Ottawa Hills Booster Club Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2016

7:15 pm

Ottawa Hills High School Room 101

Trustees in Attendance:

Jeff Adduci, Kathy Lathrop, Kiersten Robinson, Phillip Rotman, Casey Talbott, Jim Walter, Lora Wimmers, Mary Yark

Absent: Sonja Baehren, Ginger Coleman, John DeMilt, Craig Findley, Chris Hamilton, Paul Lyon, Mike Sherman Michelle VanSlooten, Lisa Werner

Call to order by President Phillip Rotman.

Jim Walter moved to accept the resignations of trustees, Sonja Baehren and Ginger Coleman, effective immediately. Mary Yark provided a second and all approved.

Board of Trustees Meeting minutes from June 28th were reviewed and approved with no changes (motion by Casey Talbott, Kierstin Robinson second). Minutes will be posted on the Booster website.

Concessions- Phillip Rotman

·  Lisa Werner is in discussions with Jodi and John Aiken about taking over concession purchasing and stocking to replace Julio. Current concerns include the issuance of a 1099 (Boosters must report the income paid out) and the lack of insurance coverage. Jodi will need to be sure her personal car insurance provides adequate coverage.

Treasurer’s Report- Kiersten Robinson

·  Review July 16, 2016 Treasurer’s report (see attached).

·  The new income statement format will provide much greater detail than previous reports.

·  The savings account balance of $70,401 includes the Green Bear Ball proceeds deposited at the end of June.

·  Kierstin Robinson confirmed that signers have been changed on the bank accounts.

·  Phillip Rotman shared the Athletic Department’s financial report for the past 6 years.

Publicity- Phillip Rotman

·  John DeMilt provided a written report in his absence.

·  Publicity committee recommends that Boosters obtain its own domain name and website. Trustees present feel that it is better to retain the current website and maintain the connection to the OH Schools website.

·  Potential tagline: Excellence. Tradition. Green Bears. Not enough Trustees were present to make this decision. We will discuss and vote on at the next meeting.

·  Draft Mission statement for review: The mission of the Ottawa Hills Athletic Boosters is to provide financial support for the advancement and needs of all athletic programs at Ottawa Hills Junior/Senior High School and to develop and enhance community pride in Ottawa Hills Athletics through outreach efforts to Ottawa Hills students, parents, alumni and friends. General consensus was that the statement should be simplified if possible. Trustees should bring thoughts to the next meeting and it should be voted upon.

·  Boosters logo will be changed, and will be standardized. Consideration of the OH logo with Boosters name underneath. This matter should be voted upon at the next meeting.

Pigskin BBQ- Lora Wimmers

·  The Pigskin BBQ will be on September 16, 2016.

·  Shorty’s cost has increased from $9/meal to $9.50. Cost will remain $5/person for football players and cheerleaders (Boosters covers ½ or $2.50 per meal, and teams cover the other $2.50). All agreed to keep the price the same as last year at $15/meal for preorder and $17/meal at the door (motion by Phillip Rotman, Mary Yark second).

·  Last year, 378 meals were sold, generating a profit of $2,100. An additional $1,500 was raised through advertising on the BBQ order form (5 businesses paid $300 each to have their logo on the form). 7Up and Shorty’s receive free logo advertising.

·  For discussion- should we add an option on the BBQ order form to preorder 50/50 raffle tickets for the game that night? Also considered the idea of selling 50/50 tickets to be entered in drawings at games throughout the entire school year. Great ideas, but all agreed we should keep it simple for now and consider these options for next year.

·  Last year, expenses included $360 for 2 custodians to assist that night with set up, clean up and tear down, and $100 for a DJ (Jeremy Nixon?).

Membership- Mary Yark

·  Mary is working on simplifying the membership form. All advertising options will be removed. The OH Booster Card will remain on the form.

·  Mary will check with the school office about the all Village mailing, but most likely the distribution will be electronic this year.

·  Fall sports parent meeting is August 3rd. Mary will have a table for membership sales. Kathy and Kierstin will be there to help. Phillip will be presenting some information about Boosters during the meeting that night, as well as at the Coaches meeting on July 28th. Coaches will be encouraged to promote Booster memberships within their teams.

OH Card- Jeff Adduci

·  Only 40 cards were sold last year.

·  Jeff has secured 36 businesses to provide discounts through the OH card- thank you Jeff!

·  Card pricing was discussed. All felt that they are difficult to sell for more than $20. All agreed to change pricing to $10 for members and $20 for non-members in an effort to drastically increase the number of cards sold this year.

·  Physical cards are needed by August 3rd for the Fall sports parent meeting.

Next Meeting: Monday, August 16th 6:30pm OHHS

9:00 pm Meeting adjourned.