Ground Water Abstraction in Kenya Outreach (G.W.A.K.O)

Physical Address: Ground Floor, Wing B, Alpha House,

Oginga Odinga Street,

Kisumu City, Kenya

Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 569 – 40101, AHERO, Kenya

Tel +25457 202 0939

Mob +254 721 826 904



Ground Water Abstraction in Kenya Outreach (GWAKO) formerly Groups of women in Agriculture – Kochieng (GWAKO) is a faith and charity limited organization dully registered as provided for in the laws of Kenya. GWAKO was established on December 23, 1998 then as a self help group and after successful intervention in water and sanitation changed her status in 2008 as a faith based community organization with the mandate to provide water and Sanitation services nationally.

GWAKO is staffed with well trained and highly experienced professionals spanning the fields of water supply engineering including all aspects of water well drilling, rural and urban environmental sanitation and other health related majors, financial management and administration, community development and project cycle management. Besides, GWAKO has developed and maintains close linkage with the government of Kenya and frequently incorporate GoK staff members in all community project implementation processes. GWAKO also works with a wide range of partners, its associate consultants and volunteers (both local & International) on Advocacy, capacity building for water user groups (WUG’S), Engineering and construction of boreholes and all aspects of hygiene promotion and sanitation development support programs including Latrines construction.

To date, GWAKO has successfully implemented 103 water point (borehole & shallow wells), 242 pit latrines and various health and hygiene education/ training based on PHAST module. Over and above these, we are also currently providing SO service to Millennium Water program through generous funding of USAID.

GWAKO considers its core experience and expertise to be in the following areas

  1. Community training and capacity building
  2. Programme Design and Implementation focusing on boreholes, sanitation and Household water treatments (Biosand Filtrations)
  3. Rural Development program (Health and hygiene education)
  4. Organization of workshops and seminars
  5. Training of trainers (ToT) programmer
  6. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
  7. Baseline surveys – data collections and analysis
  8. Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST)
  9. Rural Community Project Cycle Management

We are a result oriented organization that believes engendering community capacity for sustainable development.

In view of the above, we believe that we fit the bill for being a partner with your – “WATER for LIFE PROJECT” and do have the ability, relevant technical capability and favorable professional attitude to help the your body in achieving its desires, goals and aspirations for the peoples of this region. Please attached herewith find one of the external evaluation that was conducted upon completion of our larger grant from USAID/MWA through Lifewater International.

We remain looking forward to a prompt and favorable response to this expression of interest. Please do not hesitate to come back to me should you require any further information or clarification whatsoever.

Thank you and be blessed,

Benjamin K’oyoo

Founder/Outreach Director

Ground Water Abstraction in Kenya Outreach




1.0Organization details;

Ground Water Abstraction in Kenya Outreach; (GW.A.K.O)

Physical Address:Ground Floor, Wing B, Alpha House, Oginga Odinga

street, Kisumu, Kenya.

Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 569 – 40101, AHERO, KENYA

Office phone: +254 57 202 0939

Mobile phone: +254 721 826 904

2.0 Organizational Objectives

Improving livelihoods of rural peasant communities through clean safe drinking water and sanitation initiatives

2.1Specific objectives

(a)To provide for consultation and co-operation between members concerning their community services within the WASH—water sanitation and health sector.

(b)To enter into arrangements with governments within our beloved nation and international or other agencies for the promotion of the access of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities and/or furtherance of activities within the purposes of GWAKO

(c)To bring the needs for, and the purposes and results of, co-operation in development before member groupings, the Kenyan community and governments

(d)To prepare and disseminate information on issues relating to health and hygiene behavioral change and related water and sanitation services in Kenya

(e)To develop relationships with the International Voluntary Agencies and with other organizations with similar aims in other countries

(f)To promote amongst the Kenya community an awareness and understanding of issues relating to safe drinking water and environmental health.

(g)To provide services to members in the form of training on issues relating to safe drinking water, sanitation and health education and related services in Kenya

(h)To develop an efficient, effective and replicable partnership model for service delivery and advocacy in community water and sanitation management thereby decrease to prevalence of water related diseases

(I)To train and equip community water user groups on operations and management of community water sources

3.0 Past and Present Organizations’ Activities

Here is a selection of projects GWAKO has been blessed to undertake over the past 8 years across the Nyanza province of Republic of Kenya.

3.1 Millennium water program/ USAID – Cost extension August 07 – June 2008;


GWAKO through her lead partner Lifewater International was awarded a grant of Ksh 26,54,277.00 under a cost extension program to implement water and sanitation program in parts of Nyando/ and Kisumu districts of republic of kenya. A total of 180 holes of VIP- latrines were constructed under their program a total of 8 trainers of trainees (ToT) workshops were conducted and 20 refresher health and hygiene training.

GWAKO conducted 21 school health and hygiene education within the schools that benefited from water and latrines program. See final technical report .


