NAME: ______RANK: ______


LAST VESSEL ______DATE S/OFF ______RANK ______

A. Organization Structure of Owners
1 / The Owners operate from Antwerp, Belgium. Important persons are-
Capt. Ronald De Pauw: Operation Manager (Primary contact- ex Master)
Mr. Andrzej Wasilewski: Technical manager ( ex-Chief Engineer)
Mr. Jan Uyttendale: Operator
Mr. Lieven Van Eetvelde: Asst. technical manager (ex-Chief engineer)
B. Owner’s Requirements- Reporting/ Circulars
1 / Standing Instructions: Please read and comply with Owner’s “General Instructions to Masters”.
2 / Communication:
  • Please send the messages pertaining to Departure, End of Sea Passage, Noon Reports and Port Reports to the owner in the specified format. Kindly put vessel’s full name in the subject line with the brief description of content.
  • Owners must be informed immediately of any delay due to weather conditions, engine trouble, and deviation for sickness, repairs or damage. Should the vessel be deviated for any reason, a complete deviation report must be sent to the owners at the first opportunity, giving time lost, distance covered, fuel consumed etc.
  • Any difficulties encountered, potential or developing problems or out-of-the ordinary occurrences relating to port or cargo operations, performance of the charter party or prosecution of the voyage, or other such operational and/or commercial matters should be reported to Bocimar immediately and they are to be kept updated of the situation as it unfolds, to enable them to consider the matter and provide you with the necessary assistance and guidance to cope with it as it develops.
All handy size vessels are on spot market. Prompt reply to owner’s queries is required in order to fix the cargo.Delay in reply from vessels has caused loss of several fixtures for owners. The vessel should be contactable at all times via the Satcom systems. Telex messages should be replied without delay. If you have a portable telephone made available whilst in port, please let the owners know in due time.
3 / Deviations, delays, off-hires, PSC, Stevedore damages:
The subject line of these messages must show “NON ROUTINE”.
No matter whether at sea, in port or at a safe anchorage, but engine trouble, equipment break-down, deviation for sickness or stores, repairs or damage, delaysin ETA of more than 12 hours due to weather conditions, should be informed to owners immediately in a separate message. Should the vessel be deviated for any reason, a complete deviation report will be sent to our office at the first opportunity, giving time lost, extra distance covered, fuel consumed etc. Owned fleet to keep copied for break-downs, off hires, major deviation, PSC issues, and stevedore damages.
4 / Sea Passage Log: Upon completion of each sea passage, sea passage log document must be drawn up completely (including weather corrected row) and mailed (either by e-mail, fax or mailbag) to owners as soon as possible. Signed copies to be kept in the ship’s archives.
5 / Port Log: Port Log must be filled in for each call and sent to the owners by e-mail. Signed copies to be kept in the ship’s archives.
6 / Hold Cleaning Report, Cargo Crane and Wire Running Hour Log:
Please e-mail the report to owners in their specified format prior arrival 1st loading port together with clear pictures before / after cleaning. Handysize and Panamax vessels to indicate scope of work needed to improve the hold conditions so that the vessel would be able to load Alumina (Hospital Clean), Grain (grain clean) or similar cargoes. Same applies for cargo gear running hours.
7 / Stevedore damage overview report: Please e-mail the report to owners in their specified format upon sailing from the last discharge port. Signed copies to be kept in ship’s archives.
8 / Bunkering: When bunkers are delivered to the vessel, ensure that the ordered quantity is delivered by accurately determining the quantities of bunkers on board the bunker barge and the vessel; prior and after delivery.Barge figures should be checked / verified and acknowledged prior to receiving bunkers and on ending of bunkering.
9 / Notice of Readiness:
  • Always tender NOR upon arrival sea pilot station, unless otherwise instructed by owners.
  • Always indicate quantity vessel is expected to load. If there is a ''MOLOO'' (more or less in owner’s option) always indicate maximum.
  • If an arrival outside normal office hours is anticipated then try to obtain a telex/cable address of terminal from the agents. If vessel arrives outside business hours and governing C/P foresees only tendering during office hours, then NOR to be tendered upon arrival and repeated at the start of business hours.

