23rd April 2016



To be held at

Pachesham Farm, Randalls Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0AL


QUALIFIERS FOR RIHS – BSPS Leading Rein & First Ridden; Show Hunter Pony & Lead Rein of Hunter Type; Show Pony; Nursery Stakes & Open WHP & Intermediate Working Hunter; Heritage M&M Lead Rein First Ridden; Heritage M&M Open Ridden; Anglo & Part bred Arabs; Pretty Polly Mixed height Show Pony, Mixed height SHP; Heritage M&M Lead Rein & First Ridden & Ridden Mixed breeds.

BSPA Ridden Large and Small.

Qualifiers for BSPS ‘Black Country Saddles’ Best Rider and The BSPS ‘Best of the Best’ Area Supreme Championship.

Also qualifiers for: NPS Summer Championship Show; Cherif Championship Show; Senior Showing & Dressage Society Championship Show and the following Championships at the North of England Show – The ‘Leaventhorpe’ Supreme Mini Pony Championship; The ‘Michaela Wood’ Supreme Ridden Pony Championship; The ‘Torne Valley’ Supreme Ridden Mountain and Moorland Championship; The ‘TopSpec’ Supreme Pretty Polly Ridden Championship; The ‘June Horsfall’ Supreme Ridden Part Bred & Anglo Arab Championship; Finals to be held at The North of England Summer Horse Show on 9 & 10thJuly 2016. Exhibitors who qualify for the final will be sent details directly from: The Secretary, North of England Show, Blue Slate Stables, Showley Rd, Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lanc. BB1 9DP


The Area 14 Champion from all BSPS Championships will be invited to compete for the AREA 14 SUPREME at the end of the show. To be eligible animals must be registered, owned and ridden with the BSPS and MUST be members of Area 14.

The Area Supreme Champion will qualify for The BSPS ‘Best of the Best’ Area Supreme Championship at the 2016 Summer Championship Show.

On-line entries via Equo events

Entry Fees: RIHS Classes – £35.00 (includes RIHS levy of £9.00)

All other classes – £15.00

Late entry fees payable after midnight 20th April 2016 (if classes not FULL)

Postal entries must be with the secretary by 18th April

RIHS classes - £50.00

All other classes - £20.00

Please add £5.00 per rider for First Aid cover.

Show Secretary: Mrs Z Micallef

The Cottage, Lower Stonehurst Farm, East Grinstead, Sussex. RH19 5PX.

Telephone: 01342 327222. NO CALLS AFTER 9.00 pm please.

Cheques made payable to: BSPS AREA 14 Ltd.

Entries accepted on day CASH ONLY.


This show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society and all persons entering, competing, showing or otherwise taking part in BSPS classes, whether or not members of the BSPS are subject to the constitution and rules of the BSPS including the disciplinary procedures and shall be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction of the BSPS. Owners and riders MUST be BSPS members before the date of the show to compete in classes with qualifications for the RIHSBlue Riband(including Pretty Polly and Heritage classes) and animals MUST be registered with the BSPS except for the Anglo & P/B Arabs who must be registered with the AHS.


This show is a qualifier for the RIHS. The highest placed pony, not already qualified from the first THREE ponies will qualify in the following classes: Open Lead Rein, Open First Ridden, Open 128cms, 138cms and 148cms Show Pony,Open Nursery Stakes, Open 133cms, 143cms and 153cms WHP.Open Int WH.Open Lead Rein Hunter type, Open 122cm, 133cms, 143cms and 153cms Show Hunter Pony, Heritage Lead Rein, Heritage First Ridden, Heritage Open Small breeds; Welsh Sec A/B; Welsh Sec C/D; New Forest & Connemara; Large Breeds. Pretty Polly Heritage Lead Rein; First Ridden and Mixed Breed Ridden; Pretty Polly Mixed height Show Pony, Pretty Polly not exc 133cms Mixed height Show Hunter Pony, Pretty Polly exc. 133cms but not exc 153cms mixed height SHP class. Anglo & Part Bred Arab not exceeding 148cms and exc 148cms. .


