Osprey Woods Public School

School Council

Minutes of the Meeting

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 6:30 PM


“Board” = Peel District School Board

“Council” = Osprey Woods Public School Council

“School” = Osprey Woods Public School

Materials Reviewed/Circulated during the meeting:

1.  Agenda for today’s meeting

2.  Minutes of the last meeting on October 8, 2014

3.  Handouts received at the October 29, 2014 “Great Start” orientation and training for school council members

4.  Funding Proposals (Three)

The meeting began at 6:39pm.


Clelia Trinca – Principal (ex-officio)

Rupinder Sandhu – Vice-Principal

Tara Vento – Teaching Staff Representative

Paula Port – Parent Member and Chair

Karen Kwan Anderson – Parent Member and Secretary

Sonja Williams – Parent Member and Treasurer

Anu Datta – Parent Member

Seven Guests who were parents and caregivers


Laura Evans – Non-Teaching Staff Representative

Kate Nash – Elected Parent Member

Quorum was met.

1.  Motion to approve Agenda

Sonja 1st, Karen 2nd; all in favour; carried.

2.  Motion to approve Minutes of October 8, 2014:

For clarity, the Funding Commitments for 2014-15 (on page 2 of the Minutes of the October 8, 2014 meeting) are the following:

·  $6,000 Teacher (grade-level) requests

·  $500 JungleSports note: additional funds may be required for 2 week program

·  $600 Synervoice communications (annual fee)

·  $300 Grade 5 “Farewell/Graduation”

·  $300 Kindergarten “Graduation”

·  $6500 Performing Arts (specific performances to be scheduled) and Special Presentations

·  $50 Pizza Day equipment

Motion to approve Minutes of October 8, 2014 including the “Funding Commitments for 2014-15” with the addition of “and Special Presentations” to the $6500 amount allocated to Performing Arts on page 2 of said Minutes: Karen 1st, Paula 2nd, all in favour; all in favour; carried.

3. Principal's Report

The Principal described the School Success Goals that focus on Mental Health, Anti-Bullying Prevention, Teaching and Learning for Literacy/Numeracy, and Climate for Learning and Working. Information should be available on www.peelschools.org

School staff, administrators and Council chair are members on teams relating to each area. Each of these areas has a “Theory of action/goal”; for example, actions and goals to promote strategies for independence, increased communications, achievement, positive behaviours to improve a safe school environment.

The Board wants a focus on numeracy and not just the mechanics. A newsletter entitled “Balanced Mathematics Instruction, K-12” was circulated from the Great Start Conference held on October 29, 2014 (see below for summaries of workshops attended by Council members).

While EQAO scores are good, students must learn strategies to communicate more effectively and efficiently. For example, picture a large gummy bear with small gummy bears around it. Stimulate questions and wondering from the students, such as “How many gummy bears does it take to make the large Gummy Bear?” Other concepts in this scenario would include volume, counting, measurement, height and spatial dimensions. Such concept may be adopted for use in various grades.

Discussion: language considerations are important. Teachers teach the cognitive theory to stimulate students’ construction of knowledge and not respond by rote. The end goal is to focus on understanding rather than memorizing, in order to use logic and reason to get to a solution. The teacher’s debrief of the solution is important.

How can Council support students and parents? One suggestion is for the School to give tips on how to approach a problem assigned in homework, especially when parents are not able to assist. The Principal invited parents to come into the classroom to observe in order to increase communications. The Teacher Representative suggested having a parents’ math night without students. There was a math night last year for parents and students. Another suggestion was to have websites for parents to consult.

Action: The Principal and Vice-Principal will put links to math resources on the School website.

4. Attendance at “Great Start” training

Anu: “Safe, Equitable and Inclusive Schools”: children’s academic success depends on safety felt in school. Do we have a parent safety representative? We need a proactive approach on how to deal with bullying before it begins. She also attended: “Everything you need to know about school councils”. Anne-Marie Brown is our support for Council matters and is at 905-890-1010 ext 2626. We are following Board guidelines, such as holding elections. We have an invested parent community. Do we have bylaws? There are 4 policies that need bylaws. The Secretary confirmed that Counciil began a by-law committee 2 years ago and we have a by-law on Elections. The Principal confirmed that the Board has precedents we can modify for our use. Anu referred to Ecosource – Growing a Green Community and the “Scientist in School” workshop. She will put a funding proposal for the latter to present to Council.

The Treasurer attended “5 Steps to Communicating Effectively in a Digital World” and stated that we can blast email parents without emailing all. The Board has a master list. Parents enter a code. The School can communicate news to parents. The Treasurer also attended “Working with Your Trustee” which the Board Chair Janet McDougald presented. We should invited our new trustee, Nokha Dakroub to speak to Council; her term begins December 1, 2014. Trustee meetings are open to the public. Trustees are policymakers (governance) while superintendents and principals are carry out the policies (operational). The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), established 2008, has an opening for a member for a 2-year commitment. To be determined is whether the member is to be from Mississauga or Brampton. The PIC is an opportunity for parents to meet trustees and Board employees.

The Secretary attended “Great Meetings – Great Minutes” which focussed on adherence to standards while being flexible to adapt to the needs of Council. The handout on this workshop emphasized meeting etiquette. She also attended “Mental Health Strategies” to help students at school. Social workers, parents and teachers work as a team to ensure student well-being.

