Our ref: Your ref:

Email: / Trust Headquarters
Chestnut House
Bradford Royal Infirmary
Duckworth Lane
Tel: 01274 364136
Fax: 01274 364786

DearP Singh

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Further to your request for informationI can confirm, as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, thatwehold the information you have asked for.


Does your trust perform elective general paediatric surgery, e.g.

orchidopexy for undescended testes, inguinal herniotomy and


Yes, we have one surgical ward and perform elective paediatric surgery for a number of specialities.

If so, who performs these operations, e.g. Adult surgeon with

paediatric interest, paediatric surgeon from another trust?

We fund a specialist paediatric General Surgeon from Leeds Teaching Hospital to attend Bradford Royal Infirmary every week.

For other specialities eg, ENT, Plastics and orthopaedics, we have Adult trained speciality surgeons with an extended interest and training in Paediatrics undertaking the procedures. We use Paediatric trained anaesthetists.

If adult surgeon, what is their primary speciality (e.g. vascular,

urology, upper GI, colorectal)?

ENT, Orthopaedic, plastics specialist surgeons are all used to provide a local service for children.

All general surgery is performed by a paediatric Surgeon.

For highly specialist procedures such as cardiac, renal neurological surgery etc Children go to a Regional Specialsit centre such as Leeds or Sheffield.

How many operating sessions of general paediatric surgery are

performed every week in your trust

One per week plus one per alternate week

How many surgeons perform general paediatric operations?


What is the age cut-off for elective paediatric operations (lowest


Depends on size and weight of the child, but usually not less than 1 month

What paediatric population do you cover?

There are 140,000 children and young people under 19 years in the Bradford District.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relationto your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision, you should write to Jason Joy at the above address.

If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision until you have exhausted thecomplaints procedure provided by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The Information

Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water

Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely

Jason Joy

Freedom of Information Officer