The 1st and 2nd placed pony will qualify in the following classes: Open RIHS Lead Rein and First Ridden; Open RIHS Show Pony classes; Open RIHS Show Hunter Pony classes; Open RIHS WHP; Open RIHS Intermediate WHP.


1st and 2nd prizewinners in all Open and Novice BSPS classes and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed ponies in mixed height classes will qualify for the BSPS Summer Championship Show.

1st placed ponies from the HERITAGE OPEN classes will qualify for the BSPS HERITAGE WOW Factor (Winner of Winners) at the BSPS Summer Championship Show.


The qualification for the BSPS Premier League will be awarded to the 1st;2nd;3rd and 4thplaced ponies in Open classes that are not RIHS qualifiers.


The highest placed pony that has not qualified for the 2016 Horse of the Year Show in the appropriate Open class will qualify. If the highest placed pony has already qualified for the ‘BSPS CHALLENGE’ the qualification will be awarded to the next eligible pony.


The Best Rider in all Open qualifying classes will be awarded a Best Rider Card and qualify for the final at the Summer Championship Show. In Open Heritage Ridden and WHP classes a card will be awarded to riders who have not attained their 25th birthday before 1st January in the current year.


The RIHS Open Show Pony champion will qualify for The ‘Michaela Wood’ Supreme Ridden Pony Championship. If the Champion has already qualified the Reserve Champion will go forward.

The RIHSChampion Open Ridden M&M will qualify for ‘The TORNE VALLEY’ SUPREME RIDDENMOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. If the Champion has already qualified the Reserve Champion will go forward.

The RIHSMini Show Pony Champion and the RIHS LRSHT winner will qualify for The ‘LEAVENTHORPE’ Supreme Mini Pony Championship. If the Mini SP Champion has already qualified the Reserve will go forward.

The RIHS Ridden Anglo/Part bred Champion and Reserve will qualify forTheJUNE HORSEFALL PART BRED AND ANGLO ARAB SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP

The RIHS Pretty Polly Ridden Champion Will qualify for The ‘TOPSPEC’ Supreme ‘Pretty Polly Ridden Championship. If the Champion has already qualified the reserve will go forward.


This is a qualifying show for the CHERIF CHAMPIONSHIP 2016the final will be held at The Cherif Championship show,Addington Manor Equestrian Centre, Addington,Bucks on the 14th September 2016. All details and qualifying cards at £25.00 each (payable to Cherif Championship) from Mrs L. Temple, 67 High Street, Codford, Wiltshire, BA12 0NB

Please state the name and accurate height of horse/pony. SAE and contact number please.


These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be registered in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible.

Qualifying rounds for most NPS competitions are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify for the final of the competition at the NPS Summer Championship Show at Malvern August 2016. The highest placed pony in each qualifying round will qualify qualification will go no lower than third place. A pony may only qualify once .It is the responsibility of the owner/producer to ensure that the rider/handler knows whether their pony has already qualified and whether or not they are entitled to take the qualification.

NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship - Riders of Home Produced ponies (see definition in the NPS Rules Book) can wear a white arm band in classes where this is indicated. These ponies, if owned by NPS members, are then eligible to qualify for the final at the NPS Summer Championship Show.


All competitors should acquaint themselves with SSADL rules before entering. The Olympia Anthony Evans SSADL First Round qualifiers are open to both Affiliated and Unaffiliated members of the Senior Showing & Dressage Ltd. SSADLtd Rulebook can be found at


Qualifiers for RIHS 2016 classes will be judged under BSPA rules – download from w All horses/ponies must be registered and all owners and riders must be BSPA members prior to the show, Rider’s age taken from 1st January. Membership and qualification cards must be carried in the ring by competitors and produced as required for inspection or signature. Failure to do so will mean disqualification. Spurs may not be worn in any pony class. Ponies 153cm and under (Shetlands exempt) must possess a current JMB height certificate. All stallions must be graded with BSPA and in possession of a BSPA Stallion ID card which must be carried at all times and produced on request. All stallions must wear a BSPA Stallion disc. No rider under 15 may exhibit a stallion in any class. No competitor/owner/horse may compete in this class or enter the ring without 2016 membership of BSPA and a RIHS qualification card.

