Out of Programme (OOP) Application form for General Practice Trainees

Process Flowchart

You should discuss your intention to take time OOP with your GP Educational Supervisor and your GP Programme Director(s) and read the guidance on the Wales Deanery website that can be found here:
If, after discussing your intentions, you wish to apply to take OOP, you should download and complete the OOP Application Form for GP Trainees, making sure you complete all sections and attach all supporting documentation
You should then send your completed OOP application form along with your supporting documentation to: GP Training School, 8th Floor Neuadd Meirionnydd, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS
You will receive an email notification of receipt of your OOP Application and the date of the next GP Specialty Training Executive Group (STEG) meeting where your application will be discussed and considered
After the GP STEG have met, you will be informed out the outcome via email, copied to your Programme Directors and Educational Supervisor, from

Out of Programme (OOP) Application form for General Practice Trainees

Please send this completed form to GP Training School, 8th Floor Neuadd Meirionnydd, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS

Section A – Trainee Information

Full Name: / National Training Number (NTN):
GMC Number: / Current CCT Date:
Correspondence address whilst OOP (including telephone number and email address):
Year of training: / Current post:

Section B – Details of the proposed OOP

Please indicate if you are requesting time out of programme for:
Prospectively approved by GMC for clinical training (OOPT)
Please attach details of your proposed training for which GMC prospective approval will be required if the training does not already have GMC approval. For on-going OOP this document should accompany the assessment documentation for ARCP. / New request 
Ongoing/Extension 
Clinical experience not prospectively approved for training (OOPE)
Please attach and describe the clinical experience you are planning to undertake (e.g. overseas posting with a voluntary organisation). For on-going OOPE, a short report from your supervisor confirming that you are still undertaking clinical experience should accompany this form. / New request 
Ongoing/Extension 
Research for a registered degree (OOPR)
Please attach your outline research proposal to this document and include the name and location of your research supervisor. For on-going OOP a report from the research supervisor should accompany this form. / New request 
Ongoing/Extension 
Career Break (OOPC)
Please attach a brief outline for your reasons for requesting a career break whilst retaining your national training number. / New request 
Ongoing/Extension 
Out of Programme period:
Start date:………………………….. End date:…………………………….
Reason(s) for the request:
Aims and Objectives for this experience (not applicable for OOPC):
Please map your aims and objectives to the GP Curriculum statements
What will be your provisional date for completing training if you are granted this OOP request: / Date:
Have you discussed this application with your GP Programme Director(s): / Yes  No 
Have you discussed this application with your GP Educational Supervisor: / Yes  No 
I confirm that I am in receipt of a current satisfactory ARCP: / Yes  No 
I understand that I cannot commence my OOP until all approval has been granted: / Yes  No 
I understand that I must retain my GMC registration throughout the duration of my OOP: / Yes  No 
I confirm that I have read the Out of Programme guidance and adhere to the following stipulations:
  • Discussion with my GP Programme Director(s) does not mean approval to commence OOP and if I commence OOP without proper approval from The GP Training School, disciplinary action may be taken by my employer
  • I am requesting approval from The GP Training School to undertake the time OOP described above/continue on my current OOP whilst retaining my national training number
I understand that:
a)OOP will normally be for a period of one year in total but, exceptionally, can be up to two years.
b)I will need to liaise closely with my GP Programme Director(s) and The GP Training School so that my re-entry into the training programme can be facilitated. I am aware that at least six months’ notice must be given of the date that I intend on returning and that the placement will depend on availability at that time. I understand that I may have to wait for a placement and that it cannot be guaranteed to be on the same GP training scheme that I was recruited into.
c)I will need to return an annual OOP report for each year that I am OOP for consideration at the ARCP Panel.
d)I will need to give at least six months’ notice to The GP Training School and three months’ notice to my employer before my time OOP can commence
Trainee Name: / Date:
Trainee Signature:

Section C – Declarations

To be completed by current GP Educational Supervisor (ES)
I confirm that the trainee has discussed this OOP application with me.
ES Name: / Date:
ES Signature:
To be completed by GP Programme Director(s)
I/We confirm that the trainee has discussed this OOP application with me.
PD Name: / Date:
PD Signature:
PD Name: / Date:
PD Signature:

Please make sure you have completed all the relevant sections above. You should now send this to:

GP Training School, 8th Floor Neuadd Meirionnydd, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS

Section D – Final Approval by The GP Training School

To be completed by the Chair of GP Specialty Training Executive Group (STEG)
After discussion and consideration at the last GP STEG Meeting, I confirm that this application for OOP is:
Approved  Not approved 
Name: / Date:
If not approved, please detail the reasons: