Primary Education
Third Cycle
Teaching Programme
Júlia Borrega and Marta Hernández
OUR DYNAMIC EARTHLearning objectives / Key competences / Content / Assessment criteria
- Raise questions, identify and solve problems related to natural phenomena, important elements and changes in nature.
- Predict and give opinions about causes and consequences related to changes in the Earth.
- Identify the layers of the Earth
- Recognise the phenomena and consequences caused by the internal changes of the Earth:tectonic plate movement, volcanoes and earthquakes
- Identify the parts of a volcano and the materials that come out of it.
- Distinguish the different types of volcanoes and the conditions that make magma reach the Earth's surface.
- Interpret the location of volcanoes and earthquakes in certain areas.
- Explain the main concepts relating to earthquakes and how they originate.
- Select and interpret given data by means of different codes (linguistic, numeric or graphs) and use these codes to express and communicate the content in a personal and creative way.
- Reflect on their own learning process.
- Participate actively and responsibly in group activities, expressing their own ideas, listening to others, reaching agreement and making decisions.
- Use language as a tool for building knowledge and sharing it with others.
physical world
-Pupils can interpret and use knowledge of facts and processes to predict consequences and take reflective action in order to preserve and improve living conditions for themselves, for other people and for other living things.
Communicative competence
-Pupils can relate observations, explanations, thoughts and emotions.
Pupils can give accounts of experiences andopinions and develop arguments.
- Pupils can interpret and understand the situations they will encounter in everyday contexts and beyond.
- Pupils can reflect on how the language functions and on how to use communicative resources specific to each curriculum subject.
Pupils can reflect on and analyse language.
Cultural and artistic competence
-Pupils can design and arrange information in an aesthetic way collaborating with others to produce a creative piece of work.
Information handling and digital competence
-Pupils can access and communicate information using different media including ICT.
-Pupils can organise, structure and synthesise information in order to understand it, adding it to what they already know (prior knowledge).
Pupils can make inferences and deduct at different levels of complexity.
Learner autonomy and personal initiative
-Pupils can acquire process and assimilate new knowledge and skills (intellectual, emotional and physical).
Pupils can as seek and make use of guidance when necessary.
-Pupils can apply study skills that include strategic thinking and cooperation and self-evaluation skills.
- Pupils can handle a variety of resourceseffectively to transform information into personal knowledge
-Pupils can create, initiate, develop and assess individual or collective activities or projects with creativity, confidence, responsibility and critical thinking. / Science content
Changes in the Earth: external and internal.
Layers of the Earth
Tectonic plates
Types of tectonic plates movements and consequences
Consequences of changes in the Earth
- Materials and parts of a volcano.
- Types of volcanoes.
- Distinguish between internal and external changes in the Earth.
- Explain the concept of “dynamic Earth”.
- Explain the consequences of internal changes in the Earth.
- Explain what causes earthquakes and volcanoes.
- Distinguish between the parts of a volcano and the materials that come out of it.
- Name some things that volcanic materials can be used for.
- Distinguish between different types of volcanoes.
- Identify the conditions that make magma reach the Earth’s surface.
- Explain why earthquakes and volcanoes are located in certain areas.
- Explain the main concepts relating to earthquakes.
- Work in a collaborative way.
- Use appropriate scientific language.
Language content
Language of learning
Vocabulary related to:
· Elements outside and inside the Earth
· Changes in the Earth
· Layers of the Earth
-Energy inside the Earth
-Tectonic plates: types and movements
- Volcanoes: types and materials
Language for learning
The ...plate is...
What does … mean?
I don't understand this sentence
Predicting/giving opinions
I think ...
We think that...
We think that ... because ...
Main features of....
....can be classified into...
There is/are …
I /we can see a/some …
When you push two plates together...
When you separate two plates...
A consequence/example of a...... boundary is.....
They are the same/similar/different
Giving reasons
What do you think about … ?
This is/was because …
The reason for this is that …
That is due to …
This change is due to....
It was not the same because...
....depending on....
It is caused by.....
Explaining processes
What happened?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
Why did it happen?
What were the effects of it?
Classroom language
Work with the person next to/behind/near/in front of you.
Let’s work in groups of ...
Let’s play a game/watch a video/write a description/revise what we have learned.
Read your text.
Listen to the text.
Decide a solution for ...