Qualification 1ST place and the next unqualified competitor standing 2nd or 3rd qualify from each class. No competitor may qualify from lower than 3rd place. Skewbald and Piebald horses/ponies only.

Highest placed AMATEUR and HIGHEST placed JUNIOR in each class qualify for the Amateur and Junior Supreme Championship finals to be held at BSPA World of Colour Championship on 23rd August 2016. Cards to be shown and qualification card signed.

AREA 14 SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP kindly sponsored by Thompson Estate Management

The highest placed AREA 14 member in all OPEN BSPS classes will go forward to the SECTION CHAMPIONSHIP To be eligible for the Area 14 Championship riders MUST WEAR A RED ARMBAND. All SECTION CHAMPIONS(M&M Novice and open WHP; novice whp; RIHS Open WHP: RIHS P/B Ridden; RIHS Mini SP; RIHS SHP; RIHS Mini Heritage: RIHS Heritage Open; RIHS Pretty Polly )will then qualify for the AREA 14 SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP which will take place at the end of the day in a ring to be announced. The overall AREA SUPREME will win the Tarran-Jones Family Memorial trophy kindly presented by the Powel Family.


Commencing at 8.30 a.m. – Judge: Mrs J. Lang

Class 1 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by The Jago Family) BSPS OPEN LEAD REIN. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cm. Riders not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 2 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by The Jago Family) BSPS OPEN FIRST RIDDEN. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cm. Riders not to have attained their 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by The Jago Family) BSPS OPEN MINI-SHOW PONY CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to 1st & 2nd prizewinners from classes 1 & 2. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS Champion of Champions.

BSPS AREA 14 CHAMPIONSHIP.(Kindly Sponsored by P J Skips) – the highest placed AREA 14 member in classes 1 & 2.

The CHAMPION will qualify for the AREA 14 SUPREME.

Class 3 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Harvey Show Team) BSPS OPEN SHOW PONY 128cm. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 128cm. Riders not to have attained their 13th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 4 RIHS (Kindly Sponsored by Harvey Show Team)BSPS OPEN SHOW PONY 138cm. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over exceeding 128cm but not exceeding 138cm. Riders not to have attained their 15th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 5.RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Harvey Show Team) BSPS OPEN SHOW PONY 148cm. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over exceeding 138cm but not exceeding 148cm. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

RIHS BSPS OPEN SHOW PONY CHAMPIONSHIP – open to the 1st & 2nd prize winners from classes 3 – 5. The Champion will qualify for the w.w.w.handleyequestrian.co.uk 07831 555566 Champion of Champions.

BSPS AREA 14 CHAMPIONSHIP (Sponsored by P J Skips)– the highest placed AREA 14 member in classes 3 – 5.

The CHAMPION will qualify for the AREA 14 SUPREME.

Not before 11.30 – Judge: Mrs A. Levy

Class 6 RIHS (Kindly Sponsored by Jean Raley) BSPS OPEN 153cm PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE Mare or gelding 4 years old or over exceeding 143cm and not exceeding 153cm. Riders not to have attained their 20th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 7 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Jean Raley) BSPS OPEN 143cm PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over exceeding 133cm and not exceeding 143cm. Riders not to have attained their 17th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 8 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Jean Raley) BSPS OPEN 133cm PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over exceeding 122cm and not exceeding 133cm. Riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

Class 9 RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Jean Raley) BSPS OPEN 122cm PONY OF SHOW HUNTER TYPE. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cm. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year.

