April 8, 2015
Dear Parents,
Our K-PREP Assessment will soon be upon us. Students in grades 3-8 will be assessed the week of May 11th-15th. It is extremely important that your child/children attend school every day, be on time, and stay all day. Assessment will begin promptly at 8:30 A.M. and continue until all parts that are scheduled for the day are completed. We ask that you do not make any appointments during school hours so your child will not miss any part of their assessment. In order, for your child to be able to do his/her best, please make sure he/she gets plenty of rest and eats breakfast at home or school. Studies have proven that rest and a good breakfast will enhance the performance of those being assessed.
Our faculty and staff have worked extremely diligently teaching your child/children this school year and in the past school years. Part of teaching is preparing them for the spring assessment. We would like to ask your assistance in encouraging your child/children to do their best on the K-PREP Assessment. You can do this by asking them to read all directions carefully and to answer all parts of every question.
We have been advised by the Office of Assessment and Accountability that during assessment sessions those students will not have access to cell phones. We are asking for your help in this matter. If a student brings their cell phone, we will take it and give it back at the end of the day. It would really help with time if we could count on you keeping the cell phone on the days that we test (May 11th-15th.). We, the faculty and staff of East Bernstadt School would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavor. We know that we can always count on your support and help.
There will be some type of incentives for all students in grades K-8 that have 100% attendance; this means no absences, no tardies, and no early checkouts. Be in class at 7:55 A.M.; do not leave until the bell rings at 3 P.M. This is for the entire assessment window of May 11th-15th.
On the back of this page you will find the “ Do Your Best on the Test Good Faith Effort List”. Please go over this with your child and encourage him or her to do their very best.
Thank you for your continuous support of the faculty, staff, and students of the East Bernstadt Independent School District.
Vicki Jones, Superintendent
Teresa Smith, Principal
Andrea Kesler, District Assessment Coordinator
Susan Young, District Special Education Director