Let's work in pairs and write at least two reasons to justify your answer.
The Thinking Lab Our Dynamic Earth/Teaching programme 1 ©Cambridge University Press 2013
Key for classroom management: I: Individual; PW: Pair work; SG: Small Group; P: Plenary HW: HomeWork
The online activities, except the video recordings, are used as a support to the work done in the class and as a way to develop student autonomous learning and reinforce what we have been doing during the class. It is compulsory to do them and the teacher can keep track of the online work done and the results obtained through the platform tools.
In order to save time there are activities from the Fieldbook that, once explained for the first time, can be assigned as homework so that pupils have them ready for the following lesson.
In each lesson, 10´ is devoted to revising the content learned in the previous lesson. Revision helps focus pupils’ attention on the topic and supports learning. The lessons are timed as 60’ (10’ revision 50’ lesson development).
The online version of the “WE HAVE LEARNED THAT …” section is used to check their answers in the Fieldbook.
Activities1st stage: Starting
/ Materials and resources / Classroom management / Timing / Mixed abilities / Evaluation/Reflection
1a) Exploring activities: What are we going to learn?
Observing and reading the sections paying attention to the colours related to the different parts of the Fieldbook. / Fieldbook page 2 / P / 5’ / Show the different parts/stages of the module according to the colours. / Introduction of the sections: Glossary, My words, Flashcards and Portfolio and Language help.
1b) Introducing new points of view
Watch the video story. Order the pictures. / Online material (Starting 1a)
Fieldbook page 3 / P / 20’ / Ask questions to help understanding
To reinforce comprehension of the story students can do the online activities (starting 1a-c) / Detection of prior knowledge.
Draw examples.
Changes / Fieldbook pages 4-5
Online material (Starting 2a) / P
PW / 25’ / Help students with the vocabulary if necessary.
Make mixed abilitygroups of 4 students. / Detection of prior knowledge
Observe and compare changes.
Justify answers.
Classify changes according to specific criteria.
Looking inside the Earth / Fieldbook pages 6-7
Online material (Starting 3a) / PW / 25’ / Make mixed abilitypairs of students /groups. / Detection of previous knowledge.
c) Structuring/Summarising activities
Write down the initial questions.
Explain your answers. / Fieldbook page 7
Online material (Starting 1a) / P
SG / 10’ / Cooperative work within the small group. / Bear in mind these questions as a guideline for following activities.
Our learning objectives. / Fieldbook page 8
Online activity (Starting 4a)
Portfolio page 42 / P
I / 10’ / Explain the main function of the Portfolio and how to fill in it.
The online activity Starting 4a can be used as correction and to set the vocabulary / Record of learning in the Portfolio.
Print and show the objectives for reflection and awareness of the learning process.
2nd Stage: Discovering
/ Materials and resources / Classroom management / Timing / Mixed abilities / Evaluation/Reflection
1a) Exploring activities: What are we going to learn?
1.- Changes on Earth / Fieldbook page 9-10
Online material (Discovering
Photocopiable Discovery activity 1. (teacher's book pag 54) / I
P / 15’ / Review vocabulary about geographical phenomena to help with understanding the news.
Use a map to place the location of newsreports.
Faster students could search on the internet for more news related to these phenomena. / New language: vocabulary and structure.
Classify according to criteria.
We have learned that...
2b) Introducing new points of view
2. - What’s inside the Earth? / Fieldbook page 11-12
One boiled egg, a knife.
Online material (Discovering activity 2a-b)
Photocopiable Discovery activity 2. (teacher's book pag 55) / I
PW / 20’ / Teacher asks questions to help the students.
Linguistic consolidation activity. (Photocopiable activity.Discovering activity 2). / Reflect on their own learning process comparing previous knowledge and what they have learnt up to now.
We have learned that ...
3. - The Earth’s crust is always moving. / Fieldbook pages 13-14
Online activities (Discovering 3 a-c) / I
P / 15’ / Cooperative learning within pair work. / We have learned that ...
4. - Plate boundaries, a jigsaw puzzle. / Fieldbook pages 15-16-17
Fieldbook page 47 (keep the flashcards for other activities)
Language help for page 15
Online activity (Discovering 4 a-f)
Photocopiable activity Discovering activity 4.TB pag 55 / PW
SG (3 students. Jigsaw reading)
P / 40’ / Language Help (Fieldbook page 15), flashcards or internet images to help understanding.