RIHS BSPS SHOW HUNTER PONY CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to the 1st & 2nd prizewinners in classes 6 – 9. The Champion will qualify for the 07831 555566 Champion of Champions.

Class 10RIHS OPEN LEAD REIN OF HUNTER TYPE.(Kindly Sponsored by Jean Raley)Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 122cm. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday in the current year.

BSPS AREA 14 CHAMPIONSHIP (Kindly Sponsored by P J Skips) – the highest placed AREA 14 member in classes 6 – 10.

The CHAMPION will qualify for the AREA 14 SUPREME.

Class 11RIHS(Kindly Sponsored by Jane Trott) PRETTY POLLY MIXED HEIGHT SHOW PONY. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 148cm. Riders to be the correct age for the height of the pony they ride.

Judge: Mrs. J. Lang

Class 12RIHS (Sponsored by The Katy Carter Show Team) PRETTY POLLY MIXED HEIGHT SHOW HUNTER PONY. Mare or gelding 4 years old exceeding 133cm. Riders must be the correct age for the height of the pony they ride.

Class 13RIHS(Sponsored by The Katy Carter Show Team) PRETTY POLLY MIXED HEIGHT SHOW HUNTER PONY. Mare or gelding 4 years old or over not exceeding 133cm. Riders must be the correct age for the height of the pony they ride.

RIHS(Sponsored by The Katy Carter Show Team) PRETTY POLLY CHAMPIONSHIP open to 1st & 2nd prize winners from classes 11;12;13;37;38;32. – once all these classes have finished.

BSPS AREA 14 PRETTY POLLY CHAMPIONSHIP open to the highest placed member in classes 11;12;13;37;38;32. The CHAMPION will qualify for the BSPS AREA 14 SUPREME.


Judge: Mr. T. Chalmers

Class 14RIHS(Sponsored by Harrison Civil Engineering) BSPS RIDDEN ANGLO/PART BRED ARAB not exceeding 148cm. Riders any age. Two may qualify for the Cherif Championship 2016. a) up to 138cm b) exceeding 138 cm but not exceeding 148cm. Ponies of 148cm and under are not to be ridden by the judge but will give an individual show. Cards must be signed in the ring by the judge

Class 15RIHS(Sponsored by Harrison Civil Engineering) BSPS RIDDEN ANGLO/PART BRED ARAB exceeding 148cm.

Riders any age. Two may qualify for the Cherif Championship 2016 a) up to 153cm b) exceeding 153cm. No entry placed lower than 4th may qualify even if only one height section is covered by the top four places. Cards must be signed in the ring by the age.

Judge will ride.

RIHS RIDDEN ANGLO/PART BRED CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to 1st & 2nd prizewinners from classes 14-15.

Judge: Mrs. C. Whiteley

NPS Picton Novice Ridden M&M National Championship

Open to Pure Bred Mountain and Moorland Stallion, mare, gelding 4 years old & over. A pony is not eligible to compete if before 1st January in the current year it has done any of the following. Won an Open NPS affiliated M&M ridden class, won a class at an Olympia, HOYS or RIHS qualifying round. Qualified for HOYS or RIHS ridden classes. If a pony qualifies for HOYS or RIHS it is immediately de-noviced and cannot compete in the Picton final. Ponies MUST be shown in a snaffle bit.

Class 16 NPS Picton Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland

Class 17NPS Picton Fell, Highland and Dales

Class 18 NPS Picton New Forest & Connemara

Class 19NPS PICTON Welsh Sec C/D

Class 20NPS PICTON Welsh Sec A/B

NPS Picton Championship open to the 1st & 2nd prizewinners in above classes.

Class 21NPS/RINGSIDE STUD M&M OPEN RIDDEN PONY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Registered Pure bred Connemara, Dales,Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh C, Welsh D.

Class 22NPS/RINGSIDE STUD M&M OPEN RIDDEN PONY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Registered Pure bred Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland Welsh A, Welsh B.