PAC Meeting Minutes
October 4th, 2016


Our mission is to support the school community. Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

Started @6:30,15in attendance

Introductions were held

Approval of Prior Meeting's Minutes(May 2016)

(May minutes were not reviewed)

Treasurer’s Report(approval and acceptance)

Expense: $132 for pizza at Welcome Back event

Checking account balance: $1,060; Savings account balance: $1,103

Treasurer’s report approved

Proposed Budget for 2016-2017

Budget sheet was handed out and reviewed

Knockerballwas suggested for a new student activity. $10 fee from participants to help defray the cost

Budget approved with no modifications

Motion to close savings account and deposit funds into checking account, requiring a minimum balance of $500.00 balance at all times

Another proposal for a minimum of $1,000.00 balance in checking

No penalty for closing savings account

Example of an emergency would be a lawsuit

Decision to close savings, move money to checking, and to keep a $500.00 minimum balance

Principal’s Report

(Kathleen Simoneau representing)

October 11th – Learning session for new IB grading using ManageBac. One session before school, one in evening

October 12th – Parent groups to answer questions for district

Going through DP reauthorization process. Need parent participation

Submitted application last Friday for MYP certification

Reminder of 4 policies on website

Mission statement created and shared

New IB grading system to show growth during the year. Talking with ManageBac on how to report on college transcripts

SAB Report

October 14th – Pink Out, which students paying $3.00 to dress down and wear pink to support Breast Cancer awareness

October 16th – Walk for breast cancer awareness

October 20th – Junior IB Inauguration. Need non-junior parents to volunteer for pot-luck food items. Reception at 6:30, ceremony at 7:00. Junior class has chosen to go to Anna’s in East Hartford afterwards. Need sophomore student volunteers to help set up and clean up

October 27th – Model UN NYC trip. Having bake sale to help raise funds for the trip

November 4th – NYC trip for Art/Music/Chinese students to visit the Museum of Natural Arts and Chinatown

Model UN Conference

State Leadership Conference (overnight)

Committee Reports


  • Chairperson needed

Not yet filled

  • Continuing restaurant fundraisers and other suggestions

Decision to continue restaurant fundraisers


  • Chairperson needed

Linda Drake volunteered

  • has been set up for PAC notification. Email communication list has been started and a group email will be set up when chair is assigned. Facebook is also another communication too

Still looking for a Communication chairperson


  • Chairperson needed

Not yet filled

  • Junior IB Inauguration is October 20th, from 6:00 to 8:00. Coordinator needed as well as several parents to help with set up and clean up. Food donation request to be sent out by Ms. Buck via

(Discussed earlier)

Upcoming Events:

Inauguration 10/20 @ 6:00. Requesting funds for purchasing paper products (Budget?). Also need non Junior parents to help out with supervising, set up and clean up of event.

(Discussed earlier)

Old Business:

Current Openings for 2016-17 PAC Committee Chairs/Officers:

  • Hospitality Chair
  • Fundraising
  • Communications– filled by Linda Drake

New Business:


Next PAC Meeting: Tuesday, November 1st