Date: December 2017
Our Ref: Year 10 PPE examinations
Reply to: ALF/MDE
At:Borough Road
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am writing to inform you that Year 10 will be taking their first set of PPEs (Pre-public exams) during the week beginning the 29th January 2018. This will be the first opportunity for students to have crucial practice in a formal situation for their GCSE exams. The new style GCSEs are far more demanding than they have been in the past, so these exams will give students a real understanding of how hard they will need to work to be successful in their final GCSE exams.
It is essential that Year 10 start their revision for these exams now. Students will be given a comprehensive revision guide with important advice and guidance from each individual subject. All information about these exams, including the revision guide, will be on the Academy website on the ‘Revision Hub’.The VLC is also open after school from 3pm to 4pm Monday – Thursday to support student’s learning, as well as from 8am – 8.30am every morning. Revision will be taking place in lessons over the next few weeks, as well as after school – please see grade booster timetable.
It is important that the students take these examinations seriously, as the results of these exams will inform the staff and the students of their current grade, and more importantly what they need to do to improve so that they can reach or exceed their target grades at GCSE.
I am also attaching the exam timetable, although students will also receive their own individual timetables nearer the time.
If you have any questions regarding the exams, please do not hesitate to contact me on .
Yours faithfully,
Anne Freeman (Assistant Principal – Progress)
Year 10 Grade booster timetable
Monday / Maths – Maths rooms
History – BT8/9
Tuesday / Science – Higher B42
English – EM16
Computer Science – B36
History – BT8/9
Geography – BT4 (see teacher for dates)
Wednesday / English – EM16
Science – Foundation B42
Thursday / Ethics – BT3
French – EM17
Year 10 PPEs (Pre-public examinations)
Week beginning 29th January 2018
1. Make a revision timetable so that you can plan your revision.
2. Try different ways of revising:
Mind maps
Highlight key words – reduce your notes
Revision apps/websites
3. BUG the question in the exams – Always read the questions!
BUBBLE command words
UNDERLINE key points
4. Find out from your teacher what a model answer looks like so that you can reach your target grade.
5. Spend at least two hours on revision each night.
6. Attend all revision sessions available to you.
7. Turn off all mobile devices whilst revising!
8. Get plenty of sleep before your exam and eat well.
9. Make sure that you have all the equipment you need for each
Year 10 Exam timetable commencing 30th January 2017
Monday 29th January8.30 / 11.15 / 1.45
Maths Paper 1 – 1hr 30
Tuesday 30th January
8.30 / 11.15 / 1.45
Option B
Business – 1hr
Child Development – 1hr 15
Computer Science – 1hr
Geography – 1hr 15
History – 50 mins
Music – 1hr
Health & Social Care – 1hr
Ethics – 1hr / English Paper 1 – 1hr
Wednesday 31st January
8.30 / 11.15 / 1.45
Separate Science Biology – 1hr 45
Combined Science Biology – 1hr 15 / Maths Paper 2 – 1hr 30
Thursday 1st February
8.30 / 11.15 / 1.45
Separate Science Chemistry – 1hr 45
Combined Science Chemistry – 1hr 15 / Option C
Child Development – 1hr15
Computer Science – 1hr
Drama – 1hr 30
French – 1hr 30
Geography – 1hr 15
History 50 mins
Friday 2nd February
8.30 / 11.15 / 1.45
Option A
French – 1hr 30
Geography – 1hr 15
Health & Social Care – 1hr
History – 50 mins
ICT – 1hr
Media Studies – 1hr / English Paper 2 – 1hr 15
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 30th January
Format of the exam:
Paper 1
19th Century Fiction
1 Hour 45 Minutes, 2 Reading passages.
Section A – 24 Marks One hour
Read the extract and answer questions 1 – 4.
Assessment objectives tested: AO1, AO2, AO4.
Topics that need to be revised:
19th Century Fiction – Language & Structure, evaluating a text.
Hints and tips for preparation:
- Read a variety of 19th century texts.
- Analyse language and structure from a range of extracts.
- Practise writing within a specified time.
- Complete practice exam paper/questions.
- Attend Grade Booster sessions.
- Ask your English teacher for extra tasks to complete.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Format of the exam:
Paper 2
20th & 21st Century Non-Fiction
1 Hour 15 Minutes - 2 Reading passages.
Section A – 56 Marks One hour & 15 minutes
Read Text 1 – Answer questions 1 – 3.
Read Text 2 – Answer questions 4 – 6.
Question 7 is about BOTH texts.
Assessment objectives tested: AO1, AO2,AO3, and AO4.
Topics that need to be revised:
Non-Fiction – Language & Structure, How to evaluate a text, How to compare texts.
Hints and tips for preparation:
- Read a variety of articles, travel writing, diary entries, autobiographical writing.
- Analyse language and structure from a range of articles/extracts.
- Practise answering questions within a specified time.
- Complete practice exam paper/questions.
- Attend Grade Booster sessions.
