Other types of parking bays

Loading bays:

Only Goods Vehicles are allowed to park in these bays in Luton. A Goods Vehicle is any vehicle which has been created or adapted for the haulage of goods. Hatchbacks with the rear seat down can be classed as a Goods Vehicles.

You can use a loading bay for the loading and unloading of goods or when making a scheduled delivery or collection.

You cannot park in a loading bay. Once you have finished loading and unloading goods the vehicle must be moved to a different bay, for example a pay and display bay,where a ticket should be purchased from a machine on the street.

Doctors bays:

These bays are specific to holders of Doctor’s Permits. There are very few locations in the town with such parking places, however no vehicle other than one displaying a permit can park here.

Taxi rank:

Only licensed hackney carriages that are waiting for their next fare can park in a taxi rank. They cannot stay in a taxirank for any other reason.

Taxi ranks give drivers a place to park easily and centrally while waiting for a fare. Taxiranks are usually situated where there is likely to be a need for a taxi in Luton.

The sign on the street will tell you this. If no times are shown the bay operates at all times, 24 hours a day and every day.

Electric Vehicle charging points:

The town’s network of plug-in points is being created by the Council in partnership with the ‘Source East’ programme to create a number of ‘hotspots’ across the region.

Luton’s first two plug-in points were set up last summer at Basepoint on the ButterfieldBusinessPark and Motorbodies in Kimpton Road.

Now these are joined by more in:

  • Alma Street
  • Upper George Street
  • Vicarage Street car park
  • Stockwood Discovery Centre
  • and The Mall’s Central and Market multi-storey car parks (where normal parking charges apply)

Another is planned shortly in Bute Street, at the junction with Guildford Street.

Around 600 plug-in points are currently being installed across the East of England to support the rapidly growing market for electric vehicles. Any vehicle that is licensed with the DVLA as a pure electric or a plug-in hybrid can join the Source East scheme for a £10 yearly membership, including motorbikes, cars, vans, trucks and scooters.