UAT Pilot District Instructions

1.1Accessing Inventory and Condition of Schools (ICOS)

The ideal screen resolution for ICOS is 1280 x 1024, and the minimum screen resolution is 1024 x 768.

In order to view the ICOS system, the Silverlight applet, a common add-in, must be downloaded onto the computer viewing the system. Silverlight can be accessed at this website:

Once Silverlight has been installed, go to the ICOS site to access the system:

Obtaining a Login/Password for ICOS

The Education Data System (EDS) is the web portal used at OSPI allowing users to access various systems they have permissions to access. You should already have your login for ICOS. If you have any issues with your login or password, send an email to OSPI Customer Support: or at contact them at 360-725-6376 or 360-725-0425. They specialize in OSPI system login issues.

1.2Logging into ICOS via the OSPIEducation Data System (EDS)

To login into the EDS system to view ICOS, go to the following website:

Enter your Username and Password.

Click the Login button.

Click the My Applications tab or click on View my Applications.

Click on ICOS.


The first screen displayed after logging into the ICOS system is the Home page. This screen displays the navigation tool bar with the various items the user can choose to open. The picture displayed is the main Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction building in Olympia, Washington.

1.3 ICOS Home Screen

From this welcome screen, the user can go to various pages by clicking on the desired navigation button on the tool bar. The following pages are discussed in this document:

Home: ICOS Home page, the first screen viewed when entering the ICOS system.

Inventory and Condition: Contains the screens to enter Facility, Site, and Building inventory and condition ratings; energy management; FEMA pre-disaster mitigation; Asset Preservation Program (APP); and Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP) data.

Reports: The page to select and run reports based on various user-selected criteria.

District Contacts: The page used to enter and view district contacts.

Maps and Boundaries: The page displaying the maps and boundaries for all of the Districts in the State.

1.4Inventory and Condition

Inventory and Condition is the main location to find the site and building inventory and condition screens, and the other related screens. When the cursor is moved over top of the Inventory and Condition button, a sub-menu opens below with the following available screens:

  • District Summary
  • Energy Management (development not completed)
  • FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation
  • Asset Preservation Program (APP)
  • Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP) (development not completed)

The next sections will describe each area of these screens in detail.

Tree View Pane and Viewer Screen

All of the screens in the Inventory and Condition section have a Tree View pane where the screen navigation occurs. The Viewer Screen is where the information appears after the user clicks on a choice in the Tree View.

1.5.1 Tree View and Viewer Screen

Navigating the Tree View

The left-hand tree view panel displays two tabbed screens:

The ‘General’ tab displays all of the Facilities within the School District. If the user single-clicks on a Facility Name, the Facility Summary page for that facility will be displayed. If the user single-clicks on the right pointing expander triangle next to a Facility, all of the Facility options in the hierarchy will be expanded fully, to view Inventory, Condition, Site, and Building. Once expanded, the user can then single-click on the downward pointed triangle symbol to collapse the list.

The tree view is organized hierarchically with the District and its related Facilities listed alphabetically. The hierarchy is depicted below:

Districtlevel 1

Facilitylevel 2

Inventorylevel 3

Sitelevel 4

Buildinglevel 4

Condition level 3

Sitelevel 4

Buildinglevel 4

1.4.1 ICOS Hierarchy Screen Example

How to Drill Down to the Details

Click directly on a District name to open the District details in the Viewer Screen.

Click on the small gray expander triangle symbol next to the District name to expand the District tree view list. All of the Facilities in the District are listed.

1.5.2 Tree View Expanded

Once the list is expanded there will be a small black downward pointed triangle symbol next to the item. Clicking on this black triangle will collapse the list back up and hide the Facilities.

Navigating the Viewer Screen and Accordion

The viewer screen bar is the vertical bar to the left of an opened screen. All viewer screens have the same screen controls:

1) To close a screen, click on the button at the top of the Screen bar.

2) To collapse a screen, click on the button at the bottom of the Screen bar.

3) To re-open/expand a screen, click on the button at the bottom of the Screen bar.

