my love,/ And we will some new pleasures prove"

Ans: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

10) This man wrote the poem "Come, Live with Me and Be My Love," which ends, "Hunger shall make thy modest zone/ "And cheat fond death of all but bone—/ If these delights thy mind may move,/ Then live with me and be my love." He was named Poet Laureate in 1968, and his son Daniel is an Academy-Award winning actor.

Ans: Cecil Day Lewis

10) This man wrote "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd," as well as "The Lie."

Ans: Sir Walter Raleigh

5. Name these serial killers for 10 points each:

10) Considered to be the first serial killer, this unknown murderer of Whitechapel prostitutes might be--according to Patricia Cornwall--artist Walter Sickert.

Answer: Jack the Ripper

10) This Wisconsin-native murdered only two people. He is the Mother-dependent and woman-suit-making inspiration for Psycho, The Silence of the Lambs, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Answer: Ed Gein

10) This unassuming Chicago-area businessman surprised a lot of people when the remains of 30-plus young men that he tortured and killed were found under his floorboards and in the nearby river. Name this man, who, in his spare time, dressed up as Pogo the clown and entertained at children's hospitals.

Answer: John Wayne Gacy

6. Name these French social theorists for 10 points each:

10) In addition to literary work and scientific research, he is best known for The Spirit of Laws.

Answer: Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu (or Charles-Louis de Secondat)

10) This student of Althusser wrote such influential works as Madness and Civilization, The Archaeology of Knowledge, and The History of Sexuality. He argues that people in power define what is criminal in order to oppress the "deviants."

Answer: Michel Foucault

10) He espouses Descartes' dualism of mind and body but explains all causal interaction between them by a theory of "occasionalism." His major work is Search after Truth, published in 1674.

Answer: Nicolas Malebranche [mal-BRONSH]

7. Name these 20th-century physicists for 10 points each:

10) This Harvard-trained physicist co-founded laboratories at Boston and produced the light-polarizing filter material that evolved into instant photography.

Answer: Edwin Land

10) This Tokyo-born physicist predicted the existence of the meson and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1949.

Answer: Hideki Yukawa

10) He shared a Nobel with Basov and Prokhorov for his work on developing the maser.

Answer: Charles Hard Townes

8. Arrrrrrr you ready for a pirate bonus? For 10 points each, name these pirates:

10) "A man who was never more sinister than when he was most polite," it was said that the only thing he shied at was the sight of his own blood, which was thick and of an unusual colour." Oh, and that crocodile.

Answer: Captain Hook

10) He's been a ghost pirate, a zombie pirate, and a flaming pirate from Hell. According to LucasArts we should see a fifth installment of this not-quite-mortal enemy of Guybrush Threepwood, an evil villain from the Monkey Island game series.

Answer: LeChuck

10) In 1717, this English pirate with a colorful nickname led the capture of the French slave ship La Concorde, which was converted into his flagship and renamed Queen Anne's Revenge.

Answer: Blackbeard or Edward Teach

9. Answer the following about transformational grammar for the stated number of points.

5, 5) Transformational grammar holds that a sentence has two structures, D and S, which are the sentence as it is generated and as it is spoken, respectively. For five points each, what do D and S stand for?

Answer: deep and surface structure

10) One of the most common types of transformation is the movement of question words like “who” or “what” to the beginning of a question. For ten points, what is this process known by?

Answer: wh-movement

10) Noam Chomsky posited that all transformations can be described by a single rule, which says that you can move anything in a sentence to anywhere else under any conditions. There are a few exceptions, of course. For a final ten, name this rule.

Answer: move-alpha (accept also “affect alpha”)

10. Identify these things from the War of the Spanish Succession FTPE.

10) This British general led the British forces to many victories in the war, most famously at Blenheim.

Answer: John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough

10) This Austrian commander of French birth joined Marlborough in his victories at Blenheim and afterwards.