3.2 1000 well project – Kenya

In 2006, GWAKO secured 18 month a grant award of Ksh 8, 199,660 from Blood Water Mission, to implement community focus water wells within villages in Kadibo and Nyando districts. A total of 15 boreholes were completed by August 2008. Through this program GWAKO also conducted PRA/Baseline Surveys among the target communities. Contact person;

3.3 Millennium water program/USAID 2005 – JULY 2006

GWAKO was awarded initial 18 months program a community water, and sanitation. This project commenced in January 2005 – July 2006 at a cost of Kshs 15,039,966 it entails of 15 water wells and construction of household latrines to 50 persons. GWAKO also conducted Baseline survey, PRA and Health and Hygiene (ToT) training for all the targeted communities. Contact Person Patricia Klever email (for further reading about this program see

3.4 Centre for affordable water & sustainable technology (CAWST)

GWAKO Director, participate on the project implementation of BSF program alongside our partner CAWST in Haiti in 2005. This was followed by GWAKO’s implementation of regional workshop of BSF implementer training in Kisumu, in year 2006 where 38 persons from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya attend. GWAKO staffs Shem Okewe Ondiek, Steven Ambuso and the Director Benjamin K’oyoo facilitated during the workshop alongside our Canadian field trainer Mr. Tal Woolsey.

3.5 Other project

GWAKO has successfully coordinated the implementation of some small projects as follows;

(i) We are currently doing 13 water wells in schools that is Funded by the George Fischer foundation – value at CHF 45,000.00. Contact person Roland Groebli email

(ii) Through funding of Us$ 20,000.00 from Global fund for Women, GWAKO has implemented training of girls school health club and drilling of 6 water wells in schools. Contact person Muadi Mukenge Emai; for further reading about this grant see gwako.html

(iii) In the Field Ministries Contact person John Calhoun Email donated drill rig (LS 200) and casing for drilling two water wells at Korowe and kamusa water wells. Total grants amounts to over Us$ 50,000.00

(iv) UN Women of Vienna awarded GWAKO €6,800.00 to support Water Well drilling and construction of VIP Latrines at Disi primary school Contact Person

(v) PANGEA has provided funding to GWAKO in grant two years of 2009 and 2007 to support water well drilling in three communities. Contact person Duane Edwards Email

(vi) A single drop in collaboration with GWAKo hosted Africa women in water conference in Nairobi and thereafter has been supporting our rain water harvesting project and facilitation of biosand water filtration. Contact person Gemma Bulos Email for further reading see water-and-agriculture-kochieng-gwako -

(Vii) As a guarantee of Global fund for women our water project was captured by Paola Gianturco, to benefit GFW. This can be downloaded on line at that you may see or contact Paola Gianturco at email

4.0 Organisational Profile

Our strength to mobilize the right team for all our projects has no measure. GWAKO has able to pull together ladies and gentlemen with a combination of expertise and experiences and boundless energy in order to meet our requirements and needs and those of our partners and beneficiaries
Completed borehole at Ogenya Primary School /

4.1Members of Staff

Benjamin Kola OyooFounding Director, Bsc Environment Science (Ramapo College USA), Master of Arts degree in Environmental Health from Kenyatta University Kenya.

Shem Okewe OndiekProgram Coordinator – HnD in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Water Engineering (Kenya Polytechnic);

Elizabeth AkinyiDiploma in public health and Nursing - Baraton College

Schoofield Ouma Accountant – Bcom Accounting Nairobi University and Strathmore College Nairobi, (CPA II (K) (Part time position)

Jackline AkinyiOffice Secretary / Receptionist

Rhoda OwakoEnvironment Health Officer – Bsc Kenyatta University

Patrick OkeweDiploma in Water Engineering and Certificate on Advance well drilling (Chief water well drilling)

4.2Selected Associate Consultants

Name and Qualifications / Areas of Interest
Charles Ocholla
PHD Demography (University of Liverpool – UK) / Demographic Studies for Project Design and Development
Paul Obura
Diploma in Public Health (Kenya School of Heath Professionals-NBI), Diploma in Community Health and Development (Cefored Africa, NBI), Trainer of Facilitators (AMREF), Master of Public Health (University of Liverpool UK-Ongoing) / Community Project Cycle Management
Inter-organizational coordination and advocacy Management specialist
Hygiene promotion and Sanitation development technologies Trainer of facilitators Small water schemes
Charles Omondi
BSC Civil Engineering (UON) / Drilling and Geological Investigations
Odhiambo Ken K’oyoo
BSC Environmental Sciences (Maseno), MPhil Environmental human ecology (UON-Ongoing) / Project Social Marketing and related studies Project Design and Development
Project monitoring , reviews and evaluations
Benard Onyango Opac
Msc Environmental science / Project Social Marketing and related studies Project Design and Development
Project monitoring , reviews and evaluations

5.0Individual Staff Profile for Key Staff

5.1.Benjamin Kola Oyoo , Founding Director;

Benjamin Kola Oyoo is the founder and the currently serves as the Director of GWAKO. Born in Kochieng location of Kadibo, Kisumu District in 1960, Benjamin has humbly beginning as a assistant meteorological officer in 1983 – 1988. Upon graduation at Institute of meteorological training & research (IMTR) he served in the same department for 3 as meteorological assistant before resigning to take further studies in USA. He graduated from Ramapo college of NJ (USA) with Bsc in environmental science. He later enrolled with International school of well drilling, where he graduate with diploma in water well drilling.


