Overview of Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) Program
As a residential university, Duke works to foster an environment in which learning and living are increasingly intertwined. To encourage greater interaction between students and faculty members (and their families) and to expose undergraduates to role models who integrate intellectual activities into their daily lives, the Office of the Dean and Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education (DUE) and the Office of Student Affairs sponsor the Faculty-in-Residence Program. This program, in which faculty live rent-free in apartments in the residence halls, affords a broad range of opportunities for informal and structured interaction and permits participating faculty to draw freely on their avocational and professional interests as they seek common ground with students in the residential setting.
The initial appointment commitment is for three years with the ability to renew for another three-year appointment and, thereafter, two-year appointment increments. FIRs are required to live in their residence hall apartment during the academic year (August – May), but not during the summer.
1. Foster faculty/student interaction outside of the classroom setting
2. Enhance the intellectual life of the residence hall through programming and exposure to other faculty
1. Provide mentoring for informal house programming.
2. Serve as a catalyst for the involvement of other faculty members in house activities.
3. Encourage early familiarity with the University’s resources.
4. Co-sponsor events with each member of the House RA team prior to fall break. Any event can have multiple RA co-sponsors.
5. Foster habits of curiosity about and involvement in educational/cultural activities beyond the formal confines of the classroom and laboratory.
6. Establish a regular schedule for dining with students in campus eateries and opening your apartment to them.
7. Serve as a pre-major advisor and fulfill the requirements established by the Academic Advising Center for all pre-major advisors (Note: This requirement pertains only to Arts & Sciences faculty).
- Unfurnished apartments in the residence halls are provided without cost to participating Faculty-in-Residence. In addition, all utilities, except telephone, are provided without cost.
- $750 per year in programming funds is available.
- 500 food points per semester will be allocated to encourage FIRs to dine with their residents.
- For Faculty-in-Residence who are regular rank faculty in Arts & Sciences, participating in the Faculty-in-Residence program will count toward the accelerated leave policy in Arts & Sciences.
- FIRs can have a reserved parking space on East Campus (they pay the amount for an East Campus parking permit and Undergraduate Education pays the difference for a reserved permit).
July 12, 2012