Dearborn Early LearningCenter
Welcome to the Dearborn Early Learning Center Preschool Program where children ages 3-5 are grouped according to their ability level and advance at their own pace. Our classes are taught by caring and nurturing teachers who will make a difference in your child’s life. Preschoolers may choose from a 2, 3 or 5 day a week, full-day or half-day program. We also offer a Pre-K program (child must have been previouslyenrolled in our program) for children who are academically advanced and/or miss the September 1st cut off date for Kindergarten.
Our Reading Program:
Our back-to-basics curriculum focuses on the development of early readers through the use of the “Zoo Phonics” reading program. The foundation of our program is based on our belief that children develop at different levels. An “individualized education plan” will be developed for your child so that they are able to work at their own pace with the focus being on challenging each child. Your child will work with one of the teachers on the material that he/she needs to master during their class. Depending on your child’s level, materials may include the following: letter and sound recognition, colors, shapes, sight word readers, phonic readers, reading comprehension practice and sight words. Individualized Education Plans are done on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with Fridays being used for special classroom activities.
Our Math Program:
Our back-to-basics curriculum will provide your child with different hands-on experiences in the following areas: Shape, color & number recognition and formation, sorting and visual discrimination, extending patterns, counting objects, comparing numbers and graphing.
Fine Motor Skills:
Your child will enjoy developing his/her fine motor skills through lots of art activities that include cutting, gluing, finger painting, Q-tip painting and other seasonal activities. We spend a lot of time with these
pre-writing skills and move into letter formation once the children have had plenty of practice with the activities listed above.
Social Development:
Our day is filled with songs, games and other activities to help develop your child’s social skills. Your child will enjoy making new friends and playing in our clean classrooms with the most up-to-date equipment and toys.
Mission Statement:
To challenge each child at his/her own level while helping children to develop a love for learning that will last a lifetime. We strive to enhance the self-esteem of children through positive reinforcement and affirmation.
The DearbornEarlyLearningCenter is licensed by the State of Michigan.
We are regularly staffed with one teacher per seven children.
Program Philosophy
-We believe that the parents, along with the school, are partners in educating their child.
-We believe that children develop at different levels and should be challenged according to their ability.
-We believe that children deserve a safe, loving & nurturing environment to learn in.
-We believe that children need to be guided towards a positive self-image.
Schedule of Operation
The school is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Full-Day Program:
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Half-Day Program:
Pre-K Program: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Morning Session: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Mid-Morning Session: 11:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Afternoon Session: 12:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Before School Care
Available at 7:30 a.m.
After School Care
Available until 5:30 p.m.
Contact Information:
School number: (313) 791-0877
Fax number: (313) 422-0937
21350 Outer Drive
Dearborn, MI48124
Written communication will be primarily done through e-mail and “Remind” texts. It is imperative that we have an updated e-mail address and cell phone number on file for you and that you check it on a regular basis. The
e-mail address for the school is .
Our web site address is:
Change Of Address/Telephone Number:
In order to contact parents in an emergency, it is important that telephone numbers and addresses be kept current. Please notify the school when a change of telephone number or address occurs, this includes cell phone and work numbers.
Licensing Notebook
All licensing inspections and special investigation reports /related corrective action plans are available for your viewing during regular business hours.
All licensing inspections and special investigation reports from at least the past 2 years are available on the child care licensing website at
Federal Income Tax:
A statement will be provided to you at year’s end with your total childcare payments for the year. This will be available prior to January 31st of the following year.
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect:
All child care staff is required by Michigan law to report any suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.
Fee Policy
Tuition Fees:
The yearly cost for our program is as follows:
Half-Day Program (2 Days) $2,250.00 Half-Day Program (3 Days) $3,250.00 Half-Day Program (5 Days) $5,500.00
Full-Day Program (2 Days) $4,500.00 Full-Day Program (3 Days) $6,500.00 Full-Day Program (5 Days) $9,500.00
You can elect to pay tuition in 9 monthly payments that are due on the first of the month September through May.
You can elect to pay tuition in 34 payments due each Friday.
Any account showing a balance by the end of the day that it is due will be charged a $25.00 late payment fee. Please plan ahead for vacations, due dates occurring on the weekends and sick children. Checks turned in on time but postdated for dates after tuition deadlines are considered late. Any child’s tuition account showing a balance 7 days after its due date will not be permitted to attend school until payment is received. Discounts aren’t given for sick days, vacation days, holidays, snow days or dropping your child from the program.
