Orange County Engineering Council

P.O. Box 3012 Huntington Beach, CA 92605-3012

2017 Award NominationsOCEC Website

Categories and Qualifications


Note: Multiple awards may be given in each category, except for James E. Ballinger Engineer of the Year Award and OCEC President's Award.

OutstandingEngineering MeritAwards:This individual must haveachieved significantexpertiseinany fieldofengineeringorscience. The candidate'sengineeringexperienceand contributions shouldstandout above peers intheengineering/technological/scientific community.

Outstanding,Distinguished and PioneeringEducator Awards:Thiseducator demonstrated a commitment toprofessional engineering activities beyondthenormal scopeof theteachingprofession. Involvementinstudent extracurricular activitiesand scientificachievementswith industryapplications will be considered.

Outstanding Service Awards:This person performedexceptional publicservice that enhances theengineeringprofession.Throughdedicatedeffort,this person made a directcontributiontowardsthegoalof promotingtheengineeringprofessionexcellence within Orange County.Candidates may include legislators, publicrelationofficials,mediaprofessionals, and others.

Outstanding STEM Service Awards:Thisindividual performed exceptional serviceinthe areaof STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering, andMathematics),focused mainlyineducational andoutreach activitiesinK-12.

Outstanding Young Engineer Awards:Thisengineer has fewer than tenyears in a technical field (withoutanyage limitation), and exhibits ahighpotential intheengineeringprofessionwith atleastonerecent,significant engineeringaccomplishmentduringthepastfew years ofexperience.

Outstanding Engineering Student Awards:This student is considered to be exceptionallytalented in any field of engineering or science. Thenominationforthis award mustbe submittedbyafaculty member.

James E. Ballinger Engineer of the Year Award:This award recipient will be selected by the OCEC Board fromthe individuals nominated for the Outstanding Engineering Merit Awards.This person must have outstanding professional qualifications and have a highly respected reputation for engineering accomplishments and leadership. The complete career of this nominee including, but not limited to, technical experience, community service, engineering accomplishments, and ability to motivate and lead others, shall be considered. Please do not submit a separate nomination for this award.

OCEC President’s Award:Therecipientof thisawardis nominatedby thecurrentOCECPresident,basedonhis/her evaluationof acertainindividual’s specialabilities,serviceintheengineeringprofession, contribution tosociety,and anyotherextraordinaryqualities. Only one award shall be presented in this category. Please do not submit a separate nomination for this award.

Submit completed form by email tobefore Friday, December 16, 2016. Please do not attach resumes or bulky material.

Individual Candidate Nominee
(Please Select One Category)
Engineering Merit Award / Distinguished and Pioneer Educator
Award / Service
Award / STEM Service
Award / Young Engineer
Award / Engineering Student Award
Name: / Title: / Company / Institution:
Other Affiliations:
Phone Numbers: / Work/Home: / Mobile:
Name: / Title: / Company / Institution:
Phone Numbers: / Work/Home: / Mobile:
Summary of Candidate’s Merits (Max 250 words):
Additional Candidate Information: (e.g. Education, prior awards or nomination, civil contributions, and career highlights)
Justification for Award: (Why this person should be considered for this honor and possibly OCEC Engineer of the Year)
Thank You