Our Lady of the Presentation

Music Department Handbook


150 Northwest Murray Road

Lee’s Summit, MO 64081-1558


Required Concert Dates

The below dates are the final dates for performances, it is expected of students and their families to make all possible arrangements for concert attendance. Please notify Ms. Palacios before the performance if there are extenuating circumstances which prohibit your attendance. Attendance at all concerts in which the students are performing is mandatory - every student is needed for the ensemble to perform at its best. Exceptions will be made for emergencies only, and will need to be verified.

Classes involved / Date / Time / Title of the Show
K- 2nd Grade / November 2,2017 / 6:30PM / “Swamped!”
3rd and 4th Grade / December 13, 2017 / 6:30 PM / “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen”
Band/Orchestra/Ukulele / January 23, 2018 / 6:30 PM / Winter Concert
5th and 6th Grade / February 8, 2018 / 6:30 PM / “Princess and the Pea”
4th Grade Recorders
Band/Orchestra/Ukulele / April 12, 2018 / 7:00 PM / Spring Concert
7th and 8th Grade / May 3, 2018 / 6:30 PM / “Into the Woods”
5th-8th Grade / May 23, 2018 / 10:00 AM / Talent Show

4th Grade Recorders

Fourth Grade will start recorders on January 16th. Students will be required to bring their recorder on that day, no exceptions. Each student needs to buy their own recorder. There is no preference on color but it does need to be a standard Soprano Recorder. Below you will find a list of local music stores that you may purchase a recorder. They are around $10.00. The students will have a practice log that is worth 30 points that is due every Friday. It is not the responsibility of Ms. Palacios to notify families if a student has not turned in a practice log. If your student practices over the 30 minutes they will get an extra credit point for each minute over. This is the only form of extra credit that will be given for missed practice logs. There will be a mandatory concert on April 12 after the curriculum fair that will be worth 60 points.

  • Luyben Music · (816) 753-7111 4318 Main St · Kansas City ·
  • Meyer Music Co · 816) 228-5656 1512 U.S. 40, Blue Springs, MO 64015
  • Legacy Music(816) 554-7350196 NW Oldham Pkwy, Lee's Summit, MO

Family Involvement

How can you help your student succeed?

Parental encouragement is a vital component of our program

• Establish a place for them to practice

• Encourage a regular practice schedule

• Ask them to play for you and others (relatives/friends)

• Attend their performances


Please make sure you are checking the music website for information on costumes, concert attire, call times, concert dates and times, etc before calling the school or emailing Ms. Palacios. All of the information is made available to you as soon as it can be communicated.

Concert/Musical Attire

The students will receive written and emailed information on what to wear for each performance. If you are unable to get the costume together before the concert his/her school uniform is always acceptable.

Extra Credit for 3-8 Music

If your student attends a musical, concert, fashion show, art show, or any other performing or visual arts event he/she may write a paragraph to earn 10 points extra credit. It must include what he/she liked, did not like, and if he/she would attend it again. This is the only form of extra credit that will be offered.


K-4 Classroom

Participation for each day will include 10 points. Points will be lost if the student needs to go through the steps below:

  1. Warning
  2. Consequence (loss of points, removal from game, privileges taken away in classroom)
  3. Think Sheet and loss of 50% of daily points
  4. Sent to office, think sheet sent home to be signed,
  5. Phone Call/Email home
  6. Conference

5-8 Classroom

Participation for each day will include 10 points. Points will be lost if the student needs to go through the steps below:

  1. Warning
  2. Check & 30% of points lost for the day.
  3. Second check & 50% points lost for the day. (Students, who receive the consequence at level III, at any point in the year, will only receive a warning for the rest of the quarter. Any further consequences needed after a warning will result in two checks and 50% of points lost for that day.)
  4. Sent to the office and lose 100% of daily points, Think Sheet filled out, Think Sheet will be sent home to be signed.
  5. Phone call/Email sent home and Conference set-up.

Concerts/Musicals are mandatory and are worth 60 points. If a student isn’t able to attend and their absence has been cleared through Ms. Palacios they will receive 30 points. During the cast party the student will have an opportunity to write a paragraph about our performance and make up the final 30 points.

Tests, quizzes, and projects will make up the rest of their grade.

Remind 101 sign up for Specials reminders text @a7767h to 81010

Remind 101 sign up for Band reminders text @966fgh to 81010

Every student has an innate ability to create music. Music and the arts are vital to human culture and are essential to the

education of the whole child.

-Shelly Urquhart

Follow the following link to find the Google Form to complete this assignment. It is due September 1, 2017.