We accept Checks, Money Orders and Cash. Please turn in checks to Michelle at the front desk. Please be sure to get a receipt for cash payments. Cash payments must be exact as we don’t typically have money on hand to make change.
Class Change Fee after August 1st:
There will be a $50.00 class change fee after August 1st if you change/drop your child’s scheduled class days or times.
We do not offer refunds for missed classes due to illness, vacations, field trips, holidays, snow days, or dropping your child from the program. If you choose to withdrawal your child from the program, you will not be refunded any monies paid at registration regardless of the reason you are dropping. This includes loss of job, moving, etc.
Returned Check Charge:
Checks returned to our office due to insufficient funds and/or closed accounts will result in a $30.00 returned check charge. All returned check charges must be paid with cash or money order. If 2 checks are returned for insufficient funds, personal checks will no longer be accepted.
The Center will be closed for the following holidays: Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas break (2 weeks), MLK Day, Winter Break (1 week),
Spring Break (1 week), Easter Break (2 days), the Friday before Memorial Day and Memorial Day.
Registration/Supply Fee:
There is a non-refundable/non-transferable $75.00 registration/supply fee that is due at registration. This helps to cover the cost of photo developing, scrapbook supplies, folders, flash cards, books, etc.
Scholastic Book Orders:
Your child will periodically be bringing home “Scholastic Book” order forms. You are under no obligation to place an order, however, if you would like to place an order, please make payment directly to” Scholastic Book Club” (checks only). Order forms/checks are to be placed in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and class and placed in the white mailbox located by the front door.
Before/After School Care
Before School Care Availability and Cost:
Our regular school day begins at 8:00 a.m. for children in the Full-Day Program and 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. for children in the Half-Day Program. Before school care is available on a scheduled/contractual basis for $3.50/half-hour. Before school care is not available for children in the morning 9:00 a.m. class or afternoon classes. Before School Care (From 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.)
After School Care Availability and Cost:
Our regular school day ends at 3:00 p.m. for children in the Full-Day Program and 2:45 p.m. or 3:15 p.m. for children in the Half-Day Program. After school care is available on a scheduled/contractual basis for $3.50/half-hour and must be pre-paid with tuition. After school care is not available for children in the morning class.
Absences & Withdrawal From Before/After School Care Program:
Staff members are scheduled in accordance with the number of parents who are in need of this service and payment is required for the days you sign up for whether or not your child attends. After school care must be paid with your tuition payment and a 2 week written notice must be given prior to withdrawing your child from the after school care program.
After School Care Late Pick-Up Fee:
All children must be picked up from the center by 5:30 p.m. Parents who arrive after5:30 p.m. will be charged an extra $25.00 fee.
Policy for Food Service/Nutrition
Lunch: (Children in the Full-Day Preschool Program Only)
Parents with children in the full-day program are required to provide a healthy, child friendly bag lunch using a re-usable cooler pack if necessary. Microwaves are not available. If your child prefers warm food, we encourage you to pack child friendly food in a thermos. Lunch will be at 11:30 a.m.
Your will be assigned to bring in snack to share with his/her class approximately every 1-2 months. A snack calendar will be e-mailed to you each month and your child may be assigned a snack day for that month.
Please send in enough snacks for the allotted number of children in your child’s class along with a drink. Please choose from the healthy snack list in this handbook. No peanut butter, chips, cookies, cupcakes, etc. Only milk (1 % or less) or clear 100% fruit juice please. No purple grape juice or Hi-C. No individually packaged snacks or juice boxes.
Children are welcome to bring in a birthday treat in honor of their special day. Please note, this is a snack only and must not take up longer than the allotted time for our snack period.
Please check monthly snack calendar for the date we will be celebrating his/her special day at school. Children with a summer birthday will celebrate on a date that is close to his/her half birthday. Do not send in cupcakes, soft crumbly cookies or brownies as they make a huge mess on the carpet and is difficult to vacuum up. Private party invitations may not be distributed within the classroom unless every child in the class is invited to the party. This is to avoid hurt feelings.
