LEGAL AUTHORITY / P6Hx23-4.32 / 1/23/17
Revision #17-1



A. Changes to course numbers and titles are made by the State Department of Education on a regular basis. Such changes to courses will be effective when approved by the State Department of Education despite any delays in correcting the course numbers and titles. The Board hereby grants the President the authority, without further Board approval, to amend this Procedure and other Board of Trustees' procedures wherein course titles and numbers are listed, to provide for the correction of course numbers and titles as are approved by the State Department of Education.

B.To provide students with an enhanced world view in light of an increasingly globalized economy, students must successfully completeat least one 3-credit course from the approved General Education Enhanced World View (EWV) Course List as part of the general education requirements for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees.

This enhanced worldview requirement may be satisfied with the completion of a 3 credit hour college-level foreign language course with a grade of C or better (excluding American Sign Language), or with a course that has been designated as meeting the EWV criteria.

The General Education Enhanced World View (EWV) Course List is maintained by the Curriculum Services Department; the complete list is published on the Associate in Arts Program of Study. The C&I Committee, in collaboration with the Center for International Programs has established a process and criteria for designating courses as meeting the Enhanced World View requirement. Any faculty member may request to have a course added to the EWV Course List by completing the EWV Verification Form and submitting it to their dean.


The general education requirements for the Associate in Arts degree consist of a minimum of 36 semester hours of credit. Pursuant to F.A.C. 6A-14.0303, General Education Course Options, first-time-in-college students entering a Florida College System institution in the Fall Term, 2015, and thereafter must complete at least one (1) “State Core” course from each of the general education areas. The remaining courses and credits may be satisfied by completing at least one (1) “SPC Elective” course from each of the general education areas to fulfill the 36 semester hour requirement. The General Education Course List is maintained by the Curriculum Services Department; the complete list is published on the Associate in Arts (A.A.) Program of Study. The general education areas are:

  1. Area I: COMMUNICATIONS: A minimum of 9 semester hours with a grade of “C” or higher, to include:
  1. State Core Requirement: ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study (3 credits)

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.A. Degree Program must take ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study within the first 6 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College. Students who are required or elect to complete developmental courses must begin the sequence of coursework within the first 6 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters through successful completion of ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A.Program of Study.

NOTE: For all other students enrolled in an A.A. Degree Program, ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study must be completed within the first 24 semester hours of coursework at St. Petersburg College.

  1. SPC Elective Literature course (3 credits)

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.A. Degree Program must take ENC 1102 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study within the first 24 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College.

NOTE: For all other students enrolled in an A.A. Degree Program, ENC 1102 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study must be completed within the first 36 semester hours of coursework at St. Petersburg College.

  1. SPC Speech Requirement course (3 credits)
  1. Area II: SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE: A minimum of 6 semester hours with a grade of “C” or higher:

1.State Core Requirement: POS 2041 or an acceptable alternative listed on the A.A. Program of Study (3 credits)

2.SPC Elective Social and Behavioral Science course (3 credits)

  1. Area III: HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS: A minimum of 6 semester hours with a grade of “C” or higher:

1.State Core Humanities and Fine Arts course (3 credits)

2.SPC Elective Humanities and Fine Arts course (3 credits)

  1. Area IV: MATHEMATICS: A minimum of 6 semester hours with a grade of “C” or higher:

1.State Core Mathematics course (3 credits)

2.SPC Elective Mathematics course (3 credits)

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.A. Degree Program must take the first course of this requirement within the first 12 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College, with subsequent courses to be completed during sequential semesters (may exclude summer). Students who are required or elect to complete developmental courses will begin the sequence of coursework within the first 9 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters (may exclude summer) through successful completion of the Math requirement. Students who begin the sequence of coursework at MAT 1033 or MAT 1100 will begin the sequence of coursework within the first 12 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters (may exclude summer) through successful completion of the Math requirement.

  1. Area V: NATURAL SCIENCES: A minimum of 6 semester hours, including a laboratory component, with a grade of “C” or higher:

1.State Core Natural Sciences course (3 credits)

2.SPC Elective Natural Sciences course (3 credits)

3.At least one (1) course from the Natural Sciences coursework must include a laboratory component. Natural Sciences Laboratory courses include any “C” or “L” course with the following prefixes: APB, AST, BOT, BSC, CHM, ESC, EVR, EVS, GLY, MCB, MET, OCB, OCE, PCB, PHY, PSC, or ZOO. This requirement can be satisfied by taking a course from the State Core or SPC Elective course list with a suffix of “C” or “L”.

