Headteacher - Mrs Hilary Stevens Chair of Governors – Mr Andy Bird

Cropredy Primary School, Email –

Station Road, Tel – 01295 750210



Year 3 Information – Autumn Term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the start of a new school year! I hope you all had a good summer holiday, despite the weather feeling more like autumn than summer!

The class team for this term is as follows:

Miss Sunderland – teaching Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Mr Wakeford – teaching Wednesday

Miss Tritton – supporting Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday mornings

Mrs Hingley – supporting all day Monday

Mrs Robinson – supporting all day Wednesday


This term’s topic is ‘The Vikings’ – an exciting, fun-packed topic that hopefully all the children will enjoy. In line with this topic, our literacy work this term will use ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell as its stimulus. Please see the Topic Web for more detailed information on what your child will be learning.


Year 3 will be doing PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, week beginning 11th September. Please ensure your child has full indoor and outdoor PE kit (see below) in school all week, with each item fully labelled with their name.

Indoor PE kit
House coloured t-shirt
Plain dark navy or black shorts
Bare feet / Outdoor PE kit
House coloured t-shirt
Plain dark navy/grey/black jogging trousers
Plain dark navy/grey/black sweatshirt

Those children with long hair will be asked to tie it back for safety, and no jewellery (including earrings) or watches can be worn during PE sessions.


For your information, Year 3 will be swimming during the Spring Term, beginning straight after Christmas. More details will follow in due course.


This will be on a Wednesday afternoon, led by Mr Wakeford. As before, wellies will be required and should be left in school. Children will also need appropriate outdoor clothes to change into. We would suggest old clothes are best, as they could get quite messy, and a number of layers will be required as the weather gets progressively colder.


Homework will be sent home each Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday to allow me time to mark it and to set new homework.

Homework will comprise spellings to be learnt, which will have been introduced and practised during school. There will also be a weekly English and Maths task, which will often revise and consolidate work done in lessons.


Reading really is the key to the whole curriculum. So, as well as these homework tasks, it is vital that your child reads regularly at home, ideally for about 15 minutes most evenings. Year 3 children take part in the ‘100-Step Reading Challenge’ for Key Stage 2. This reading incentive awards the children points for their daily 15-minute reading sessions are home, which go towards earning reading merit certificates and, ultimately, a book token when they reach their 300th step. Details of exactly what’s involved will be found in the front cover of your child’s reading diary.

Please ensure that your child brings both their reading book and reading diary into school every day, as there may occasionally be unscheduled moments for quiet reading.


Please see the Headteacher’s weekly newsletter for all information regarding dates of upcoming events. However, I would draw your attention to the fact that the ‘Meet the teacher’ session for Year 3 is 3.00-4.00 on Thursday 14th September which is not the same date as for other classes.


Just a reminder that if your annual household income is less than £16,000 and you receive certain benefits, then you may be able to apply for Pupil Premium finding for the school. Whilst this money is paid direct to the school, requests for some of it to help with the cost of such things as your child’s school uniform and school trips would be taken into consideration. For further details, please contact the school office.

Please come and talk to us if you have any quick questions or concerns, or contact the school office to make an appointment to see us if you need to have a longer chat.

Kind regards,

Miss Sunderland and Mr Wakeford

Care – Create - Challenge