Out of the Blue



JR 34 AUGUST 2014

It is with mixed emotions that I open this newsletter to you. Sadness at the passing of a number of our members including our dedicated Chairman, but pleasure in informing you of new members. I am also pleased to note that the present Merseyside Chief Constable Jon Murphy was awarded a Knighthood and his Deputy Andy Cooke received the QPM in the Queen`s birthday honours. I have written to them both to congratulate them from the branch.

At our recent committee meeting the Deputy Chairman Fred Dickinson was elected as Chairman and Ray Muspratt elected as his Deputy. We also have two new members to our committee, John Rowley who has been asked to take the position of Branch Chaplain and Maureen Hamer. I am very sure both will be good assests to our branch. JR.

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN. In response to the loss of our Chairman, Ian Shaw, the Branch committee at our last meeting decided that as Deputy, I should step up to the plate and assume the duties of Chairman. I do so with some trepidation, as Ian will be a very hard act to follow- he was an exceptionally brilliant emissary for our branch and worked hard at all the duties he was asked to perform. He steered us successfully through more than five years of difficult times and helped benefit our reputation and increase our membership. In this my first message as Chairman, I wish a cordial welcome to all our new members and warm greetings to our existing members. I undertake to carry on Ian`s good work and hope that I shall be able to involve more of our members in the trips and socials events. Your committee will continually strive to look after your interests and welfare, both socially and pastorally – please help us to help you enjoy your retirement. Fred. Dickinson.

THE CHIEF`S 40TH ANNIVERSARY `DO`. As some of us may realise that this year has been the 40th Anniversary of the forming of Merseyside police following the reorganising of the county boundaries in 1974. Sir Jon Murphy is organising a get together at Aintree Racecourse to recognise serving officers, retired police and civilian staff. The function is on September 25th at 1.0pm. Unfortunately numbers are restricted and this branch has been allocated just 25 places. This invite does NOT include wives/husbands or partners. I have a small list of interested participants, but if you wish to be included please give me a call and I shall do my utmost to have you included in the invited list. John Russell. 01925 241538 (ansaphone) or email :-

NEW MEMBERS. It is always with great pleasure that I welcome New members to our branch on behalf of our Chairman and the committee.

Don BLACKBURN who with Laura lives in St Helens and has just retired.

Stuart DAVIES who lives in Gt Sankey and retired in June.

Marie CARTWRIGHT, who lives in Haydock, who has joined us in her own right.

John WALDRON , who lives in Garswood and has just retired

Muriel HACKETT, who has joined us in her own right and lives in Billinge.

Sheila SHAW. who also joins in her own right and I am more than pleased to say will remain on our committee.

Ian David HAWLEY and wife Marion who live in Huyton and have transferred to us from a nearby branch.

David GOODLAD another transfer, who with Susan lives in Rainford.

Mary SPENCER who has joined us in her own right and resides in Newton le Willows.

Stuart Thomas HAMER who with wife Maureen has also transferred from a nearby branch.

James Francis ARANDS who with wife Valerie live in Upholland and have again transferred.

Shelagh Mary Mallett another transfer who with Michael lives in Appley Bridge.

I trust that we will have the pleasure of your company at one of our functions in the future and I wish you a long, healthy and happy association with us.

NOT TOO WELLS. If you are aware of any member who is not too well please give one of the committee a call or ring me/email me. JR 01925 241538 or Fred 01744 21482

OBITUARY. It is always with great regret that I report to you the passing of members of our Branch. It is particularly poignant with this issue as we have lost our Branch Chairman of some six years standing. IAN SHAW and I worked closely together in furthering the needs of our branch and he accompanied me to liaison meetings at both Liverpool and Preston. He was a more than capable Chair at our committee meetings and will be sorely missed.

Also, sadly we have lost the following :-

JIM CARTWRIGHT who leaves a widow Marie.

HORACE MARTINDALE who was a widower.

JOAN FLANAGAN who leaves husband Tony.

KEN HACKETT who leaves a widow Muriel.

ROBIN CLIVE SPENCER who leaves a widow Mary.

Our sympathies have been passed to all the families.

SOCIAL EVENTS. Margaret Dickinson our committee stalwart is organising another trip to France, this time toNormandy. The 5 day trip in association with members from the Newton Gardeners Association takes place on 14th May 2015. Visits to the Normandy Beaches, Aramanche, Monet`s Garden and will include the `Cider Route`. The price is £305 inclusive. If you are interested and want further details, please contact Margaret on 01744 21482.

THE BRANCH CHRISTMAS PARTY. Note for your diary. Saturday 13th December 2014 at Bishop Road always an event that should NOT be missed. Let`s not miss you this year. Further details and booking form will be included on the next Newsletter.

THE SOUTHPORT BRANCH DINNER DANCE. Southport NARPO Branch have kindly invited our members to attend their Dinner Dance at the Old Links Golf Club Southport, PR9 7QZ. on Saturday,13th September 2014. The evening is a black tie/lounge suit event. For further information or tickets please contact. Len Waltho 01704 543210 or email to –

THE BRANCH WEBSITE. The St.Helens and District website is currently undergoing many changes, please be patient and hopefully we will soon be totally re-vamped. When fully operational we would welcome your snippetts, stories, photographs and memories. sthelensnarpo.site90.net/cms/

RECORDING YOUR MEMORIES. Ray Muspratt and Mike Curtin both from the Branch Committee are currently contacting our more senior members and recording some of their memories on tape. If you are interested please give me a call/note and we will see if we can effect a visit. I feel sure that your memories will be enjoyed by many in future times. I have mentioned before that some officers and certainly civilian staff don`t understand that policemen walked the beat, alone, for hours at a time, and at night, with just a whistle and truncheon, checking shop door handles and keeping the streets safe. People are interested in social history and we were all part of it.We all have little stories, Let`s record them now. (Have you read Eric Guest`s little book yet – available from Eric call 01744 606222)

MESSAGE FROM RAY MUSPRATT. I hope you have all enjoyed the summer so far and now is the time to think ahead. Hopefully everyone has sorted out their energy bills to ensure they are on the lowest tariff available, but are you fully insulated. EVERYONE, irrespective of their income or whether or not they receive benefits, is entitled to FREE loft and cavity wall insulation. Most Energy companies have a scheme of some sort but an offer which caught my eye was from British Gas for loft and cavity insulation and give you a £50 voucher redeemable at John Lewis, Argos or Toy R Us amongst others. If you are unsure if your property is suitable, fear not, because it will be surveyed first. You do not need to be a customer of British Gas either, everyone qualifies. Enquiries on 0800 294 9126 ( a freefone number) or a mobile friendly number 0330 100 3640. Another scheme which caught my eye recently was a company called `Trust in Blue`. They are a network of trusted and reliable former Police Officers who live locally to you, providing high quality handyman services, who promise to do all manner of odd jobs and property maintenance delivering a good service at a reasonable price. They have a freefone number 0800 2550 255, have a website and an email :- If you avail yourself to any of these services please let`s have your reports. Good or Bad. Regards Ray Muspratt.

And remember – A torch is a case for storing dead batteries.

Hummingbirds are just regular birds that don`t know the words

The day after yesterday is the same as the day before tomorrow.

And finally – To keep the dream alive – hit the snooze button. John Russell