10 / Loading Port:
  • Please note that it is normal practice, whatever the commodity to be loaded, for the ships holds to be inspected by a charterer’s surveyor and some local authorities, in order to ensure that the holds are clean enough and in a fit state to receive the intended cargo.
  • The master must ensure that maximum deadweight and/or cubic capacity are utilized subject to the ruling restriction of the voyage. Upon receiving voyage instructions, always double check with loading/discharging port agent (or sub-charterers if agent’s are still unknown) on the port restrictions.
  • Upon completion of loading, the quantity of cargo loaded should be ascertained by calculation of ship's figures. In case the shippers/charterers are unable to provide the vessel with the requested cargo, master is to issue a dead freight letter. A representative of the shippers should sign the protest letter.
  • No clean B/L should ever be signed when ship figures are below B/L figure. On this occasion, please make a statement on the B/L indicating ship's figure.If no clausing is permitted, then the necessary Notes of protest to be lodged and properly signed by the parties involved.
  • Please note that the carriage of fresh water must be limited to the safe minimum, and any residual ballast will not be accepted.

11 / Discharging Port: Please note that no delays may be charged to the vessel for opening holds.
12 / Leaving Port: Upon completion of cargo operations, the vessel should always proceed immediately to sea. Any delay due to tide, lack of pilot or tugs, missing crew or ship's breakdown, (de)ballast problems, bunkering delays, etc., must be reported immediately to the owners.
13 / Agents: Please give your input on the performance of the port agents to the owners. The information will be treated private and confidential.
14 / Bill of Lading:
  • Please ensure that Bill of Ladings issued contain following clauses:
Should Bill of Ladings issued not include any of above clauses, master is to evidence said fact by Note of Protest duly signed by shippers' representative.
  • Freight Prepaid’ marking should not be accepted unless otherwise advised.
  • Master shall never start discharge of cargo if not at least one original B/L is presented. Discharging without presentation of B/L will only be done after express authority from owners. Master should check with discharge port agent – at least 3 working days in advance – whether or not bills will be presented to him.
  • Master may be entrusted with one set of originals, addressed to the party to whom he should give delivery of the cargo in exchange for that same bill. Never accept such procedure unless authorized by owners.

15 / Hold Cleaning: Please always ask the end-charterers (party giving sailing directions) for well-defined instructions on which cleaning operation is needed prior carrying out hold cleaning.
16 /

Fuel Consumption/ Speed

The speed and consumption, required by the owners, will be given in the voyage instructions (and/or in the CP RECAP fixture note in case the ship is sub-let).. Engine should always be run within safety settings.
If the main engine has to be run on marine diesel or on gas oil during passage or maneuvering, the owners request to limit the use of the same, unless absolutely necessary for the ship's safety.
During anchorage / drifting period, vessel should stop unnecessary heating or running of extra A/E (ref Bocimar Technical checklist). Also maintain a comparatively lower fuel oil temperature in storage tanks. This should help in saving some fuel. Steam leakages (if any) should be attended on priority.
17 / Voyage Instructions: Please read the C/P and voyage instructions carefully. Please note that each voyage begins on SSP upon sailing final disport.
18 / Extra Meals and Representation: Please keep an accurate record of names and functions of the persons with regards to meals served and representation given in ports and forward it to the owners via AESM.
19 / Sub Time charters:
  • Please ensure all messages from/to charterers or their agents must be copied to the owners.
  • Please take account of time zones, timings (after office hours), week-ends, holidays and other such factors, and telephone Bocimar whenever appropriate to ensure timely advice is obtained from owners for any operational/ commercial matter before responding to charterers.All oral communications should always be summarized and followed-up in writing as soon as possible, without fail.
  • Please note that owner’s general instructions also apply in full during the time charter period
  • In case vessel is at any time unable to perform according to CP and/or Charterers' requirements, please alert Owners/Bocimar, of the vessel's difficulties for guidance and advice.
  • If Charterers order vessel to perform outside the CP provisions, in breach of any trading limits or exclusions, please immediately refer the matter to Owners, for advice and at the same time record your protest with Charterers and reserve Owners rights.