Admission/Withdrawal Policy
Admission Policy:
You need the following documents/fees to register your child:
-Completed registration form
-Payment of non-refundable $75.00 registration/supply fee
-Payment of non-refundable tuition deposit payment
-Parent contract
-Payment contract
-Non-Refundable Deposit Contract
-Copy of child’s birth certificate (New Preschoolers only)
-Fieldtrip contract (New Preschoolers only)
-Photo Release Form (New Preschoolers only)
-Sunscreen Permission Slip (New Preschoolers only)
-Parent Notification of the Licensing Notebook Requirement (New Preschoolers only)
-Discipline Policy (New Preschoolers only)
-Accidents, Injuries, Incidents & Illnesses Policy (New Preschoolers only)
-Exclusion Policy for Child Illness (New Preschoolers only)
-Older Toddler Waiver Form (If applicable)
-Class Change Contract
-Current Heath Appraisal
Withdrawal Policy:
Admission to the DearbornEarlyLearningCenter is conditional & child may be dismissed at any time, at the discretion of the Director/Assistant Director for any of the following reasons including, but not limited to:
-Is habitually late either picking up or dropping off their child
-Failure to provide necessary paperwork
-Child is unable to function in the Preschool program
-Child’s behavior is harmful to self or others
-Child is not potty trained
-Child requires excessive staff attention and time
-Irrational, verbally abusive parents who disrespect or fail to cooperate with the staff in or outside the center
-Please note, additions, changes and special circumstances that require individual attentions are subject to occur.
-Please note, before a child is withdrawn, the staff will work with the parent to resolve the problem or look at alternative arrangements.
Withdrawing Your Child from the Program Prior to Classes Starting:
Registration/Supply fee along with the final tuition deposit payment is non-refundable and non-transferable, regardless of the reason why you are withdrawing your child from the program. Fees cannot be transferred to a sibling. This includes loss of job, moving, etc.
Withdrawing Your Child from the Program During the School Year:
Written notice must be given by parents two weeks prior to your child’s last day of class. If written notice isn’t given, your child is still enrolled in the program and you are still required to pay your child’s tuition even if they’re not attending school. Additionally, the money you paid when you registered your child for this program is non-refundable and cannot be applied to your child’s final two week tuition payment.
Health Care Plan
If a child is ill or there is some other reason for being absent, please notify the school at (313) 791-0877 or
e-mail us at . If your child will be missing school due to a scheduled vacation, please let Michelle know in advance either in person or via e-mail.
Exclusion Policy for Sick Children:
It is the policy of this center to only accept WELL children. Children who are ill should NOT be brought to school. Child must be free from illness for 24 hoursbefore returning to school. Sticking to this policy will ensure that both our children and staff remain healthy!
-Oral temperature of 100 degrees or above (before fever-reducing medicine is given).
-Diarrhea (Regardless of the reason they have it)
-Undiagnosed rash
-Pink eye
-Respiratory infections
Children Who Become Ill While At School:
You need to be available to pick up your child if they become sick at school! If your child exhibits any of the symptoms listed above while they are at school, you or your designated alternate will be contacted and told to pick up your child immediately. Until you arrive, your child will be monitored and comfort measures will be provided.
Dispensing of Medications:
Regardless of the reason, medication (including nebulizer treatments and inhalers) will not be dispensed at the center.
Communicable Diseases:
We are required to report all communicable diseases to the Wayne County Health Department. We will
also inform other parents when their child may have been exposed to a communicable disease in the form of a letter/e-mail. You must present a note from your child’s doctor stating that he/she may return to school following a diagnosis of a communicable disease. Types of communicable diseases include: Chicken Pox, Head Lice, Strep Throat, Pink Eye, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Influenza Type B, Encephalitis, Meningitis.
Head Lice:
Lice is a childhood communicable disease that is very common in schools. It isn’t something that you get from being “dirty”, it is something that you catch from close contact with people, like a cold. Please do understand how important it is that you contact the school if your child has head lice. This is handled in a confidential manner and your child’s name/identity will not be released. Failure to notify the school of a head lice case will only ensure the spread of it throughout the center, including the risk of your child being re-exposed to it once your child/house is lice/nit free.
Epi-Pens & Benadryl:
A Prescription Authorization form must be filled out completely and signed if it is necessary that we have Benadryl & Epi-Pens on hand for your child in case of an emergency. It is the parent’s responsibility to replace Epi-Pens when they expire.
In the event of an accident, injury or other emergency, we will administer the necessary first-aid and will make every effort to contact the parent. Minor injuries will be treated at the center, an Accident Report form will be filled out, and the parent will be notified upon pick-up. If we feel the situation warrants it, we will have the child transported to Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center Emergency Department for immediate medical attention. Parent will be notified and asked to meet us at the Emergency Department.
Arrival/Departure Practices