Dork Bowl I: Dorkier Than Thou

Round by:

Iowa State University


1. He wrote cinematic music such as _New Babylon_ and ballets such as _The Bolt_ and _The Age of Gold_. Nicknames for his symphonies include _The Year 1905_ for his 11th, _To _October for his 2nd_, _The First of May for his 3rd_, _Babiy Yar_ for his 13th, and _Leningrad_ for his 7th. FTP, name this Soviet composer who also wrote the operas _Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District_ and _The Nose_.

Answer: Dmitri _Shostakovich_

2. His early Symbolist influences were reflected in 1917's "Over the Barriers" and 1922's "My Sister Life." Because his most famous supposedly "represented in a libelous manner the October Revolution," it was not formally published in the Soviet Union for 29 years. FTP, identify the 1958 Nobel Prize winner and the author of "Doctor Zhivago."

Answer: Boris Leonidovich _Pasternak_

3. Not only is this man the oldest regular starter in the NBA at the age of 37, he has the highest scoring average of anyone over 35 with 18.8 points per game. After last season, when his Greek team won the league championship, he moved on to help fill the void left by David Robinson's injury with the Spurs. FTP, name this former Atlanta Hawk, still competent even if he is no longer the "human highlight film."

Answer: Dominique _Wilkins_

4. Usually made from diodes arranged in such a way that current flows in one direction only, this type of switch is needed in all electronic equipment plugged into an alternating current power supply. FTP, name this device, used to convert alternating current to direct current.

Answer: _Rectifier_

5. The river with this name is about 200 miles long, formed by the junction of the Haw and Deep Rivers, and is the longest river wholly within North Carolina. The promontory with this name, near which the river flows, is at the southern tip of Smith Island and is named because of the treacherous waters which surround it. FTP, give the memorable common name, also the name of a Martin Scorsese directed thriller.

Answer: _Cape Fear_

6. It ends with the question, "Po-tee-weet?" A 1966 work, sub-subtitled "A Duty-Dance with Death," it centers on lead character's stay in a Tralmafadorian zoo, his career as an optometrist in Illium, New York, and his time as a chaplain's assistant in the U.S. Army during World War II. FTP, name this Kurt Vonnegut novel which focuses on Billy Pilgrim and describes the fire-bombing of Dresden.

Answer: _"Slaughterhouse-Five"_

7. A physician by profession, he switched to politics. First elected president in 1957 with the backing of the army, he declared himself president for life in 1964 and his regime became known as a brutal reign of terror. Upon his death in 1971, he was succeeded by his son Jean-Claude. FTP, name this Haitian dictator.

Answer: _Francois Duvalier_ or _"Papa Doc" Duvalier_

8. He was first written about in Century magazine by Edward O'Reilly. He fell off of a wagon while his parents were travelling west, was raised by coyotes, and was weaned on moonshine liquor. When he grew up, he invented the six-shooter, rode a tornado, and used a rattlesnake as a lasso, before dying from drinking nitroglycerin. FTP, name this American folk hero who was named for the river on which he grew up.

Answer: _Pecos Bill_

9. As a distinct style, it is first discernible after 1520 in the works of Giulio Romano, a pupil of Raphael. Other practitioners included Rosso Fiorentino and Jacopo da Pontormo. Famous works of this style include _The Burial of Count Orgaz_ by El Greco and _Madonna with the Long Neck_ by Parmagianino. FTP, name this style characterized by the use of attenuated figures, so named because it was a cultivation of previous style.

Answer: _mannerism_

11. He fled his home at 17 and lived in Wales and London before befriending Coleridge and Wordsworth. In 1804, to relieve the pain of facial neuralgia, he took laudenum, and was soon addicted. After escaping poverty when his most famous work appeared in 1821, he published _Suspira de Profundis_ and _Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts_. FTP, name this man best known for _Confessions of an English Opium Eater_.

Answer: Thomas _De Quincey_

12. Begin by standardizing notation - the symbols generally used are U, D, R, L, F, and B. Next, choose a color. Then, align the edge pieces so that the face with the chosen color at its center now displays a "plus" constructed from the color. After the edges are correct, move the corner pieces such that one face shows only the previously chosen color. FTP, this describes the beginning to the solution of what eighties toy craze?

