Come and Learn . . . Go and Share . . . Honor and Serve
Our Savior Lutheran Church –March 2017 Newsletter
1010 – 8th St. South - Brookings, SD 57006
Church Office (605) 692-6989; Church e-mail –
Pastor Ken Brokmeier - Home - (605) 692-9249; e-mail –
Vicar Alexander Eckert - Home – 517-667-8914; e-mail –
“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. … He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:3,5
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If I say to you, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” You may gently chide me and say, “Pastor, you are a little late!” Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Often Valentine cards contain words that are chosen very carefully. They are meaningful words of love and affection. Sometimes when we are sending a valentine to someone, we might even agonize over which words to use. We want to choose the right words that express the deep love we have.
How about the words printed above by the prophet Isaiah? Would you include any of his words in a card to your loved one? At first thought you would say, “Absolutely not!” Words like “despised… rejected… sorrows… suffering… punishment” would be the last choice for a Valentine’s Day card! But the Bible surprises us. These words from God are really a wonderful expression of his true love for people.
The first thing to understand is that Isaiah was writing about Jesus. Jesus, God’s Son, was sent to earth to be the world’s Savior. The Bible tells us that because of sin there was punishment looming for all people. But Jesus took that punishment on himself. Jesus is our Savior who suffered for sinners. He took all this suffering on himself, including death on a cross, so that people wouldn’t suffer eternally.
The second thing to remember is that we are talking about something very personal to all of us. We were the ones Jesus came to suffer for. We were the ones who were headed to the punishment of eternal separation from God. Our sinful thoughts, words, and actions condemned us. But as the prophet wrote, “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Jesus’ love for us is deep and long-lasting. It’s not a shallow love that we might receive from others, or a love that is here today and gone tomorrow. Jesus’ love is eternal. He promises that since he suffered and gave up his life for us, he will continue to love us each and every day.
Every time you open the Bible it’s like Valentine’s Day. These are God’s words of love for you.
There is still slow progress being made on the healing of my wound since I began seeing a wound care specialist. It would appear from blood tests that there is no more infection and I continue to NOT take any antibiotics.
Again thank for the many offers of help and I will repeat that the best way to support your pastor is to continue to come to church and get involved J.
The following groups are scheduled to serve after the Midweek Lenten Services: 3/1 – Group 1 (Arla Reed, Chair); 3/8 – Group 2 (Laura Seidl, Chair); March 15 – Group 3 (Mary Berg, Chair); March 22 – Collegians; March 29 – Group 4 (Ruth Lucas, Chair); April 5 – Group 5 (Linda Harms, Chair) and April 13 (Maundy Thursday) – Group 6 (Sue Carlson, Chair).
Questions? Contact Mardell Colbeck or call her at 605-693-2849.
Please note during Lent confirmation class will be held on Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:15 PM. During Lent, we invite parents of the confirmands to sign up to bring “supper.” A signup sheet will be on the back counter in the near future.
If weather is a factor or your child is sick and unable to attend, please let Pastor or Vicar know and make sure you obtain the homework information.
Confirmation parents, please check with your child each week regarding their assignments. If you are not sure, please contact Pastor or Vicar.
1. Sunday Morning (including teens) - We continue the Old Testament Stories following the same schedule as the Sunday School.
2. Sunday Morning – Love and Respect – This class began on February 19 and is being taught by Matt Fenske. It is geared for couples who are married any length of time or soon to be married. The class meets downstairs in the 2nd Sunday school room on the left.
3. Thursday morning Breakfast Bible Studies –Both the 7AM and 9AM groups are currently studying some of the I AM statements of Jesus. We will soon begin a Bible study on the topic of Law and Gospel.
4. Bible Information Class – Pastor and Vicar have a couple different BIC classes going right now. If you would like to take a BIC - please contact Pastor or Vicar to get started!
Please remember in prayer our homebound. We also include the following: Walter Palmer (father of Jeff Palmer), Mary Schwisow (mother of Dane Slater), Joel Curran (son-in-law of Ganters), Brad Knutson (son-in-law of Ruth Lucas) and Amber Hartman – all dealing with cancer.We also have the following addresses for Jordan Zmuda who is serving in the military:
Jordan Zmuda
PO Box 3394
Fort Polk, La. 71459
Please get Newsletter prayer requests to Linda by the 20th of the month.
Pastor Jacob Behnken is planning to come and play for our worship services on Sunday, April 2. We will be having a special song service that day reviewing the Christian Church Year Calendar. Pastor Behnken will be having short recital between services (about 10:00-10:35AM).
We will plan to have a meal following the second service. Watch the bulletin for more details.
Midweek Lenten Services begin on Wednesday, March 1, with an Ash Wednesday communion service at 7:00 PM. All Midweek services will begin at 7 PM. We will plan to again serve refreshments and time of fellowship after the services. The overall theme for our services this year will be: REPENT
V March 1 – (Ash Wednesday – Communion Service) – Turn to Jesus and Not to Yourself
V March 8 – Turn to Jesus; Do not Turn Away
V March 15 – Turn to Jesus; He Holds the Key to Heaven
V March 22 – Turn to Jesus; He long to Forgive You
V March 29 – Turn to Jesus; He Changes Your life
V April 5 – Turn to Jesus When You Face Temptations
V April 13 – (Maundy Thursday @ 7PM) – Turn to Jesus and Receive a Special Assurance of Your Forgiveness
V April 14 –(Good Friday @ 7PM) – Turn to Jesus; He and He Alone Finished Your Salvation
V April 16 – (Easter Sunday @ 9:30AM) - Turn to Jesus for Resurrection and Life
The 50th Anniversary Committee continues to meet. As noted earlier, the organ dedication is scheduled for April 2nd.