  1. Area VI: ETHICS: A minimum of 3 semester hours with a grade of “C” of higher: All students are required to take PHI 1600 or PHI 1600H (3 credits).
  2. COMPUTER/INFORMATION LITERACY COMPETENCY: (no minimum credit hours required). Computer/Information literacy competency may be demonstrated by completing one of the following:
  1. Passing a College-approved Basic Computer/Information Skills Competency Test; or
  1. Successful completion of at least one of the following:
  1. CGS 1070 Basic Computer and Information Literacy
  1. CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications
  1. EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology

NOTE: New courses approved by the Board of Trustees meeting the computer/information literacy criteria may be permitted to satisfy the computer competency requirement for graduation.


The general education requirements for the Associate in Science degree consist of a minimum of 17 transferable semester hours of credit. The minimum area requirements for the 17 transferable semester hours are as follows:

A.Area I: COMMUNICATIONS (6-9 semester hours with a grade of "C" or higher). This requirement may be met by completing either 1, 2 and 3 or 1 and 3 below:

1.ENC 1101Composition Ior a course from the State Core Requirement Literature Course List or SPC Elective Literature Course List as listed on theProgram of Study

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.S. Degree Program must take ENC 1101 or or an acceptable alternative listed on theProgram of Study within the first 6 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College. Students who are required or elect to complete developmental courses must begin the sequence of coursework within the first 6 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters through successful completion of ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the Program of Study.

NOTE: For all other students enrolled in an A.S. Degree Program, ENC 1101 or an acceptable alternative listed on the Program of Study must be completed within the first 24 semester hours of coursework at St. Petersburg College.


2.ENC 1102 Composition II or a course from the State Core Requirement Literature Course List or SPC Elective Literature Course List as listed on the Program of Study

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.S. Degree Program must take ENC 1102 or an acceptable alternative listed on the Program of Study within the first 24 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College.

NOTE: For all other students enrolled in an A.S. Degree Program, ENC 1102 or an acceptable alternative listed on the Program of Study must be completed within the first 36 semester hours of coursework at St. Petersburg College.

3.SPC Speech Requirement course (3 credits)

B.Area II: HUMANITIES/FINE ARTS (3 semester hours with a grade of "C" or higher). This requirement may be met by completing one of the 3 semester hour courses from the State Core Requirement Humanities and Fine Arts Course List or from the SPC Elective Humanities and Fine Arts Course List.

NOTE:Students who have received credit for HUM 2250cannot also receive credit for HUM 2210 or HUM 2230.

C.Area III: MATHEMATICS (3 semester hours with a grade of "C" or higher).

Any course from the State Core Requirement Mathematics Course List or from the SPC Elective Mathematics Course List.

NOTE: Beginning Fall 2017, all First Time at SPC students enrolled in an A.S. Degree Program must take the first course of this requirement within the first 12 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College, with subsequent courses to be completed during sequential semesters (may exclude summer). Students who are required or elect to complete developmental courses will begin the sequence of coursework within the first 9 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters (may exclude summer) through successful completion of the Math requirement. Students who begin the sequence of coursework at MAT 1033 or MAT 1100 will begin the sequence of coursework within the first 12 credit hours of attempted college-level courses at St. Petersburg College and continue through the sequence in subsequent semesters (may exclude summer) through successful completion of the Math requirement.

D.Area IV:NATURAL SCIENCES (no minimum credit hours required for general education for the A. S. degree except by the specific A.S. articulated programs).

E.Area V:SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 semester hours with a grade of "C" or higher). This requirement may be met by completing one of the 3 semester hour courses from the State Core Requirement Social and Behavioral Sciences Course List or from the SPC Elective Social and Behavioral Sciences Course List.

F.Area VI:ETHICS: A minimum of 3 semester hours with a grade of “C” of higher: All students are required to take PHI 1600 or PHI 1600H (3 credits).

  1. COMPUTER/INFORMATION LITERACY COMPETENCY: (no minimum credit hours required). Computer/Information literacy competency may be demonstrated by completing one of the following:

2.Passing a College-approved Basic Computer/Information Skills Competency Test; or

3.Successful completion of at least one of the following:

a.CGS 1070 Basic Computer and Information Literacy

b.CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications

c.EME 2040 Introduction to Educational Technology

NOTE:New courses approved by the Board of Trustees meeting the computer/information literacy criteria may be permitted to satisfy the computer competency requirement for graduation.

TOTAL (17 semester hours)

Programs may limit the options available under Mathematics, Humanities/Fine Arts, and Social and Behavioral Sciences.

History:Adopted – 7/17/12. Effective – 7/17/12; 2/25/13. Filed – 2/25/13. Effective – 2/25/13; 1/23/17. Filed – 1/23/17. Effective – 1/23/17.