Use of the glossary or dictionary.
Photocopiable activity Discovering activity 4.TB pag 55 / We have learned that ...
2c) Structuring/Summarising activities
5. - 200 million years ago. / Previous activity: Photocopiable activity.Discovering activity 5.TB pag 54
Fieldbook pages18, 19, 20
Online activities (Discovering 5 a-d) / PW
P / 40’ / Previous activity:
Photocopiable activity.Discovering activity 5.TB pag 54 / Sharing explanations and ideas
We have learned that ...
6. - Volcanoes: New crust forming. / Fieldbook pages 21-22-23-24
Online activities (Discovering 6 a-c). / I
P / 50’ / Use glossary and dictionaries if necessary.
Online activities 6d and 6e are optional (faster students) / We have learned that ...
Think about the initial questions.
2d) Generalising and applying activities
7. - Investigation: Magma in action! / Fieldbook pages from 25 to 31.
Language help pages 26-27
Online activities (Discovering 7 a-c)
Experiment 1: A half-full tube of toothpaste, a pin. / SG
(3 students) / 20’ / Decide roles among the group. Teacher helps, if necessary, to form mixed abilitygroups. / Observe, make hypothesis,experiment, and check.
Use of appropriate scientific language.
Think about the initial questions.
Experiment 2: A big glass with cold water, a small glass with hot water, kitchen tongs and red dye.
Language help pages 29-30
Online material: How interesting! Pompeii: an open book to learn about the past. / SG
(4 students) / 20’ / Decide roles among the group. Teacher helps, if necessary, to form mixed abilitygroups
High level students can do the online material “How interesting” / Observe,make hypothesis,and check.
Use of appropriate scientific language.
Think about the initial questions.
8.- The Earth shakes / Fieldbook pages from 32 to 35
Online activities 8a-e / P
PW / 55’ / Use pictures in TB pag 55
An extension activity can be done investigating on the internet about earthquakes. / Understand chart values and headlines related to earthquakes.
Infer the meaning of key concepts related to earthquakes.
We have learned that.....
3rd Stage: Structuring / Materials and resources / Classroom management / Timing / Mixed abilities / Evaluation/
It’s all about our dynamic Earth. / Fieldbook pages 36 and 37
Online material Structuring 1a
Photocopiable activities pag 60-61 TB / PW / 30’ / Advanced students can write a text with the help of the mind map.
Students who need help can fill in a given text. (TB pag 60) / Revising, structuring and summarising the contents of the module filling in a mind map.
Answering our initial questions. / Fieldbook pages 38-39
Online materials Structuring 2a-c / P
P / 20’ / Work individually but, if necessary, some students can work in pairs to help each other.
Activity 1 can be done in plenary, read aloud in turns and the student who knows the answer says it. / Recognising what we have learned.
Reviewing objectives.
Answering initial questions.
4th Stage: Creating
/ Materials and resources / Classroom management / Timing / Mixed abilities / Evaluation/Reflection
Volcanoes and earthquakes poster / Fieldbook 40-41
Internet addresses
Photocopiable page TB 61
Online material Creating 1a / PW
P / 2 sessions (60’ each approx) / The teacher could provide students with a list of internet addresses and the phenomena explained on each of the websites.
To write the newspaper article the teacher could provide students with the photocopiable page 61 TB / Transferring and applying learning to other situations and contexts.
Peer evaluation
Final assessment
My science portfolio / Fieldbook pages 42-43 / I / 10' / Use of linguistic support if necessary.
Self Assessment / Fieldbook page 44 / I / At the end of all the activities / Read sentences and ask questions to check understanding. / Self assessment
Improving ideas
Glossary / Fieldbook page 45 / I
P / Whenever necessary / Read some definitions aloud when a new word appear / Memorising vocabulary and checking it periodically can be done as a game to help students incorporate scientific language
My words / Fieldbook page 46 / I
SG / Whenever they find a new word they don’t know or want to remember / Give examples, if necessary.Let students use dictionaries or online dictionaries. Use them critically. / Asking pupils to reflect on their learning in their own words helps to stimulate their interest in language and to enhance their personal competences.
The Thinking Lab Our Dynamic Earth/Teaching programme 1 ©Cambridge University Press 2013