20 / Stevedore Damages: Please notify the stevedores and charterers in case of all damages caused to the vessel by the mishandling of the cargo and/or stevedore equipment on occurrence or within 24 hours.
21 / Loss or damage to cargo: Please ensure that the ship's agent notifies the Club's P & I representatives when material loss or damage to cargo becomes apparent at a discharging port so that they may advise on the appointment of a ship's surveyor to determine the cause and extent of the loss or damage.
22 / Tug Hawsers/ Tug slips:In most ports the use of tug- hawsers is not compulsory and is only a service to vessels, based on extra charge. The owners request/ require you to use the towage gear of your vessel, whenever allowed. Whenever you have to sign the tug slips, please make sure you fill in the document completely.
23 / Radio Pratique:It is now a common practice to grant free pratique by means of radio pratique, provided satisfactory answers are given to the quarantine questionnaires. An overseas vessel approaching a port should request radio pratique well in advance before arriving in the port (latest 72 hrs).
24 / Statement of Facts (SOF): Always try to give reasons/explanations for delays. A delay will generally only be considered as such if the terminal in question had to suspend operations. If berth is occupied always try to obtain names of vessels then alongside/working with approximate date and times. Carefully check the Statement of Facts before signing. SOF must be detailed and factual and all cargo stoppages due to rain or other factors must be recorded accurately.
25 / Official Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC): Please note that all Bills of Ladings, cargo manifests, cargo declarations and other cargo documents for shipments entering the United States must bear a unique identifier code. The required format for the identifier code is a carrier code followed by a B/L serial number. This requirement is part of the customs automated commercial system. A bill of lading without SCAC should not be signed nor released to shippers. This responsibility lies with Master/Owners. Please ensure that the agents in USA are kept informed of the codes on each bill of lading well before arrival first US port.
26 / Port State Control/ Normal Trading Certificates: Please advise the latest PSC date and deficiencies noted and keep Bocimar updated after each new PSC.
Copy of main trading certificates should be faxed/e-mailed soonest possible or once renewed.
27 / Signing the documents: Master must properly scrutinize any documents presented by port or cargo authoritiesbefore signing. Office must be contacted in case of doubt.
28 / Ascertaining condition of cargo:Safety and time permitting, prior discharge of expensive bulk / bagged cargoes, cargo holds must opened briefly to ascertain the condition of the cargo. Any abnormalities noted must be reported to the office immediately.
C. Owner Specific PSC Detentions
1 / CMB Yasmine was detained at Tanjung Priok, Indonesia in May 2013.
Original of C/E’s COR (Certificate of Recognition) not available.
Cable penetration to machinery space not inserted with non-combustible compound material.
Master must ensure correct licensing and certification for all crew members in accordance with the requirements of the flag state, including endorsement for specialized cargoes. Any deficiency with respect to documentation of a new joiner must be immediately informed to Fleet Personnel Department and Superintendent.
2 / CMB Mae was detained at Alexandria, Egypt in May 2013.
Tide Table Vol 1, 2, 3, 4 expired. Last on board 2012.
Two MOB port side & stbd side not lighting on test.
Two cylinder head No. 2 & No. 6 of main engine, water leak
3 / Mineral Beijing was detained at Rizhao, China in July 2011.
Upper window of portside enclosed lifeboat deformed seriously and cannot keep watertight.
OWS cannot be used due to dirty filtering equipment.
D. Owner Specific Major Problems/ Incidents