The second event will be the main event on Sunday, June 11 with a 10:00 AM service. The theme is We are Thankful for God’s Favor based on Psalm 90. Former Pastor Paul Zell will be our guest speaker. We will be serving a catered meal. An announcement for June 11th will be published in the Forward in Christ magazine. The committee is working on a special booklet that will contain some history and also hopefully some pictures and comments from previous Pastors and Vicars.
The third event will be Mission Festival. The theme is Declare God’s Glory Among the Nations based on Psalm 96. We are working with Pastor Brian Schmidt, our former vicar, to come and be our guest preacher. We will plan on having a potluck similar to past Mission Festivals.
The ushering schedule is printed in the newsletter and bulletin for the next four weeks; If you are scheduled to serve, Lynne will typically contact you by phone, e-mail or both or put a reminder in your mail box to remind you of the schedule prior to the month beginning. If you are not able to serve, we ask that you identify and contact a replacement for yourself. We also ask that you contact Lynne to help keep the schedule as updated and accurate as possible.
A contact list for all ushers is available to assist in locating and contacting a replacement. Please notify Lynne of changes. If there is an upcoming period where you would like to be scheduled, please let Lynne know as well and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Thanks to all who have signed to serve so far in 2017. There are still a few spots remaining. If you have questions or are not sure we invite you to ask Linda, Pastor or past servers like: Naomi Boone, Annie Borns, Sue Brokmeier, Mardell Colbeck, Ann Hansen, Donna Langland, Ruth Lucas, Judy Miller, Arla Reed, Mona Tunender, and Carolyn Willert,
If you live out of town and are concerned about driving in to set things up for communion weekend, we also would welcome individuals to help with replenishing the elements after the first service.
Thanks for giving this your consideration.
V Our ushers/greeters, and those who take care of the flowers/plants for church especially during the winter – Arlene Klavetter, Linda Berkland, Mardell Colbeck, Lorna Elliott, Yvonne Wosje, and Gerri Kramer.
V Those who have been blessed and bring special gifts in addition to regular Sunday offerings.
V Laura Seidl for tabulating the HyVee receipts.
V Our counters who faithfully count and record the offerings each week.
V Jonathan Dykstra, Hunter Winghart, Matt Knutson, Seth Brokmeier, and Ray Widner and others for recording and projecting the services.
V Corbin and Sami Kratovil for their work to wire the new AV-Organ area with outlets.
V Seth Hansen and Karl Seidl for moving the AV Equipment and coordinating the construction of the back corner of church and projecting and recording or services.
V Lynne Wellberg, Linda Schumacher, Scott Thompson and Gladys Bren for their secretarial and custodial work.
V All who make our visitors feel welcome.
V Those who are serving on the Church Council and various committees and serving groups.
V The various individuals and families who provide treats on Sunday mornings.
May the Lord richly bless these and so many other labors of love for his Kingdom!
The anniversary committee is looking for pictures of the two churches who merged with Our Savior over the years: Argo Congregation and Oslo Congregation. We would also appreciate pictures of the different locations in which we have worshipped the past 50 years (Student Center, Dairy Micro on SDSU Campus, Lutheran Student Center, Bostwicks in the Mall).
A letter has been sent to each of the vicars and pastors who have served Our Savior asking for pictures and information. Information for our June 11 service is being placed into the Forward in Christ magazine.
On Sunday, March 19 we will be having two different events.
1. Festival of Friendship Sunday and Pizza – The worship service will contain some familiar hymns as well as message of why Jesus is so important. This would be excellent service to which you could invite someone. We will be serving pizza following the service. Please sign up if you plan to be here for pizza!
2. Movie and Ice Cream – Also on March 19 we will plan to show the movie Facing the Giants. This movie has actually been out for about ten years and is a good family film about a coach and his resolve to help his football team learn that whether they win or lose, they want to glorify God.
We will purchase a public viewing license which permits us to show this movie to a public audience so we encourage you all to attend. There is no admission.
The plan is to begin the movie about 12:45PM on Sunday, March 19. So if you know someone who might not come to church with you for the Festival of Friendship you can still invite them to join us for pizza and then attend the movie. (Pizza will be served from about noon until 12:40 in the fellowship hall..
The movie is about 2 hours long. After it the plans are to serve ice cream. Please feel free to invite friends – especially college students.
3/5, 8:30 – Russ/Don Lokken; 11:00 –A. Bruns/J. Widner; 3/12, 8:30 – N. Werner/S. VanMaanen; 11:00 – M. Kramer/C. Holmlund; 3/19, 8:30 – S. Thompson/J. Converse; 11:00 – G. Harms/Corbin Kratovil; 3/26/ 8:30 – B/J Dykstra; 11:00 – M. Knutson/Richard Harms
All Thrivent members 16 years and older can lead two different Action Team events each year.
During the past 14 months we have applied for over 50 different action team events and while a few were not approved (it didn’t hurt to try) about 48 of them were approved and we have received $12,000 worth of support via the Thrivent Action Teams.
We would like to build on that for 2017 and perhaps even expand it some more. Watch for a sign up sheet in the near future for possible events for the next couple of months. The deadline to apply for a grant is no sooner than 120 days before the event and no later than 21 days before the event. For each approved event the team receives $250 gift card that can be used to help sponsor the event. If you are Thrivent member and interested in helping but not sure of the process, please speak with pastor and he would be happy to help register your event. CHECK OUT THE SIGN UP SHEET!!