Answer: _Rubik's cube_

13. It supposedly had no color, no odor, no taste and no weight and was hypothesized in 1669 by Johann Becher, who called it terra pinguis or "combustible earth." Georg Stahl coined its more familiar name. FTP, name this substance thought to be present in all flammable materials until its existence was refuted by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century.

Answer: _phlogiston_

14. A psychiatrist by profession, his collection, "Of Unmentioned Years and Other Poems", was a top-seller in Greece this Christmas. His literary side probably seems strange to many as he has twice been indicted for crimes against humanity by the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal. FTP, identify this man, the leader of the Bosnian Serbs.

answer: Radovan _Karadzic_

15. It measures anywhere from 7 to 12 feet in length and is made of long wooden staves tightly bound with birchbark strips to create an airtight tube. It is played with a cup-shaped wooden mouthpiece and its crude construction causes an irregular pitch. FTP, identify this instrument, included by Rossini in the opera "William Tell" and featured in a Ricola commercial.

Answer: _alpenhorn_ (_alphorn_)

16. Of the eleven most recently discovered, ten were found by Landon Curt Noll, David Slowinski, John Brown, Sergio Zarantonello, Paul Gage. The latest, discovered by a T90 series supercomputer during one of its shakedown tests, can be expressed as two raised to the one million, two hundred fifty seven thousand, seven hundred eighty-seventh power - minus one. FTP, what kind of numbers are these, some other examples of which are 2, 3, and 5?

Answer: Mersenne _prime_ numbers

17. It began from a suggestion by Theodore Roosevelt Jr., and its first organizing meeting, in March, 1919, was called the Paris Caucus. During the depressions of the early 1920's and 30's, over 1,000 posts received certificates of honor for helping keep local schools running despite budget cuts. FTP, name this veterans' organization with almost 3 million members which today sponsors Boys State.

Answer: _American Legion_

18. By 1501, some of these plays were so elaborate that they took over a week to perform, but they degraded into cheap buffoonery and crude slapstick and were banned by some ecclesiastical authorities. A modern version by Jacques Scheurs is given every five years in Tegelen, The Netherlands, and one in Oberammergau is criticized for anti-Semitic overtones. FTP, identify this type of play dealing with the death and Resurrection of Jesus.

Answer: _Passion_ play

19. Also known as the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern, it was fought between 11,000 Union troops under General Curtis and 16,000 Confederates under Generals Van Dorn, Price, and McCulloch. Although the Confederate troops initially held the upper hand, they were ultimately forced to retreat and abandon hopes of

regaining Arkansas. FTP, identify the March, 1862, battle in Arkansas.

Answer: Battle of _Pea Ridge_

20. "On January evening of the early seventies, Christine Nilsson was singing in "Faust" at the Academy of Music in New York," begins this novel which describes the life of the protagonist as he falls in love with Countess Ellen Olenska as he marries May Welland. FTP, name this 1921 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about Newland Archer by Edith Wharton.

Answer: "The _Age of Innocence_"

21. Elected pope in 1503, he personally led armies in the conquest of Perugia and Bologna. An important patron of the arts, he commissioned Donato Bramante to design the new St. Peter's Church and also employed Raphael. FTP, name this pope, who also commissioned Michelangelo to decorate the Sistine Chapel with frescoes.

Answer: _Julius II_ or Giuliano della _Rovere_

22. Some think this word is derived from a Scottish word meaning a sharp and clever woman while others believe that it has a Dutch origin, coming from the common Dutch names Jan and Cornelis. FTP, what is this word which is used by Europeans as a name for American soldiers and identifies the 1996 World Series champions.

Answer: _Yankee_


1. For ten points each, name the founders of following religious groups.

A. Hasidic Judaism

Answer: _Ba'al Shem Tov_

B. Sikhism

Answer: Guru _Nanak_

C. Jainism

Answer: _Mahavira_

2. FTP each, name these islands of the East Indies from a brief description.

A. It contains the Indonesian provinces of Sarawak and Sabah and the sultanate of Brunei.

Answer: _Borneo_

B. The western half of this island contains the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya.

Answer: _New Guinea_ (DO NOT accept "Papua New Guinea")

C. The city of Makassar is located on this very unusually shaped island located just east of Borneo.

Answer: _Celebes_ (_Sulawesi_)

3. 30-20-10, name the collection of stories from the stories contained within it.

