The Pote Post
Room 107
December 4, 2015 612-926-0001 x24
Monday12/7 / Tuesday
12/8 / Wednesday
12/8 / Thursday
12/9 / Friday
*Spanish Day
*Gym Day / *Music Day
*Spanish Day / *Prayer Service
*Band Concert 11:30
*Gym Day / *Library Day / *Gym Day
*Music Day
*Out of Uniform Day
Our essential question this week was “How do words and pictures help tell a story?” We worked with the text and graphics within a story this week. Our story this week is titled Dr. Seuss. Our story was a biography about the famous author. Our phonics focus was the short /e/ sound you hear in jet. We had short /e/ words on our spelling list. We worked with “s clusters” or “s blends.” This week our words to know are: her, she, now, today, our, and would. Please practice these words with your child at home. In grammar, we learned about singular and plural nouns.
This week we worked with mixed problems. We worked with story problems that had either a missing partner or missing total. The hard part is figuring out what number is missing. We practiced many problems all week and took our test on Unit 3 today.
This week we learned about Advent. We learned that Advent is the period of time before Christmas. We learned that during the season of Advent we prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord. We talked about what we do to prepare and how to remember the true meaning of Christmas.
*Other News and Announcements
There will be no spelling test next week. We will be comparing/contrasting Gingerbread stories in Communications. There will be math and writing homework.
Please mark your calendars for some upcoming events . . .
12/5 Morning with St. Nick
12/8 Prayer Service 10:15
12/8 Band Concert
12/11 Out of Uniform Day
12/17 Christmas Concert