·  Our God is a HOLY God

Whenever we minimize the holiness of God,

we risk minimizing human sinfulness;

thereby, minimizing the cross of Jesus Christ.

GOSPEL = There is a Holy God who hates sin, and has done something about it at great cost to
Himself. It is because God is holy, as well as loving, that the atonement is provided

·  God wants His people to be Holy

“You are the salt of the earth.” A holy life dispels darkness and repels decay.

·  Holiness begins at the altar

…where innocent sacrifices shed their blood for guilty sinners.

The first step toward holiness is the admission of my own sins and the recognition of Christ as my only Savior and Redeemer from sin.

Unless I learn to detest sin, I’ll never be able to cultivate holiness.

·  Holiness involves obedience and disciple

While we don’t heed the Jewish dietary laws today, there are some things in this world that must not get into our system because God disapproves of them. Christian liberty isn’t license to participate in things that aren’t good for us.

·  Holiness must be from God and be genuine

Beware of “false zeal”. Make sure our “fire” is ignited by the Holy Spirit from God’s altar, not by the flesh or demonic forces like Nadab and Abihu. Draw near the throne of grace to “obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrew 4:16

·  Lack of holiness affects our land

Our sin affects our land. God promised that the land would vomit them out if they persisted in rebellion. When the church become like the work, it will have no influence to change the world. Judgment is coming, and begins at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17

·  Holiness isn’t a private affair

While we need to have daily personal devotional time with the Lord, we also need the help of spiritual leaders and other believers. And they need us. We need to pass God’s truths on to the next generation. The feasts brought the community together, either to rejoice or repent.

·  Holiness glorifies God

A godly life is a trophy of His grace and a tribute to His power.

·  Holiness means living to please God alone

It makes no difference how loudly our friends applaud if God is displeased with us. It’s to Him we must give an account. Heb. 4:13. We seek to live a holy life, not so that we can be recognized as “holy people,” but in order to please a holy God. We live before Him openly and sincerely, hiding nothing, fearing nothing.

Be holy

His commandment is the promise of His enablement!

by Warren Wiersbe