1.) Please provide the following information about your program and institution:
Program Title:______
School Type: Two-Year Four-Year
(Listed as you would want it to appear on an award)
Contact Person(s):______
Phone #(s): ______
E-mail Address(es): ______
2.) Choose ONE category that best captures the function of your proposal:
Career Development & Planning Program:
This category is for programs that focus on career exploration and preparation. Programs that provide information, facilitate self-reflection, or coach students on the how-to of career search all fit! These programs should have the overall goal of promoting students’ career development, and/or planning for their future career.
Employer/Community Collaborations:
This category is for programs that involve collaborative efforts between career offices and employers or community members. These collaborations may be for the purpose of career education, preparation, networking, or recruiting.
Office Communications & Operations:
Submissions in this category include any efforts, procedures, programs or new uses of technology enacted to promote office efficiency, productivity or visibility. Marketing, social media campaigns and new organizational systems can all apply!
Other: “Committee’s Choice Award”
Any programs that may not fit in any of the above categories – submit here! If your programming is “out of the box” it can still be recognized.
The 2016 SUNY CDO Awards Committee will also be selecting the “Capstone Award” from the award winners. This proposal receives the highest ranking in the evaluation of all the proposals submitted.
3.) Please describe the following about your program:Use the 2016 SUNY CDO Awards Rubric and
the SUNY CDO Awards Proposal Tips to insure you have included the level of detail recommended for each section.
Purpose and Description Explain what the program is and why the program was created/redesigned/improved; what is the purpose of the program?
Program Implementation Explain how the program was implemented, who participated, any collaboration with other departments, target audience, costs, time, etc.
Contribution to the Profession:How does this program provide a new and innovative approach to serving our major constituents (Students, Alumni, Faculty, Employers…)?
Contribution to Home Campus:How did the program respond to institutional needs?
Program Assessment: Describe assessment methods and detail any assessment results.
SUNYCDO Goals: Attach the checklist indicating which goals the program contributes to.
4.) Please write a brief summary statement (75 words or less) of your proposal for inclusion in this year’s award program,CDO website, and other promotional documents.
5.) Please provide the full name, title and address of the person/s you would like us to formally notify if you receive a CDO award.
Name: ______
Title: ______
- E-mail proposals in MS Word or PDF format to Awards Committee Chair: Phyllis Griswold at . The deadline for submissions is Friday April 29that 5:00pm.
- Submission of supporting documentation (i.e., posters, etc.) when possible is encouraged. Please limit supporting documentation to no more than five pieces.
- Use the attached Awards Rating Rubric to understand how overall program and specific criteria are rated by the Awards Committee. Final winners will be discussed and decided by committee members.
SUNYCDO’s 13 Goals: Checklist
These goals were approved by the organization to be standards for annual planning related to our professional development, organizational involvement, and commitment to SUNY’s mission.
Which goal(s) does your program meet?
(Please check all that apply)
Ensure that staff members are knowledgeable and informed as to the best current theory and practice in our profession.
Teach career decision making and job search skills as a life-long process.
Strive to meet the needs of a diverse population of clients.
Work in partnership with colleagues on the faculty and in other campus offices.
Present and explain our works as an integral part of the educational experience.
Facilitate connections and information flows between the campuses and employers of all types and sizes.
Provide educational programming, individual and group advising, and administrative services to facilitate students’ identification, pursuit, and attainment of post-graduation goals.
Emphasize and promote applied learning and exploratory experiences by articulating their critical connection to students’ educational experience and transition to their next academic or professional activity.
Capitalize on the potential to create mutually beneficial collaborations with alumni. Provide appropriate services to support their career development and recognize their ability to share professional expertise with students, staff, faculty, and each other, and to become institutional allies with employers.
Identify appropriate roles for technology, develop office expertise, and implement accordingly.
Effectively and ethically manage services including fiscal, human, and physical resources.
Provide access to well organized and current career resources and instruction regarding their use in career exploration, academic planning, and job searching.
Create a vision for the future by engaging in strategic planning, assessment, and continuous quality improvement activities.
Purpose and Description: (0)(1)(2)(3)
Explain why program was created and the purpose of the program.
(0) No description / (1) Description is somewhat unclear / (2) Clearly described purpose / (3) Clearly described purpose and provided concrete evidence of needComments:
Program Implementation:(0)(1)(2)(3)
The implementation narrative should address the following criteria: who implemented the program, your target audience, collaboration with other departments,program cost, timeline, etc…
(0)No indication of planning is outlined / (1) Program addresses some criteria. Minimal planning is indicated / (2) Program addresses much of the relevant criteria. Program planning is clear and appropriate / (3) Program addresses all relevant criteria. Program planning is clear, appropriate and specific.Comments:
Contribution to Profession:(0)(1)(2)(3)
How does this program provide a new and innovative approach to serving our major constituents?
(0) No evidence of how this program impacts our constituents / (1) Minimal indication of how this program impacts our constituents / (2) Significant indication of impact is described / (3) Outstanding indication of impact is describedComments:
Contribution to Campus:(0)(1)(2)(3)
Explain how this program responds to the needs of your institution. What impact does this program have on your campus?
(0) No evidence of response to institutional needs / (1) Some indication of response to institutional needs / (2) Significant evidence of a response to institutional needs / (3) Outstanding evidence of a response to institutional needsComments:
Program Assessment:(0)(1)(2)(3)
Describe your assessment methods and detail your assessment results.
(0) No assessment measures are indicated / (1) Minimal assessment measures are indicated / (2) Significant assessment measures are indicated / (3) Outstanding assessment measures are indicated and describedComments:
SUNY CDO Goals:(0)(1)(2)(3)
Which goals does the program meet? Use the attached SUNY CDO 13 goals checklist.
(0) No checklist provided / (1) Unclear if the program meets the goals selected / (2) Program clearly meets 1-2 goals selected / (3) Program clearly meets the 2+ goals selectedComments:
Overall Program Quality/Innovation:(0)(1)(2)(3)
This “bonus” criterion refers to the overall quality and/or originality of the program. Individual raters can give 0 to 3 “bonus points” based on their evaluation of the overall program quality as indicated by the proposal and/or additional materials.