Upon his return from abroad study tour, Benjamin opted for a service to the others and formed GWAKO in December 1998 where he has dedicated his skills, time and energy in pursue of improving the general health of communities in Nyanza province through implementation of various water and sanitation project.


In an attempt to explore other technologies of providing safe drinking water to the poor, Benjamin enrolled with the CAWST in Calgary Canada and received Advance training on Biosand Implementer Course In the year 2005. Mr. K’oyoo has been a team leader in BSF, pilot project at Haiti and co-facilitated the BSF Regional workshop in Kisumu, Kenya.

Other Projects directed by Mr. K’oyoo are as follows;

i) 1000 well project funded by Blood Water Mission; The project cost

Kshs 8,196,660.00 and will come to an end by October 2008.

ii) USAID / MWA in schools water and Sanitation projects. This is a Ksh 26,724,168.00 project which is currently in evaluation status and is closed up in August 2008.

5.2Shem Okewe Ondiek- (Program Coordinator)

Shem was born in 1960, in Kisumu, Kenya. He graduated from Water training Institute with certificate in operation and maintenances’ of water supplies in 1983 and proceeded to Kenya Polytechnic Nairobi for a Diploma in water engineering and graduated in the year 1991. He is currently enrolled for Higher Diploma in water engineering at Kenya Polytechnic, Nairobi.

He started his career in water in 1984 as water inspector with Ministry of water and worked in Mandera and Kitale before opting to join GWAKO as Program officer in 2004. Mr. Okewe has coordinated most of Water well drilling within GWAKO and has scale up the development of Household water treatment the Biosand technology. He participated on the World health organization on the scaling up of the Household water filtration in Nairobi in the March 2007.

Shem has participated on various workshops on community water supply local and abroad. He led a team of GWAKO to the Lifewater conference in San Lous Obispo in the year 2007 July to address the methodology of bridging the gap on water crisis among the urban poor.

5.3 Elizabeth Akinyi Obielo – Health & Hygiene Coordinator

Elizabeth was born in 1971 in Siaya district, Kenya. She entered public life as a nurse having graduated from Medical training centre. On her need to provide comprehensive health care, Elizabeth enrolled in various certificates training that eventual earned her place at Baraton to pursue Diploma in Public health.

She has strong background in Nursing and public health work having work with GoK and various private sectors. She has prepared, review, develop and facilitate various health and hygiene training both at the community levels and schools using the standard PHAST methodology. Her responsibility at GWAKO has includes the assessment of nutrition and related problems such as girl child education, water and sanitation, health and Hygiene issues.



Intervention / Activity / No. Planned in
KE CE / No.
PTD / No. of Direct
PTD / Estimated No. of Indirect
Beneficiaries PTD / Location / Remarks
Shallow borehole
construction / 120 / 83 / 37,948 / 19,210 / Boreholes have been drilled in primary schools located in Kadibo, Nyando , mogori districts of Nyanza province
Hygiene and sanitation
promotion training
workshops and follow-ups / 15 / 15 / 900 / 2700 / Kano Plains in Nyanza; 8 schools in Marsabit
Construction of Latrines / 300 holes of VIP latrines / 210 / 13,692 / 5,231 / Constructed in 10 schools in Nduru and Kagimba Primary school and villages in Kano Plains Nyanza; Good sanitation will compliment the water and hygiene program.
Sanitation Training and
promotion / 8 / 2 / 2,152 / 875 / Over 10 schools and villagers attended
Advanced drill and Hand
Pump Repairs Training / 2 / 2 / 12 / GWAKO drill crew were trained for 14 days on advance mud drilling techniques
Health and Hygiene ToT
refresher Training / 15 / 10 / 500 / 3,000 / Selected school teachers and women leaders from various women group participated on these workshops
Deep Boreholes / 6 / 12 / 15000 / 12800 / Water from the boreholes provides income to pay for maintenance of the pump and school
School Health and
Hygiene Curriculum
testing / 1 / 1 / 13 / 605 / Curriculum testing was conducted by Lifewater consultant and LI/GWAKO trainers with the help of 13 school teachers who tried out the curriculum at their schools while the consultant and LI/GWAKO trainers observed at six different schools