- Ask your English teacher for extra tasks to complete.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Edexcel GCSE Mathematics 9-1
Format of the exam:
Paper 1 – Non Calculator (80 marks) 1 hour 30 mins
Paper 2 – Calculator (80 marks) 1 hour 30 mins
Topics that need to be revised:
Some topics to revise:
-Handling data (sampling, organising and representing data)
Fractions decimals and percentages.
-Formulae and Functions (Substituting into formulae,
equations, identities expanding and factorising).
-Working in 2D (measures, lengths, angles, transformations).
-Factors multiples and primes.
-Straight line graphs and circles.
Hints and tips for preparation:
Look over your entire end of unit assessments to familiarise yourself with the types of question involved in each topic – secure topics/practise missed concepts.
Use the mathematics google classroom. This is updated with topics that will be included on the exam, with extra video links, worksheets, unit assessments, common exam style questions. There are past papers both with worked solutions
and for you to have a go through.
Maths will be running revision sessions afterschool beginning in the New Year. These will start on the first Monday back after school and continue every Monday up until the PPE exam. We would highly recommend attending all sessions as we will be covering common misconceptions and good exam practise.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Trilogy Science and Separate Science
AQA Exam Board
Please note: Your exam and what should be revised depends on the course you are studying. This is either Trilogy Science or Separate Science (option subject).
Trilogy Science - Format of the exam:
- Biology – Paper 1 (foundation and higher)
- 1 hour 15 minute exam that consists of 70 marks
- Questions in this exam will be both long and short response with questions relating to practical techniques. This will include calculations where appropriate. All questions will be on biology.
- Topics that need to be revised:
- Cell biology: microscopy, cell structure, stem cells, cell division, transport in cells.
- Organisation: digestive system, circulatory system, enzymes, plant organisation.
- Infection and Response: communicable diseases, pathogens, vaccines, drugs and their development.
- Bioenergetics: photosynthesis, limiting factors, respiration (aerobic and anaerobic), metabolism.
- Required Practical Activities: The following required practical activities should have been completed during lessons. Your exam may include questions from these activities.
- Microscopy
- Osmosis
- Food Tests
- Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
- The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis
- Chemistry – Paper 1 (foundation and higher)
- 1 hour 15 minute exam that consists of 70 marks
- Questions in this exam will be both long and short response with questions relating to practical techniques. This will include calculations where appropriate. All questions will be on chemistry.
- Topics that need to be revised:
- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table: elements and compounds, atoms and atomic structure.
- Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter: kinetic theory and types of bonding.
- Quantitative Chemistry: relative formula mass, the mole and equations.
- Chemical Changes: acids, bases, salts and electrolysis.
- Energy Changes: exothermic and endothermic reactions.
- Required Practical Activities: The following required practical activities should have been completed during lessons. Your exam may include questions from these activities.
- Making Salts
- Electrolysis
- Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Separate Science - Format of the exam:
- Biology/Chemistry (higher only)
- 1 hour 45 minute exam that consists of 100 marks
- Questions in this exam will be both long and short response with questions relating to practical techniques. This will include calculations where appropriate. This exam will include questions on biology, chemistry and physics.
- Topics that need to be revised:
- Biology – Paper 1 (higher)
- Cell biology: microscopy, cell structure, stem cells, cell division, transport in cells.
- Organisation: digestive system, circulatory system, enzymes, plant organisation.
- Infection and Response: communicable diseases, pathogens, vaccines, drugs and their development.
- Bioenergetics: photosynthesis, limiting factors, respiration (aerobic and anaerobic), metabolism.
- Required Practical Activities: The following required practical activities should have been completed during lessons. Your exam may include questions from these activities.
- Microscopy
- Osmosis
- Antiseptic Effectiveness
- Food Tests
- Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
- The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis
- Chemistry – Paper 1 (higher)
- 1 hour 45 minute exam that consists of 100 marks
- Questions in this exam will be both long and short response with questions relating to practical techniques. This will include calculations where appropriate. All questions will be on chemistry.
- Topics that need to be revised:
- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table: elements and compounds, atoms and atomic structure.
- Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter: kinetic theory and types of bonding.
- Quantitative Chemistry: relative formula mass, the mole and equations.
- Chemical Changes: acids, bases, salts and electrolysis.
- Energy Changes: bond energies, exothermic and endothermic reactions, fuel and chemical cells.
- Required Practical Activities: The following required practical activities should have been completed during lessons. Your exam may include questions from these activities.
- Making Salts
- Titration
- Electrolysis
- Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Hints and tips for preparation:
Revision guides are available to purchase from Parent Pay for £5.50 (Trilogy) and £2.75 (Separate).
Make sure you are using a number of different revision techniques in order for you to prepare fully. Make sure you are using your revision guides and your class work books in order to see what topics have been covered and therefore what you could have a question on. Revision sessions run after school on both Tuesday (higher tier) and Wednesdays (foundation tier).