30: "The Story of the Husband and the Parrot"

20: "The Story of the Merchant and the Jinni"

10: "The Story of Es-Sindibad of the Sea and Es-Sindibad of the Land"

Answer: "The _Thousand and One Nights"_ (_"Thousand and One Arabian Nights"_)

(_"Arabian Nights"_)

4. Given a Cabinet post, identify both the holder of that post on Election Day, 1996 and the person nominated by Clinton in December, 1996 to replace the current holder for five points each. Please specify which is which.

A. Secretary of State

Answer: Warren _Christopher_ (holder); Madeleine _Albright_ (nominated)

B. Secretary of Transportation

Answer: Federico _Pena_ (holder); Rodney _Slater_ (nominated)

C. Secretary of Energy

Answer: Hazel _O'Leary_ (holder); Federico _Pena_ (nominated)

5. In one of the Sherlock Holmes stories, Dr. Watson mentioned other literary detectives. Answer the following questions FTP each.

A. The novel in which this incident occurred, the same where Holmes and Watson are introduced.

Answer: _"A Study in Scarlet"_

B. Edgar Allen Poe's detective, whose three short stories created the detective fiction genre.

Answer: C. Auguste _Dupin_

C. Emile Gaboriau's detective creation who appeared in _L'Affaire Leronge_ and four other novels.

Answer: Monsieur _Lecoq_

6. FTP each--given three characters, identify the novel in which they appear:

A. Victor, Elizabeth Lavenza, Justine Moritz

Answer: _"Frankenstein"_ ("The _Modern Prometheus"_)

B. Alan Breck Stewart, Ebenezer Balfour, David Balfour

Answer: _"Kidnapped"_

C. Kelly Riker, Bruiser Stone, Rudy Baylor

Answer: _"The Rainmaker"_

7. Given a statistical category, identify the Division I-A football player who led the nation in that category in 1996. You will receive five points for correctly identifying the player and an additional five points for naming his school.

A. Rushing yards per game

Answer: Troy _Davis_, _Iowa State_ University of Science and Technology

B. Passing efficiency

Answer: Steve _Sarkisian_, _Brigham Young_ University (_BYU_)

C. Interceptions

Answer: Dre' _Bly_, University of _North Carolina_-Chapel Hill

8. Given a description, identify the type of gait that a horse uses when moving FTP each.

A. A four-beat gait, the horse lifts one foot after another and puts it down in the same order.

Answer: _walk_

B. Used in harness racing, in this gait the horse moves the legs on the same side of its body at the same time.

Answer: _pace_ (acc. Trot)

C. A three-beat gait, in which a forefoot strikes the ground on the first beat, the other forefoot and opposite hind leg strike on the second beat, and the other hind leg strikes on the third beat. With done fast with a leap in the middle, it is called a gallop.

Answer: _canter_

9. Answer the following questions about historians and the study of history for the stated number of points.

A. (5 pts) Often called the "Father of History", he wrote his account of the Greek-Persian Wars based on interviews of the participants.

Answer: _Herodotus_

B. (10 pts) Often called the "Father of Modern History", this German of the 19th century introduced the use of seminars to teach future historians and developed methods to analyze documents.

Answer: Leopold von _Ranke_

C. (10 pts) The uses of statistical methods to interpret data from sources such as old censuses or account books is referred to by this name.

Answer: _cliometrics_

D. (5 pts) The writing of history comprises this field.

Answer: _historiography_

10. Identify the following composer 30-20-10.

(30 pts) Among the books on music that he authored are "Grand Treatise on Modern Instrumentation and Orchestration" and "The Conductor: The Theory of His Art".

(20 pts) Among his operas are "The Trojans" and "Beatrice and Benedict".

(10 pts) His more famous symphonies include "Romeo and Juliet" and "Symphonie fantastique".

