Information for prospective members of school appeals panels
1. A brief guide to school admission and exclusion appeals
2. Person specification
3. Application form
4. Advert
Further information:
Information about the Council’s admissions process can be found at:
National guidance can be found at:
1. A brief guide to school admission and exclusion appeals
What do school admissions appeal panels do?
They hear appeals by parents against decisions byadmissions authorities (this is the council for community schools and the school itself for voluntary aided and foundation schools) to refuse them the school they have chosen for their child to attend.
Admission appeals come in two forms: those made after the primary/ secondary admissions round and in year appeals. These are commonly referred to as summer and in year appeals respectively and will be throughout the rest of this guide.
Summer appeals relate to pupils being allocated entry level places at schools, either at reception or year seven. In 2009 the council received more than 400 of these.
In year appeals can be submitted at any time and for any year group. They relate to either:
- pupils whose parents wish them to change schools within the Oldham Borough and have been refused a place at their preferred alternative school; or
- pupils who have recently moved into the Borough and been refused a place at their preferred school.
What do school exclusion appeal panels do?They hear appeals by parents against decisions to exclude a pupil from a schoolpermanently.
What powers do these panels have?
For admission appeals the panel can direct the education authority and the governing body of the school to admit the child to the school. The authority and the school must abide by their decision.
For exclusion appeals, the panel can direct the school to reinstate the pupil, and theschool must comply with the decision.
Who may serve on the panels?
In Oldham panels usually consist of five members. In rare cases, where five members are not available or someone has had to step down from the panel, meetings go ahead with three members.
Admission appeals
Each Panel must have at least one lay member. This is someone who has not been involved professionally in running of a school or teaching in one. This does not stop someone who is(or has been) a school governor, or been involved with a school in a voluntary capacity frombeing a lay member.
Each panel must have at least one education member who either:
- Has experience in education (such as a teacher, active or retired); or
- Has knowledge of educational conditions in the local area - e.g. a social worker or an experienced school governor; or
- Is a parent ofa registered pupil at a school.
Exclusion appeals
The panel must have at least one member from each of thefollowing categories:
- A person who is or has been a head teacher of a maintained school within the past five years;
- A person eligible to be a lay member of an admissions panel (see above).
- A person who is or has been a governor of a maintained school (s/he must have served asa governor for at least 12 consecutive months within the last six years) and is not and has notbeen a teacher or headteacher.
Who may not serve on panels?
The following may not serve on any panels:
- Councillors of Oldham MBC.
- Anyone employed by Oldham MBC in a role connected with education, other than teachers or teaching assistants.
- Anyone who has not attended a relevant training session within the past two years.
The following may not consider appeals relating to specific schools (but may serve on panels for other schools):
- Any member or former member of a school governing body may not hear appeals for that school;
- Anyone employed by or at a school may not hear appeals for that school;
- Any former employees or governors of a school may not hear appeals for that school;
- A parent of a child at a school may not hear appeals for that school;
- Anyone who has a close connection (eg family relationship or close friendship) with anyone in the above three sections may not hear appeals for that school.
If on any occasion you feel your objectivity could be challenged in relation to a particular appeal, for example you’re a friend or former teacher of the parent, you must stand down from the panel.
What qualities are expected of panel members?
Panel members will hear confidential information about pupils and parents, making discretion and integrity important qualities.
Panel Members must approach each appeal withindependence and impartiality. They must be good listeners – to both sides – and be seen to be listening by askingquestions. They should be able to separaterelevant and irrelevant facts, and under the chair's guidance come to a reasoned decision.
Does the Council run the panels?
While the council appoints and administers panels, they are independent bodies. Many parents can feel the panels just do what the council wants, so this independence is andmust be emphasised.
What happens at an appeal?
At admission appeals, cases are either presented by:
- A council officer for appeals relating to community schools; or
- A representative of the school for Academies, Voluntary Aided, Trust or FoundationSchools.
Atexclusion appeals, a representative of the school governors, supported by the headteacher, argues the case for exclusion. An education officer may also attend to give the council’s view.
Parents attend to present their case and they maybe assisted by a friend or other representative. The council/ school and parents may call witnesses.
The education officer, school representative and parents leave the meeting while the panel makes its decision.
Who chairs meetings?
One of the panel members chairs the meeting and this is decided on the day.
Where are hearings held?
Usually they are held in a room at Oldham Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. Sometimes, particularly for the schools furthest from Oldham town centre, alternative venues are used.
What’s the time commitment?
Appeals take place during working hours. Admission appeals generally take around30 minutes each.
Summer appeals are held from April to July each year. The time commitment can vary according to the school, as all the appeals for a particular school need to be heard by the same panel members. The most popular schools need several days for their appeals. Others can take half a day.
Given the time commitment, as much notice as possible is given of the dates of summer appeals.
In year appeals can be held at any time and usually a morning or a day is set aside each month to deal with them. Panels will hear a mix of appeals from different schools.
You will usually get two to three weeks notice of in year appeals.
Exclusion appeals can last up to two hours, these have to be heard within 15 school days of the appeal being received and therefore are called at short notice.
Papers to be read before appeal hearings are sent to you about seven days beforehand.
Are expenses paid?
Travelling expenses are paidand full details will be supplied on request. If the hearing needs afull day lunch is provided.
What support do the panels have?
A legal officer attends all panel meetings. S/he is present throughout and is normally referred to as the clerk to the panel. S/he provides independent legal advice and writes to parents with panel decisions.
The current clerk is Jo Issa (0161 770 4823 )
The administration for panel meetings is provided by the council’s School Appeals section. School Appeals organise panel meetings and the distribution of papers. Its staff will contact you to request your availability for meetings.
Key contacts are: Nicola Jumeaux (0161 770 3307 )
School Appeals and Legal Services staff are completely independent of the school admissions department.
What training is provided?
All new panel members must attend a training session before they can hear appeals and then at least every second year thereafter.
Training is provided by either consultants or council staff.
Panel members are welcome to seek informal advice from council staff at any time.
What happens if there are complaints about the decisions panels make
When apanel makes a decision there is a winner and a loser and some parents are very unhappy to lose their appeals. The Council's Borough Solicitor’s department deal with complaints arising from appeals.
As required by the law, the council indemnifies panel members against any reasonable legal costs and expenses reasonably incurred by them inconnection with any decision or action taken by them in good faith as part of their functions aspanel members.
Whom can I contact for further information?
This guide only gives a very brief outline of the work of appeals panels. Please contact one of the following for further information:
Nicola Jumeaux 0161 770 3307
What do I do next if I’d like to be a member of a panel?
There is an application form below. Please complete it and return it to:School Appeals, level 4, Civic Centre, West Street Oldham OL1 1UL
2. Person Specification
School appeals panel members are expected to havethe following attributes:
- Ability to analyse facts, identify relevant evidence and reach reasonable and sustainable decisions.
- Possession of tact and good interpersonal skills.
- Ability to listen, comprehend facts and, if necessary, ask relevant questions in order to clarify issues.
- Ability to respect the need for appropriate confidentiality.
- Be prepared to commit sufficient time to the duties of the role, including sometimes lengthy day time meetings and occasional evening meetings.
- An interest in education.
- Experience of decision-making,ideally in sensitive cases.
- Broad understanding of the principles of natural justice, equalities issues and of human rights.
3. Application form
Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council member of school appeals panels – application form
TITLE: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Other
(Please indicate)FULL NAME:
Please indicate your preferred contact method:
In writing to your home address
Home telephone number
Daytime telephone number
Please set out why you would like to become a school appeals panel member, what qualities you would bring to the role and how you meet the requirements of the person specification (continuing on additional sheets if necessary).iii.REFERENCES
Please give the name, address and telephone number of two referees who are not related to you, and who are able to comment on your suitability for appointment. (Your referees may be contacted without further notice to you, unless you indicate to the contrary).Referee 1
Phone number
Email address
How known
Referee 2
Phone number
Email address
How known
Do you have a connection with any schools in the Oldham Borough? (this does not affect your application, but you will not be able to hear appeals for the school(s) you list below) / YesNo
If yes, are/ were you a: / Name of the school(s)
Parent/ close relative of a child
Head teacher
School governor
Please indicate whether you have any commitments which would prevent you regularly from attending meetings in the:a. Daytime
b. Evenings
I have read the background information provided. I wish to be considered for membership of the Council’s pool of school appeals panel members.
I am willing to attend a training session on appointment and then at least every two years thereafter.
I am not a councillor or an employee of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, other than a teacher or teaching assistant.
I will notify the Chief Executive of Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, PO Box 33, Civic Centre, West Street, OldhamOL1 1ULat once if any of the above statements cease to apply to me.
The information which I have given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signed: ______Dated: ______
Please return completed application form to:
Nicola Jumeaux – School Appeals,Oldham MBC, Level 4, Civic Centre, West Street OldhamOL1 1UL
4. Advert
Independent appeals panels help decide the future school of hundreds of children in Oldham Borough each year. Could you?
Many schools in the Oldham Borough are so popular not every child gets the place of their parents’ choice. When this happens independent panels need to decide the appeal.
Being a panel member could be a very rewarding experience for anyone interested in education and who has free time during the day. Appeals can be for any community, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, foundation or trust school in the Oldham Borough.
You don’t need any specific experience, although applications are warmly welcomed from current and former education professionals and school governors.
You do need to be impartial, objective, sensitive, decisive and keen to contribute to the local community. Panel Members receive travelling expenses when attending school appeals, as well as free car parking and lunch.
If you believe you have the qualities, skills and time needed to serve on a panel please contact usto request an application form.
Completed application forms must be returned to the address below. References may be requested.
For further information please contact:
School Appeals, Oldham MBC, Level 4 Civic Centre,
West Street, OldhamOL1 1UG
Telephone: 0161 770 3307