/ Contact Name:Contact Phone #:()
Section 1 - Traveler Information
Name of Traveler: / Traveler’s Work Phone #:
Management Represented Volunteer Board/Commission Other
Section 2 - Trip Details
Event Name Location (city/state):/
Event (date/time):/through / / Are you receiving training? Yes No
Start Official Business (date/time): / / End Official Business (date/time): /
SIDE TRIP: Is Vacation/Personal Time requested in connection with the trip? Yes No Dates:
Section 3 – Justification and Documentation
Criteria for Travel (check all that apply and attach supporting documentation): Federal Grant/Legal Client Transport Revenue Generating Other
Technical Training Required Class/Cert. Reimbursed Travel – by at %
Are there multiple-travelers attending this same event? Yes NoIf “Yes,” list names:
Section 4 - Estimated Cost of Trip Funding Source: (Input all that apply)
Index/ PCA / Funding Source / General Fund
% / Federal Funds
% / Lottery Funds
% /
Other Funds%
/ TOTALSHotel/Address/Phone #:
Conference Hotel? / Over per diem approved? Yes No______
Assistant Director Initial
Lodging: DailyPer Diem $0.00 / Daily Room Rate $0.00 / # of Nights {AMOUNT}
Meals: Daily Per Diem $0.00 / # of Breakfasts {AMOUNT} / # of Lunches {AMOUNT} / # of Dinners 0
Mode of Travel: / State Vehicle: Yes NoPrivate Vehicle: Yes NoAir: Yes No
Train: Yes NoBus: Yes NoOther:
Registration Fee(s): List-
Misc. Expenses: List - (i.e. lodging tax, parking, shuttle/taxi, etc)
Section 5 – Authorization
Traveler / Date / Office AdministratorDateSupervisor / Date / Assistant/Deputy Assistant Director (or delegate)Date
Program Support Manager / Date / DHS Director or Deputy Director Date
[Required for Assistant Director’s Travel Only]
Please read carefully. Please type or print the information. Do not use abbreviations.
Section 1:Traveler Information
- Input information as requested.
Section 2: Trip Details
- Fill in dates and times for Event and Start/End of Business.
- For coding purposes, please note if traveler is receiving training.
- If vacation/personal time is requested, please provide the dates.
Section 3: Justification and Documentation:
Criteria for Travel
- Federal Grant: Attach copy of grant page for proof of required attendance.
- Client Transport: Include the patient or case number. If the transport is for a child, please attach a “Consent to Travel” form (CF0002) for each child.
- Revenue Generating: Invitation indicating attendance is a critical grant requirement
- Technical Training: Training not available in Oregon
- Required Class or Certification: Memo stating requirements
- Reimbursed travel: Invitation from Sponsor and documents indicating how sponsorship will be paid.
- Other: Please explain under ‘Justification’ and attach documentation
Please state in 50 words or less what the need for travel is, i.e., why it’s important to DHS.
Single-Traveler Justification:
- Briefly explain how attending this event impacts your current position or role, using “Criteria for Travel” under “Section 3”.
Multiple-traveler Justification:
If this travel authorization is for multiple-travelers, please justify the need for multiple parties to attend this event by:
- Briefly explaining how attending this event impacts your current position or role, using “Criteria for Travel” under “Section #3”, and addressing any other needs such as:
Concurrent Sessions
Grant Requirements
All Travelers
- Attach agenda or invitation to the event
- Attach required documentation to support the “Criteria for Travel” and “Justification” sections of this form
- Make a copy of the Out-of-State Travel Authorization form and forward to Deputy Director. Maintain original and all supporting documents in cluster office to be included with travel expense claim form.
Section 4:Estimated Cost of Trip
Complete all applicable fields
Section 5:Authorization
Signatures indicate the form has been reviewed for accuracy as follows:
- Traveler: Verifies provided information is accurate to the best of your knowledge.
- Supervisor: Verifies that this travel is within the traveler’s scope of work or current role.
- Program Support Manager: Verifies business need, and that funds are available for travel.
- Administrator: Verifies funds available for expenditure.
- Assistant/Deputy Assistant Director (or delegate): Verifies travel is necessary and complies with current DHS policy and administrative restrictions.