Answer: Louis-Hector _Berlioz_

11. Answer the following questions about Hitler's Cabinet as chancellor in last days of the Weimar Republic FTP each.

A. Formerly president of the Reichstag, he became minister of the interior for Prussia upon Hitler's rise to chancellor.

Answer: Hermann _Goring_ (_Goering_)

B. As national minister of the interior, he and Goring were the only Nazis in Hitler's original Cabinet.

Answer: Wilhelm _Frick_

C. A former chancellor, from June 1 to December 4, 1932, he served as vice chancellor.

Answer: Franz von _Papen_

12. FTP each, given a hormone, identify the gland from which it is secreted.

A. glucagon

Answer: _pancreas_

B. follicle stimulating hormone

Answer: _pituitary_ gland

C. calcitonin

Answer: _thyroid_ gland

13. FTP apiece, given an event, name the book of the Bible in which it takes place.

A. Lot's two daughters have sex with him on successive nights

Answer: _Genesis _

B. David slays Goliath

Answer: _1 Samuel_

C. The Holy Ghost appears in the form of tongues of flame above the heads of the disciples

Answer: _Acts_ of the Apostles

14. 30-20-10, name the artist from works.

(30 pts) "The Mall", “Lady Innes”

(20 pts) "Perdita", “David Garrick”

(10 pts) "The Blue Boy"

Answer: Thomas _Gainsborough_

15. FTP each, given an election year, identify the candidate that received the second most electoral votes in that election.

A. 1884

Answer: James G. _Blaine_

B. 1860

Answer: John C. _Breckinridge_

C. 1824

Answer: John _Q_uincy _Adams_

16. Answer the following questions about distillation FTP each.

A. In this form of simple distillation, a liquid is passed from a vessel maintained at a high pressure to one kept at a lower pressure.

Answer: _flash_ distillation

B. This type of distillation involve chemical changes, usually decomposition. An example is the making of methanol from wood chips.

Answer: _destructive_ distillation

C. In this type, some of the distillate is returned to the still, where it enriches the vapor being condensed.

Answer: _rectification_

17. Identify the following authors on a 15-5 basis.

A. (15 pts) She began editing the children's magazine "St. Nicolas" from its inception in 1873.

(5 pts) Her most famous story is "Hans Brinker: or, The Silver Skates"

Answer: Mary Elizabeth Mapes _Dodge_

B. (15 pts) His scholarly work includes 1879's "Euclid and His Modern Rivals" and his humourous pamphlets on university affairs were collected into 1874's "Notes by an Oxford Chiel".

(5 pts) His most famous works are "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "The Hunting of the Snark"

Answer: Lewis _Carroll_ (Charles Lutwidge _Dodgson_)

18. Answer the following questions about electromagnetism for the stated number of points.

A. (10 pts) You are given a long solenoid. Ignoring end effects, the magnetic field inside the solenoid depends on only two variables. For five points each, what are these two variables.

Answer: _number of windings_ per unit length; _current_ in the wire

B. (5 pts) A charged particle moves through a magnetic field but no force is exerted on the particle. For five points, what can be said about the motion of the particle with respect to the field.

Answer: _parallel_ to each other

C. (10 pts) For ten points, identify the Danish scientist who in 1820 discovered that currents produce magnetic fields

Answer: Hans Christian _Orsted_ (_Oersted_)

D. (5 pts) This law states that the current induced by a magnetic field gives rise to a magnetic flux that opposes the original magnetic flux change. For five points, name it.

Answer: _Lenz_'s Law

19. Identify the following works of Fyodor Dostoevsky FTP each.

A. His first novel, it tells of an elderly clerk's struggle for respectability while concealing his love for an orphan girl. It earned high praise from critic Vissarion Belinsky.

Answer: _"Poor Folk"_

B. A fictionalized acccount of his own imprisonment, it relates the memoirs of a man condemned for murdering his wife.

Answer: _"Notes from the House of the Dead"_

C. In this novel, the main character Raskolnikov is led to murder by a belief that humanitarian ends justify evil means. Other characters include his wife Marmeladov and the prostitute Sonya.

Answer: _"Crime and Punishment"_

20. Answer the following concerning astronomical measurements FTP each.

A. A star on the ecliptic which exhibits a parallax of one arcsecond is this distance from Earth.

Answer: _One parsec_

B. Within 0.1 light years, give the number of light years in a parsec.

Answer: _3.26 lightyears_

C. Next to the moon, identify the body of the solar system which exerts the strongest tidal forces on Earth.

Answer: the _sun_