Other On-going Activities


9:00 AM-Childcare available

9:30 AM-Education Classes for all ages

10:30 AM-Worship in the Sanctuary

11:30 AM-Fellowship in Wright-Herberich Hall

Men’s Fellowship Lunch

The Men's Club will meet on Monday, April 13 and May 11, 11:30 AM at the Olive Garden on Market Street in Montrose. These men take their lunch pretty seriously! Please let Joe Henninger (330-867-5938) know if you will be attending. All men of the church are welcome.

Third Sunday Dinners

WPC members will hosting our friends and neighbors from the community on Sunday, April 19 and May 17, 5:00 pm in Wright-Herberich Hall. Check with Anne Karney, meal coordinator, or Sharlene Santelli, volunteer coordinator, to see if your services are needed. Or come to serve as table hosts and share a fine meal with our church family and guests.

Monday Supper Club: April 27, 2015~6:00 pm in Wright-Herberich Hall

Program: Art and Jean Schooley will share pictures and thoughts about their recent 2 1/2 month cruise to Alaska, Japan, Australia, and many other stops around the ring of fire. This will be the last Supper Club gathering until fall.

Remaining Five @ Five Concerts:

April 12, 2015 James Mismas, organ, and friends celebrate his 50 year as a church musician!

May 10, 2015 Opera/Broadway Gala

Mark your calendars for this unique season of musical concerts. Children are always welcome and childcare is available. Concerts are from 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Presbyterian Women: Upcoming Church-wide gatherings!

Saturday, April 25, 2015, 10 am-12 Noon, in Wright-Herberich Hall

Monday. April 27, 2015: Eastminster Presbytery-wide PW Gathering at WPC

Please see the weekly announcements after Easter for more information.

The Easter Script – April/May, 2015

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Holy Week Schedule:

·  Maundy Thursday Worship: Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm, in the

Sanctuary. We remember the establishment of the Lord’s Supper

and the beginning of the passion of Jesus this evening.

·  Good Friday Reflection: Friday, April 3, 12:00 Noon, Eberts Chapel

A short, solemn time of readings and meditation

·  Celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord: Sunday, April 5

8:30 am—Early Worship on Johnstone Patio (weather permitting;

dress warmly!)

9:00 am—Fellowship in Wright-Herberich Hall

10:00 am—Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn (weather permitting)

10:30 am—Festive Worship in the Sanctuary with organ, choir, and

the Paragon Brass Quintet

11:30 am— Fellowship in Wright-Herberich Hall

Come for Early Worship and stay for the Easter Egg Hunt, or come

for the Easter Egg Hunt and stay for worship at 10:30 am!

Ministry Architects Assessment Weekend

Session has contracted with Ministry Architects, a national consulting group, to help us develop a sustainable youth ministry program at WPC. Consultants will be here the weekend of April 17-19. A separate flyer about this effort is available at the church building You are invited to focus groups meetings during that weekend. Sign-up sheets are available at the church building for the different stakeholder groups. This will be one of the most important efforts in determining the direction of WPC, and extremely useful in the ongoing pastoral search process. Come let your voice be heard.

Confirmation Sunday—April 26, 2015

Five students have been meeting on Sunday mornings during the education hours and at other times moving toward this date. They are: Taylor Grosenbaugh, Natalie Labbe, Colin Moorhead, Hannah Stutler, and Becca Stutler. We will conclude this process during worship on April 26, with a reception to follow in Wright-Herberich Hall. Mentors are Kate Clark, Walter Hayes, Kate Huisinga, Erin Spring, and Pat Santelli.

Memorial Weekend Church Picnic and Summer Fare

Plan to join with your WPC friends after worship on Sunday, May 24, for a time of fellowship, feasting, and “tasting” the summer opportunities to grow in faith at your church.

·  The Deacons will feed us (Yum!)

·  Several groups ((VBS organizers, gardeners, Outreach Committee, and others) will present displays showing what they will be up to this summer.

Plan on attending this summer version of Presbyterian Pandemonium.

Save the Date: 2015 Eberts Preaching and Lecture Series

The Rev. Matthew Skinner, PhD, teaching elder in the PCUSA and professor at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota will again be our guest May 31-June 1 this year. His theme will be, What Kind of a Community Should a Church Be? Dr. Skinner will preach during worship. He will present a public lecture following a dinner catered by Old Carolina Barbeque on Sunday evening, and an additional public lecture on Monday evening. Watch for separate announcements and a flyer concerning this event coming out in late April.

Pastor Nominating Committee Update

Your PNC has returned to their task with a new sense of commitment and focus after some challenges and delays. They are in the process of reviewing PIFs (resumés) and interviewing a new set of candidates. Please keep them in your prayers. Brad Hall has resigned from the committee for personal reasons. PNC members are: Kacey Yates Gable, Mike Grau, Nancy Keogh, Ed Labbe (chair), Ginny Melver, Barb Shriner, and Kathryn Vuchak.

Save the Date: 2015 VBS Week—July 6-9, 2015

Theme: “A Neighborhood Build.” More info to follow in the Summer Script.

Monday-Thursday, 9:15 am-12:00 Noon, and a Thursday evening Potluck meal.

See Sheila Svoboda for more information and to volunteer to assist.