15 Information technology a field of study focused on the management and processing of information and the automatic retrieval of information. Careers in IT are in demand. Many pay very well.

P4, 7Web 2 features social networking. Facebook etc. see p 80 Skype calls over Internet

The more you understand technology the more productive and protected you will be and the better chance you will have of getting a good job.

Literacy is knowing how to use Computer Technology that also includesavoiding hackers and viruses protecting your privacy. You should understand the risks. know what a cookie is. You should know how to use the web wisely. 15 Data mining searching Big data for pattern

7 Cognitive surplus time and tools to be creative by numbers of people. Trillion hours of free time to do good

19 Augmented reality AR is the addition of digital information directly into your reality

19 VR virtual reality appears to be real but isn't. A lot of folks are living in fantasy land.

20 affective computing. systems that can recognize and simulate human emotions.

The Language of Computers binary to make programs Bits and Bytes: Bit Binarydigit 0 or 1

Program is a step by step set of instructions

Software is made of programs. There are two main kinds: applicationsoftware which does the task for you and OperatingSystemSoftware OS which runs the computer

31Be able to List common types of computers, and discuss their main features. smartphones, watches, tablets, often called mobile computers, laptop or notebook, chromebook, net book, desktop, tower, all of these are called PCs. Mainframe is very big. Embedded Self-contained inside devices.

To affect it, you must select it Ctrl b bold, c copy, p paste, x cut, z undo, n new, I Italic

In Excel Ctrl ` shows formulas, AltEnter new line Access Ctrl ' copy cell above

NFC Near Field Communication p40 receive or send files, fotos, make payments, get paid

How they work see 38 & 41 pixel smallest dot on screen, RAM 51

WiFi is wirelessand faster then Bluetooth is short range radio more p 44

50 Processing and Memory are on the Motherboard Central Processing Unit CPUis “Brains”

Primary device for permanent storage, Nonvolatile storage devices Hard Drive HDD lasts longer

Internal drive or External hard drive HDD or Solid-state Drive (SSD) is faster

GPU Graphical Processing Unit on video card the more RAM the better video.

54 Portable and Optical Storage Options External hard drives 54 Flash Storage

Optical Storage Options Compact discs (CDs) Digital video discs (DVDs) Store more data than CDs Blu-ray discs (Bds) store the most KNOW Storage capacities p 55

Ethical Guidelines TIA p53 Cause no harm Now there are enforceable laws

Prt Screen Key orSnippit 43 Printers 59 ergonomics 3D printing 64

55Universal serial bus (USB) USB2 most common In older cs 4 pins hot pluggable UP TO 480 Mbs

USB 3 up to 5 Gbs, New USB 3.1 standard port 10 Gbps and charges faster will use USBC reversible plugWireless USB 7 Gps with 802.11ad (802.11ac wired does 13Gps)

57 Thunderbolt 3 40 Gb/s Transfer speeds up to 20 Gbps

57 Connectivity port gives access to networks and the Internet, Ethernet port

HDMI 1 High Definition Multimedia Interface HDMI 2 allows 4K at 60fpd

What is the Best Insurance? Many good copies in many safe places

What is the best Security? Password it, lock it up

Beware of Untruths and half truths they abound almost everywhere.

How to get good information? Ask Questions. Get All of the Facts. Verify from several reliable sources. Seek the Truth. Ask really? Is that actual and factual?

TIA Page 14 ethics needed code of conduct Golden Rule Don't do to others what you would not want done to yourself. Humans should be Humane.

If it is to be it's up to me. When the going gets tough the tough get going

Nothing is as important as this day and the Love and Life in it

Insufficient facts always invite danger.

Science gives us accurate knowledge, engineering applies that knowledge into Technology which can give us wonderful tools but applying technology without love, kindness and wisdom is dangerous.


Privacyis almost gone. Do not put any of information into a cell fone, computer, or cloud drive you do not want the world to know. That also includes talking in a car or within range of a microphone or cell fone. Surveillance is all over and business owners, corporations, BB, and foreign operatives are spying on you.

76 Internet world wide network of servers, cable & devices. Has several services such as email and WWW World Wide Web Billions of files. Millions of videos are on youtube.com

78 Client (your machine) Servercomputer on other end on Internet. Is a Client Server Network

Internet Protocol (IP) Address URL = name like yahoo.com Uniform Resource Locator

93 parts of URL is Protocol, nytimes is domain name, .com is to0 level domain name, the rest is the path

79, 80 Wiki user collaborative web sites wikipedia.org, wikiversity, wikiquote, wikibooks, wikihow

94 HTTP is the protocol that enables files to be transferred fro the Internet server to the client.

94 FTP File Transfer Protocol allows files of any kind to be transferred between computers.

94 BitTorrent is a protocol to transfer files directly from client to client.

82 podcast, RSS. 83 e-mail 2 kinds web based like Gmail or cient from your Internet service provider like Concast. To make fone calls over Internet needs VoIP 85.

86 E-Commerce B2C B2B C2C social commerce uses W2

86 Safeguards SSL uses encryption shown by https:// makes much safer. Use credit card or gift card

90 Cloud drive uses an Internet server for a hard drive Example Google drive, One drive

114 DOS Command Line only uses typed in commands. GUI Graphical User Interface uses pointer.

124 Application software programs that do tasks for users Word, Excel. Proprietery (commercial copyright) or Open Source (Copyleft few restrictions) usually has a public community of helpers.

160 System Software runs computer. Windows, Linux, Unix, Android, IOSD

170 device driver az special program that runs a device such as a printer.

170 PnP plug and play automatically installing of devices such as a USB drive

172 Know the Boot Process. Activate BIOS, POST, find Load OS, check registry for more configs, user authentication. If does not boot well, reboot or try F8 or Reset this PC in Win10

183 File Explorer. File path. What is seen in Details view? File Name, Date modified, Size, type, path

185 types of file extensions. .txt.doc.docx.jpg.gif.png.xls.xlsx,accdb.pptxhtml.zip

186 deleting files, recovering them file compression 192 file history

192Recover entire system using System Restore.

212 Privacy. implanted data chips 216 Censorship 218 Hacktivism

MSCONFIG Allows turning off of unnecessary programs. IPCONFIG allows reset of Internet port

How to speed up slow computer: stop all unnecessary programs. Delete all unnecessary programs and files, run fewer programs at one time, add more memory, run Disk Cleanup, run error check, defrag hard drives.

189 Utilites. Disk Cleanup, Error check, Defrag,

189 Task Manager CtrlAltDel to start. allows forcing stopping of programs and more

226 Name the four parts of the machine cycleFetch, Decode, execute, stores

227 Name three things that speed up the CPU faster clock speed, # of cores, more cache memory

Executing more than one instruction at a time is hyperthreading

Which is faster HDD or SSD? What is the advantage of a solid state Hybird drive. Boots up faster

237 What is RAID1? Backs up files on new drive when you save them on your main drive.

247 Name three things to keep your system more reliablerun up to date anti malware, remove spyware and adware, clear our unnecessary files.

247System restore can set a restore point and put your system back to a date when it was working

248 If get error code check MS knowledge base at support.microsoft.com or Linux forum