Our Place Lochside & Lincluden
Action Plan
Theme / 1. Access and Safety / 2. Parks / 3. CulturePotential Projects / Mini Bus / Community Safety / Glentrool Park, Lochside / Popeye’s Park, Lincluden / Culture
Idea / Ability to get access to affordable mini bus for community activities to bring people together / Creating a safer place to live, protecting our children, young people and seniors to use community resource safely / Expand the park and upgrade facilities at the park for young families. / Development of playpark for improved and safer use of the park by children and families / Developing confidence and wellbeing through play and arts education and outreach work.
Nature of project / expenditure / Cost of mini bus, someone to manage the mini bus. / Set up a network, security systems in key places, awareness raising campaign / Expand the play equipment in the park / Play equipment, security equipment / Training, outreach programmes, materials, transport.
Fit to Vision / Priority 1 (b) Community transport is available to groups & individuals / Priority 2 (C) – making safety a priority / Key project in the delivery of priority 2 (A )(Green spaces & Play) / Key project in the delivery of priority 2 (A )(Green spaces & Play) / Priority 3 (A) developing confidence and self-esteem and exposure to new and cultural experiences
Who is interested in developing this potential project / Nithsdale Furniture Project
Police Scotland / YMCA
NHS D&G Nithsdale Health Improvement Team
D&G Council Neighbourhood Services
D&G Council CLD
D&G Council CLD Youth Services
Lincluden Primary / YMCA
NW Dumfries Church
Electric Theatre
Dumfries Town Band
D&G Council CLD
NHS - Building HC
Max High
Lochside Children’s Services
Historic Scotland
Community Connector Leader / Elaine, Jackie, Carole, Kat, Jim, Neil, Malcolm / Malcolm, Jackie / Neil, Kat, Jim, Malcolm / Malcolm / Carole, Kat
Theme / 4. Eco / 5. Physical Activity 6. Facilities
Allotments / Outdoor Learning / Physical Activity / Increase Access and Use of Community Facilities
Idea / Development of an allotment site or multi-sites across Lochside and Lincluden for the community to make use of the land and achieve benefits in health, healthy-eating and community pride / New and alternative childcare provision focused on outdoor activities and learning / Increase opportunities to do physical activity locally to increase wellbeing and access to sports facilities. / Residents want to have more access to community facilities that currently exist in Lochside & Lincluden.
Nature of project / expenditure / Set –up of allotments, development and running costs, possible new organisation or responsibility for existing organisation to host project / Possible set-up and subsidised places, management contribution / Staff costs, capital Development costs, running costs, training, project activities e.g. annual residential trip for young people / Cost of meetings, training, marketing.
Renovation of the existing centres.
Fit to Vision / Cross-priority project – outcome for priority 2 (B) and 3 (B) / Priority 2 (A) – opportunities for outdoor learning / Priority 3 (B) – opportunities to do physical activity locally / Key project in the delivery of priority 1 (A) (Facilities for people who live in Lochside & Lincluden)
Who is interested in developing this potential project / Max Playcare
NHS D&G Nithsdale Health Improvement Team
Nithsdale Furniture Project
Lincluden Primary
Dumfries & Galloway Housing Partnership
D&G Council Neighbourhood Services / Let’s Get Sporty
Nith Valley ABC
Nithsdale Furniture Project
Community Sports Hub
NHS – Building Healthy Communities
Queen of the South
Max High / Care Training Consortium
Lochside Community Centre
Lincluden Community Centre
Dumfries Learning Town
Nithsdale Village Hall Federation
Community Connector Leader / Carole, Kat, Malcolm / Kat / Jackie & Elaine / All