Stretch and challenge for top grades:
For those students sitting the higher tier paper make sure you look at the higher tier sections in your revision guide and make sure you use past papers to practice your examination technique. Revision is also available on Kerboodle and The Revision Hub.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Format of the exam:
The examination will last for 75 minutes.
There will be TWO full GCSE questions, one on the living environment (ecosystems) and one on river environments.
There will also be a data question at the end.
You must answer ALLthe questions.
Topics that need to be revised:
- Living Environment
- Small scale ecosystems – food chains, food webs
- Global biomes – location and distribution
- Rainforests – vegetation, adaptation, climate, opportunities
and challenges
- Cold environments – climate, adaptations, uses and the
opportunitiesand challenges
- Case studies – Amazon and Svalbard
- River environments
- River’s long profile and cross sectional shapes
- River features: waterfalls, interlocking spurs, meanders, ox-bow lakes, levees
- River features – River Tees
- Flooding: causes, effects and management
- Hydrographs
- Reasons why water / rivers are important to us
- Data question
You will be given a resource/s and have to answer questions about that resource. The resource could be a graph, map, photograph or diagram. These questions will assess your interpretation skills.
Hints and tips for preparation:
Read the questions carefully and use the B.U.G. technique.
Look at the number of marks per question.
Study the resources carefully and provide evidence from the resources in your answers.
Follow all instructions – if it says draw a labelled diagram or use evidence or data in your answer you must as marks are allocated for this.
Learn your case studies and ensure your case study matches the question - HIC or LIC.
Stretch and challenge for top grades:
Ensure that you demonstrate good geographical understanding. e.g. if the question asks about sustainability refer to social, economic and environmental sustainability.
Ensure you use connectives in your answers. E.g. However, as a result of, consequently,...
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Exam board – OCR B
Length of the exam:
The exam will last for 55 minutes
Always begin by reading through the whole paper at the start of the exam.
Format of the paper:Heading West
Answer all of the questionsin A and on out of two questions in section B of the paper.
Section A - Question style – Answer all 3 of the questions / Marks available- a/b/c Knowledge
2. APE paragraphs
Write a clear and organised summary that analyses… / 9marks
3. APE paragraphs
What was the impact of…? / 10 marks
Section B – Question style – Answer 1 of the 2 questions / Marks available
4or 5. Full essay – arrange your APE paragraphs into factors
How far do you agree that…?Give reasons for your answer.
The period of…How far do you agree with this statement? Give
reasons for your answer. / 18 marks
Hints and tips for preparation:
Have a go at answering every question.
Work on your APE paragraph structure. Most of the answers will follow this format;
The most significant factor…
The evidence for this is…
This is important because…
Practice APE/PEE for your essay questions.
Remember to refer to or quote from all sources provided, that’s why they are there.
Use BUG and remain focussed on what the question asks you to do.
How can I do well?
Visit to access a wide range of revision resources
Come along to revision sessions in BT8 on Monday and Tuesday afternoons
Look out for the revision PowerPoint on the main school website
Visit BBC History and BBC bitesize for alternative sources of knowledge.
Stretch and challenge for top grades:
Add balance to your answers; e.g. However…
Carefully choose a short Quote from ANY written Sources provided to enhance your answer.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Computer Science
Exam board - OCR
Format of the exam:
1 Hour Written Paper
Mixture of short answer and long answer questions based on theory and practical work studied in class.
Topics that need to be revised:
• Systems Architecture
• Memory
• Storage
• Wired and wireless networks
• Network topologies, protocols and layers
• System security
Hints and tips for preparation:
Ensure that you revise thoroughly from the notes in your exercise booklets AND by looking online researching areas of weakness. All test scores will be placed on Classroom so you can see where you need to focus your revision.
Stretch and challenge for top grades:
Make sure that you use the language used on the Craig and Dave videos.
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January
Exam board – WJEC
Format of the exam:
Reading exam - 45 minutes – Reading tasks & French to English translation
Writing exam – 45 minutes – a piece of writing & English to French translation
To write about your house, home town and local area, what you did last weekend (past tense) and what you will do next weekend (future tense) – at least 90 words, up to 180 for higher grades
Topics that need to be revised:
Talking about your house
Talking about your town
Advantages and disadvantages of living somewhere
What sort of activities you can do in a place
What you did last weekend (past tense)
What you will do next weekend (future tense)
Hints and tips for preparation:
You need to learn to write your answer to the question we have prepared. Ensure that you can do the present, past & future tense. Make sure you add extended opinions.
Stretch and challenge for top grades:
You will need to show off your French. Learn some complex phrases which you know will get a good grade. Use the sheet given to you in class. Make sure that you have lots of extended opinions and that you justify your answers.
Useful websites & where to find help:
Log on to and download some practice papers. Scroll down to ‘Secure Website’ at the bottom of the page. You will find listening papers, the sound files and mark schemes here.
Username: 54333JBRPassword: French2015
Year 10 Examinations
Week beginning 29th January