OSSSL Board MeetingFebruary 9, 2011



Round Table Pizza

20920 Redwood Road, Castro Valley

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

7:00 p.m.

Call to Order:

In the absence of the League President and Vice President, Secretary Marian Handa called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m., and announced that there was a quorum.

Secretary’s Report:

Marian provided copies of the draft minutes of the January 12, 2011 Board meeting. The minutes were approved as submitted. Marian also provided copies of the revised Team Reps and Board rosters. She noted that she had forgotten to include the Masters Division teams on the Team Reps roster, and would revise the roster again to add the Masters teams.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Chris Finck reported that there were no changes to the League’s accounts since his last report. Chris asked the Board if it wished to consider forming a committee to look into investing some of the League’s funds. The Board discussed the idea, and agreed to add this item to the agenda for the March Board meeting.

Vice President’s Report:

No report.

President’s Report:

Marian asked City Reps to send their field schedules for the upcoming session to Duane to post on the League website.

Castro Valley City Rep Jeff Johnson reported that he submitted the Castro Valley game schedule to HARD. Jeff noted that Castro Valley must now pay their field fees in advance. Other City Reps reported that they are working on their schedules.

Registrar’s Report:

Registrar Julie Johnson reported that she has received all of Hayward’s outstanding paperwork. She also reported that the Masters Division Spurs have submitted all their registration paperwork and fees, and the Masters Division schedule has been revised to accommodate them. The Spurs will have their first game on February 11.

Standing Committee Reports:

Disciplinary Committee

Committee Chair Rich Cortez reported that the Disciplinary Committee met to decide the following 2 red cards that were pending from last season:

  • Ernesto Amaya of the Hayward Blast received a 12-game suspension for violent conduct against a referee in a 12/5 game v. the Fremont Blue Streaks.
  • James Acosta of the Fremont Swarm received a 4-game suspension for receiving 2 yellow cards for unsporting behavior and foul language in a 12/12 game v. the Livermore Pumas.
The Committee also decided the following red cards issued to players in the Masters Division games:
  • Martin Garcia of the Surge received a 2-game suspension for denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity in a 1/21 game v. the Deportivo.
  • Manuel Villeda of the Aztecs received a 5-game suspension for foul play toward the referee in a 1/21 game v. the San Juan.
  • Vickie Lyell of the Riptide received a 1-game suspension for denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity in a 1/28 game v. San Juan.

There is still one red card pending for the Masters Division. Rich reported that the Committee has received 2 complaints, which have been addressed: a complaint from a team manager against another team manager/player; and a complaint from a player against another player.

The Board discussed the recent rash of disciplinary issues in the Masters Division, and what can be done to address them.

Referee Improvement Committee

Committee Chair Jim Sajadi reported on a referee clinic in Fremont that will be held from February 28-March 10. The cost is $40.

Tournament Committee

Committee Chair Frank Arevalo reported that a “save the date” email will go out soon for the 2011 Tournament, which will be held on August 6th and 7th this year. Frank commented that next year will be the 25th anniversary of the tournament, and the Committee is working now to organize a special event to celebrate the milestone. Committee Member Geraldine Serrano is working on sponsorships and publicity for the tournament.

On February 28th at 7 p.m. at the Fremont Main Library, the five Fremont high schools will each be presented with a $1,000 check for their soccer programs on behalf of the League from the Fremont Tournament Committee.

Masters Division Committee

Committee Chair Jeff Johnson reported that the Masters Division will have 7 teams for the second half of the session. It was decided that for the next session, the teams will be responsible for paying the referees.

Open Division Committee

No report.

Social Committee

Frank reported that the end-of-season barbecue will be organized and run in the same manner as the last time.

City Rep Reports:

Castro Valley—Jeff reported that he has submitted his reservation to HARD, and will provide the field schedule to Duane to post once he receives it.

Fremont—Jim reported that the Fremont teams will meet on February 24th. City Rep Alex Sweet-Bayer is working on the game schedule, and the games will be played on the Sylvester Harvey and Warm Springs fields. Jim requested that the League provide goals for the Sylvester Harvey fields.

A lengthy discussion by the Board ensued regarding other possible fields for the Fremont teams to use, the poor quality of the Sylvester Harvey fields, and whether there was a need to purchase new goals for Fremont.

Hayward—No City Rep.

Livermore—City Rep Jonathan Hu reported that the Livermore fields have not yet been assigned. Jonathan asked whether the fall standings would be posted, and he was informed that the League did not post its standings.

Newark—City Rep Nasser Vijeh stated that he would send to the Fremont City Reps the contact person for the Newark fields. Nasser commented that Newark’s field fees keep increasing, and are now $100 per game.

Oakland/Alameda—No report.

Union City—City Rep Gloria Ibarra reported that the UC America’s home games will be played at Cesar Chavez Middle School at noon. Gloria will check with Diane Romero to find out when the UC Aztec’s games will be played at Shorty Garcia Fields.

Old Business:

Marisol Pena from the Newark San Juan reported that her team was not assessed the field fee for the 11/14 game cancelled by the Livermore Sharpshooters with less than 24 hours notice. Since the San Juan was not charged the $100 field fee, there was no need for action on this matter.

New Business:

Nasser inquired about using League funds to subsidize the cost of better fields. The Board discussed the matter, noting that when the idea had been raised previously, the Board could not find a way to implement the idea without creating some inequity among the teams. No action was taken.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


(bring your pizza coupons)



Marian Handa, OSSSL Secretary