5. Funding Proposals

The Chair described the following proposed initiatives:

(a)  Eatrite: $100 per month would provide healthy snacks to students in order to encourage healthy choices. This would translate to 25 cents per apple. We can order weekly and can go on a month to month basis. No one-year commitment is required. Recommend that funds come from pizza sales.

Discussion: The Principal described a good response from students at her previous school to this program. The bowl in the office was filled a couple of times a day.

The Treasurer stated that there is currently $19,000 in the Council’s account.

The Chair confirmed that the funds of $13,000 to which Council committed at the June 2014 meeting will be spent this year.

Motion: To commit $300 for 3 months consecutive to purchases from Eatrite: Anu 1st, Karen 2nd; all in favour; carried.

(b)  Winter Playday: held during school hours, this would encourage a healthy lifestyle and introduce the fun of a Canadian winter to newcomers. Funds would be from pizza sales to buy equipment such as sleds, snowshoes, and enhance the gym equipment/physed program. There would be music, hot chocolate and cookies. Parents would volunteer time and funds.

Discussion: could there be more than one playday, since there would be equipment that can be used.

Motion: To commit up to $1,000 to fund expenses related to Winter Playday(s): Sonja 1st, Anu 2nd; all in favour; carried.

(c) Spring Marketplace: this is similar to the market set up at Fun Fair in previous years which were organized by Eddie Suliman. The event would be held after school or on a weekend. The objective is to engage parents and the community. Approximate profit is $2,000 with 40 vendors. Priority given to parents of the School’s students. Funds raised would be used towards the Grade 5 farewell this year and for the Open House next year. Tables may be ordered from the Board. This event would be completely run by parents. A permit must be obtained which is approximately $200.

Discussion: Possible usage of the raised funds could be a cap and gown ceremony for Grade 5 students, a Grade 5 dance with food that is not pizza, or a Grade 5 trip.

Motion: To approve the idea of holding a marketplace and allocation of funds raised towards the Grade 5 farewell this school year and an Open House next year: Paula 1st, Anu 2nd; all in favour; carried.

6. Teacher's Representative Report

The Teacher’s Representative presented 2 funding proposals:

(a)  From the Librarian: $926.11 for books to the “Forest of Reading” program comprised of picture, non-fiction and chapter books in English and French by Canadian authors

(b)  From the Music Teacher: $2337 to take the Grade 5 students to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra for “Pan Am Beats Heroic Feats”; this amount covers bussing and tickets.

The teachers also request levelled books for science, social studies and mathematics.

Discussion: Council should avoid repetitive yearly expectations for funding. The Music Teacher sent a thank you card to Council for funds allocated for the purchase of xylophones, which were found at a lower cost due to being demo models. The hope is to build a mini orchestra.

Action: December 9, 2014 is the deadline for teachers’ funding proposals.

7. Food Co-ordinators' Report

Eddie Suliman and Angie Foley are organizing pizza sales this year. Eddie confirmed 335 orders were placed for cycle 1, of which revenue was $13,354 with expenses of about $6,000. There are 4 cycles for the entire school year: 3 cycles of 8 weeks each, and the last cycle of 7 weeks. The estimated expenses for the year are about $23,000; the calculation of profit depends on number of orders.

8. "Ask Clelia"

“What is happening with the gym mural?”: The Principal stated that the School is still looking for an artist and must determine when the painting would be done. Either the painting is done during March Break or the gym must be shut down one part at a time.

Discussion: consider using the same artist who painted the Atrium, though variety of style may be better. Who does the Board use for art in schools? Perhaps gather student input.

Action: The Principal will find an artist.

“Can students have more time for lunch?”: Perhaps 30 minutes can work better than the current 20 minutes. Supervision scheduling and activities would be impacted. The Principal stated that she is open to moving to more time for lunch, especially with colder weather upon us.

Discussion: Staggered recess - can primary classes go outside first followed by the older grades? Currently there are too many students at one time on the blacktop. There are more students now at the School, as well as portables. There are more demands on the supervisors, and supervisors’ time is limited.

Action: The Principal and Vice-Principal to investigate feasibility of extending the lunch period to 30 minutes.

“Will the new Trustee’s name appear on the Osprey Oracle?”: The Principal confirmed yes, as of December 2014.

“What is the Board policy on students bringing homemade treats, ie. a healthy homemade muffin instead of a processed product?”

Discussion: Some parents remember receiving print materials a few years ago that banned students from bringing homemade treats/snacks. There was a concern that there could be cross-contamination to children with nut allergies. There was a practice of bringing non-food items to celebrate birthdays. Apart from the no-nuts policy, it is difficult to police what’s in lunches.

Action: The Principal will find out what is the Board policy on bringing homemade treats.

“Where will French Immersion grade 6 be taught?”: The Principal could not confirm a definitive school location.

Other Business:

1.  Vice-Chair position in the event of the Chair’s absence: Anu expressed interest. To table motion on Agenda at next regular meeting.

2.  By-laws: The Treasurer presented templates for our use. To table on Agenda for next regular meeting.

3.  The next meeting is an Open House to encourage parent involvement; we will invite our new trustee as a guest speaker. All parents welcome to attend.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 6:30pm


Paula 1st, Karen 2nd; all in favour; carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

Minutes taken by: Karen Kwan Anderson, Secretary

November 13, 2014