1 / CMB Paule made glancing contact with another vessel whilst approaching Chittagong anchorage in Aug 2012. The vessel had arrived fourty minutes earlier than expected and experienced strong set due to the effects of tidal streams. When the vessel’s course was altered towards the intended anchor position in the ‘A’ anchorage, the vessel drifted rapidly towards and made contact with the other anchored vessel. The passage planning was inadequate and the hazardsassociated with navigation in port approaches with strong tidal effects and heavy trafficdensity were not assessed. Information regarding the tidal streams at Chittagong was notincluded in the passage plan. The passage plan was prepared upto the pilot station only anddid not include the approach to the anchorage areas.
2 / M.V.CMB Kristine sustained heavy weather damages and damages to her cargo after encountering boisterous weather near west of Vancouver Island on voyage from Vancouver to Nantong in March 2012. The cause is attributed to improper monitoring of weather reports and no evasive action taken to avoid the area until vessel started encountering heavy weather.
3 / M.V. CMB Jialing grounded after departing Maputo anchorage, Mozambique on 01st Jan 2012. Outward passage plandid not take into account advice obtained from local sources (Maputo Pilots) and Admiralty Sailing directions.Nav warnings in force stating actual depths could be 1.5 meters less thancharted depths were not taken in consideration whilst deciding the route.
4 / Mineral Ningbo touched bottom near shallow patchesduring east bound Singapore strait transit in Dec 2010. Vibrations were felt on the vessel but Master ruled out the possibility of grounding as there were no apparent damages and the incident was not reported to AESM. The incident came into light in Mar 2011 during annual tank inspections when major damages were observed in DB tanks. In Dec 2010, the vessel had navigated too close to the shallow patches in Singapore straits in spite of being a deep draft vessel and position was not closely monitored. OOW had the con as the Master had left the bridge for sending messages.
5 / In Feb 2010, one of the vessels had to be diverted to an anchorage in Indonesia in order to discharge the coal cargo residues stuck in between frames amounting to about 1300 mt for preparing holds for loading leading to potential financial damage of 1.1 million dollars to owners and a delay of one month. The vessel had discharged her cargo in China and was scheduled to load her next cargo of iron ore in Australia.
6 / CMB Biwa collided with a fishing vessel whilst approaching the anchorage at the discharge port of Rizhao, China in May 2009. The weather was fine and visibility was good. The collision resulted in 2 fatalities and 3 missing crews on the fishing vessel, capsizing of the fishing vessel, and the damage to the shell plating in way of the bow area on the own vessel.The Radar was kept at 6M range throughout and no targets were plotted or monitored. No visual bearings/ radar bearings of the fishing vessels were taken to determine the risk of collision. Both the Master and the OOW were not aware of the risk of collision with the Fishing vessel- hence early alteration of course was not made.
7 / Mineral Libincollided with another vessel, a channel buoy and touched bottom whilst trying to make an attempt for turning in a non-designated turning basin at Fangcheng, China whilst berthing in May 2007. The earlier attempt to turn in the designated turning basin was aborted as the vessel came extremely close to a dredger. Master did not challenge the Pilot’s action when hedecided to turn the vessel in a non-designated turning basin and the space available was not checked to find out whetherthere was adequate room.Bridge team failed to appreciate the lateraldrag due to the following tide. Cost: USD 2.6 million, Delay: 117 days.
E. Ship Specific Issues
No Major issues
F. Trade Related Issues(as relevant)
1 / Port calls to USA- Please be familiar /ensure compliance with:
  • BW management/exchange and reporting regulations
  • Electronic Notice of Arrival/Departure (E-NOA/D) procedures,
  • Oil Pollution Response Q.I. notification drills, and be prepared for unannounced SOPEP drills.
  • US Customs Sea Carrier Initiative Program,
  • Pre-arrival equipment test requirements,
Ensure that APIS ICB (Crew/Passengers) is held.