Our Savior Lutheran Church

BLM Meeting – 10/02/17



·  Devotion

·  Prayer

Minutes from previous meeting (Attachment I page #2)

Old Business

·  Pastor Talk

o  Pastor Lee

o  Pastor Ryan

·  MLC agenda (Attachment II page #3)

·  Point Me

·  Spiritual care

o  Life Groups

o  Member care

o  Stephens Ministry

o  Other

·  Other

New Business

·  Worship times

·  Confirmation October 29th at LHNE

·  Other

Next meeting: November 6th

Closing prayer

(Attachment I – Minutes from previous meeting)

Our Savior Lutheran Church

BLM Meeting – 8/7/2017

Meeting Minutes

7:00 pm – Devotion & Prayer

Pebble vs golfballs in your life, what’s your Priority?

Minutes From Previous Meeting: Brandon motioned, Les second. carried

Old Business

Pastor Talk:

-  Pastor Lee: meniscus surgery sometime. Building moving along.

-  Pastor Ryan: Kick off Sunday went good, lot of kids showed. Bible studies starting again. Life groups starting. Confirmation starting. Christmas Gift going. Becky having Sinus surgery.

-  Pastor Frank Favre: MIA

MLC Report:

No report from trustee or stewardship lately, stewardship team getting formed back together. Pledge cards going out again. Need to be out of old business end of August or first of September. Review of budget, utilities and some maintenance at the new building will go up some.


New floor plan last night. Closing this building end of this month. Voter meeting to approve loan from LCEF. Concerned about parking at new.

Member Care

Life groups starting 5 of them right now. Nothing in place to recruit right now. Randolph group maybe forming.

Review of 6 week missing member passed around.

Colleen has a spreadsheet, can we update it after a service and try to contact those new visitors. How to connect with them right away. Ideas, Meal with visitors, dinner or meet the pastor lunch. Phone calls not the working the best. Maybe text.

Personal connection best, coffee after for visitors. Free lunch for visitors with member. Coffee cups vs mug to keep for visitors.

Perry, Les, and (Steve F and DeWight B) on a committee about welcoming ideas.

Troy and John announced Stephen Ministry this last weekend, had a few people come forward to Ryan. Hoping for 15 to 20 on that committee.

New Business

One of our Organists is moving. Backup on reserve unless bad weather.

What worship times at new building. Went over numbers on board, Perry has wonderful writing skills.

Quite a bit of discussion of new service times to figure out.

Confirmation Oct 29th at LHNE 10:30

Helping with 5 BLM on hand.

Keys handed out for new guys.

BLM Present:

P Lee, P Ryan, Clint B, Les H, John G, Dale C, Brandon M, Steve K, Bob Mc, Jason K, Steve F, Jacob S, Mark J, Perry M, Ryan K, Troy T, Jordan M,

Monday Oct 2 nd, next meeting.

Adjourn 9:30 pm, Lord’s Prayer.

(Attachment II – MLC agenda)

Our Savior Lutheran Church

MLC Meeting – 09/18/17


Opening devotion and prayer


·  Previous month (Attachment I, page #2)

Financial Report

·  Previous month (Attachment II, page #4)

Old Business

·  Ministry Teams

o  YMT (Attachment III, page #9)

o  CMT (Attachment IV, page #10)

o  Stewardship (Attachment V, page #11)

o  Trustees (Next meeting will be in new building)

·  Task Force

o  Discovering Our Future Together

-  Jim Nord

·  Meeting 2nd Monday of the month

·  Open to all

-  TSP

·  Finished Design Development phase

·  New construction time line (Attachment VI, page #13)

-  Beckenhauer Construction

·  Continuing to develop GMP

·  Needs that appear to be outside of budget at this time

o  Parking

o  Sanctuary


·  Closing

o  Date (TBD)

o  Documents being collected

·  Bridge loan

o  1 million dollars +/-

o  To be paid in full within 3 years of start (October 17, 2017)

·  Long term loan

o  2.5 million dollars

o  3.75% (5 year adjustable rate)

o  20 year loan

-  Eagle Distribution

·  Will vacate building on or before September 30th

·  Truck wash building (mechanical wash equipment removed)

-  NPS

·  Purchase agreement (Attachment VII, page #14)

·  Lease (Attachment VIII, page #19)

·  Closing date September 28th

·  Documents and material being collected

·  Voter’s meeting

·  Reports

o  BLM (Attachment IX, page #23)

·  Other

New Business

·  Thank you – I just wanted to drop a quick note to tell you and all of Our Savior how grateful my family is for the tuition support for Alaina to attend Christ Lutheran. Without the support, we'd be unable to send her to a Lutheran school. Thank you so much!

·  LCEF loan

o  Voter’s meeting to approve loan September 30, October 1

o  MLC vote to approve loan

·  Circuit 500 Reformation on November 5th

o  Worship 3:00 at CLS

o  Dinner 5:00 at new building

·  Fall harvest dinner on the 28th of September

·  Frank Brink

Closing prayer (Next meeting Monday October 16th at 5:30)

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