Call for application

OUTNOW! – International Performing Arts Festival

The centre for performing arts Schwankhalle in Bremen (Germany) is welcoming students and graduates of the performing arts to OUTNOW! Festival from 21 to 26 May, 2015. The festival first started in 1994 under the name of “branch board”. Since 2004, OUTNOW! has regularly presented a representative selection of international young artists‘ works, 2015 being the second edition in cooperation with Theater Bremen.

Young artists are invited to present their work to the general public as well as to an expert audience. Being a student is not a prerequisite for participation – also "self-taught" artists as well as graduates and collectives (until 3 years after graduation) are welcome to hand in their work.

From all applications, a team of dramaturges and artistic staff from Schwankhalle and Theater Bremen will select the festival programme.

OUTNOW! presents a platform for exchange and networking amongst young artists. Workshops, audience talks and after-talks offer different formats of professional feedback and mentoring. Our OUTNOW! Feedbackers create a multimedia review platform. Open air cinema screenings, concerts and parties round up the festival.

OUTNOW! offers and requires a festival culture of mutual giving and taking when presenting and discussing artistic approaches and ideas. Therefore, we ask applicants to attend the whole festival. Of course, we will pay for all accomodation and travel relating to the festival.

How do I apply?

Students and graduates / collectives (until 3 years after graduation) can apply.

Application deadline: 31 January, 2015.

Application form see below. You can also download it at unter

OUTNOW! will pay for accomodation and breakfast, travel and transport costs to and from Bremen. Unfortunately, we cannot pay a fee.

The productions should not be older than one year.

„Feature-length“ and „Indoor“ is not a must.

Make-up artists, dressers and props / costumes can only be provided in exceptional cases. We ask the productions to cater for these aspects themselves.

Incomplete applications cannot be accepted.

/ Further information
/ Contact:
Claudia Beisswanger, Festival Director OUTNOW!
Buntentorsteinweg 112
28201 Bremen / Germany
Tel. +49-178-1379139


Please send your application and additional information (please send in 2 printed copies and 2 DVDs with the complete video recording of your production, not just a short trailer! Alternatively, you can send in a download link (Vimeo, YouTube, WeTransfer, YouSendit, Dropbox etc. – if password-protected, please also send in the password)

by 31 January, 2015 to


OUTNOW! Festival

c/o Claudia Beisswanger

Buntentorsteinweg 112

28201 Bremen / Germany

General information on the production

Title of the production:
Name of the ensemble / performer:
Genre of the production:
Country of origin of the ensemble / performer:
Website of the ensemble / performer (if existant):
Download link of the complete video recording of the production (as an alternative to sending in a DVD) – please also provide the password if password-protected:
Contact person (name and position): / Phone:
Short description of production (max. 150 words):
Date of premiere / further screening dates:
About the production team attending the festival (please include detailed CVs of all artistic members):
Name: / Postion (artist, technician etc.): / Age: / Status quo artistic education (if student, please indicate year of study / if graduate, please indicate year of graduation) and place of study / training:
OUTNOW! is a platform for mutual giving and taking. What topics are you interested in in terms of workshops and discussions? What can you contribute to our sharing space?

OUTNOW! Festival for Performing Arts – Technical Rider

Title of the production:
Contact person stage setting: / Email:
Stage dimensions in meter (minimum and maximum dimensions):
Width: / Depth: / Hight:
Audience setting:
Maximum audience capacity:
Duration of performance (including poss. intermission)
Intermission (yes / no)?
Technical requirements (short summary, please include more detailed technical rider, if necessary). Please also include photos and drafts of stage setting!
Set-up time: / Deconstruction time: / Number of stage hands / technicians required:
Props / Set:
Props / Set:
(that might be provided by OUTNOW!)
Other requirements (e.g. dancefloor – black or white?; pyrotechnics etc.)

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