The screen bar is light blue colored when it is maximized and white colored when it is minimized.

1.5.3 Expand and Collapse Screen Examples

Up to five screens can be open at the same time. If a user attempts to open a sixth screen, a pop up message will display saying that one of the current five screens must be closed before opening a new screen. The screens can be expanded, collapsed, or closed in any order.

The example below shows all five screens minimized.

1.5.4 Accordian Screen Closed

To open or expand all accordion screens, right-click on any of the viewer screen bars and select ‘Collapse All’ or ‘Expand All’. A singe screen can also be expanded or collapsed by just single-clicking on its viewer screen bar.

1.5 Information Center

The Information Center page is the first page displayed when clicking on the Inventory and Condition navigation button. This screen is the location where the user views the actions that need to be completed and the corresponding due dates. If there are no actions listed, it will say there are no actions needed, and the user has completed all of the needed actions for the year.

To reopen the Information Center page, click the button next to the General tab on the Tree View Pane. There are nine possible messages displayed on the screen:

The following are the possible Actions Needed that may be displayed and how to accomplish the task:

  1. APP Board Resolution Document needs to be uploaded–The APP Board Resolution document is required to be uploaded within 6 months from the Project Board Acceptance Date.

Go to the APP Summary screen (Inventory and Condition > Asset Preservation Program (APP)), and click the ‘Upload APP Board Resolution’ button to upload the document.

  1. APS Certification Letter needs to be uploaded–The APS Certification Letter is required to be uploaded within 6 months from the Project Board Acceptance Date.

Go to the APP Summary screen (Inventory and Condition>Asset Preservation Program (APP)), and click the ‘Upload APS Certification Letter Completed' button to upload the document.

  1. APP 6- Year Certification Letter needs to be uploaded–A letter of certification is required every 6 years that demonstrates that the facility’s condition has been inspected by a third party. This letter is required to be uploaded every 6 years from the Project Board Acceptance Date. For example, on the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th year from the Project Board Acceptance Date.

Go to the APP Summary screen (Inventory and Condition>Asset Preservation Program (APP)), and click the ‘Upload 6- Year Certification Letter ' button to upload the document.

  1. Board Meeting Date When Report Was Presented needs to be entered on the APP Summary page – It is required that the facility condition report be presented to the board yearly and the date be recorded in ICOS.

Go to the APP Summary screen (Inventory and Condition>Asset Preservation Program), and enter the date (format MM/DD/YYYY) or click the calendar icon and select the date for the ‘Board Meeting Date When Report Was Presented’ field.

  1. Site Map has not been uploaded for the Facility – It is required that a site map be uploaded for the facility.

Go to the Facility Inventory Site screen (Inventory and Condition > Facility > Inventory > Site), and click the Add/View File tab to upload the file. Or click on the ‘View Site Area Map’ button and click ‘Yes’ when the pop up message asks if you wish to upload the Site Map now.

  1. Building Area Analysis has not been uploaded for the Facility – It is required that a building area analysis be uploaded for each building created in ICOS. This action needed will continue to display until all of the building have a building area analysis uploaded.

Go to the Facility Building Inventory Summary screen (Inventory and Condition > Facility > Inventory > Building), and click the Add/View File tab to upload the file. Or click on the ‘View Building(s) Area Analysis’ button and click ‘Yes’ when the pop up message asks if you wish to upload the Building Area Analysis now.

  1. WSSP Annual Report needs to be completed – It is required that the WSSP Annual Report be completed annually from the Project Occupancy Date.
  1. Go to the Facility WSSP Annual Report screen (Inventory and Condition > Facility > Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP)), and complete the required fields.
  1. XXX/XXX Building Conditions have been successfully rated – This is a count of how many buildings have completed their condition ratings out of the total number of buildings in the Facility. It is required that all components for all sub-assemblies for all building in the facility be rated every year.
  1. Go to the Facility Building Condition screen (Inventory and Condition > Facility > Condition > Building), and complete the rating for all components for each sub-assembly for each building.
  1. Site Condition rating hasnot been completed - It is required that all components for all sub-assemblies for the facility site be rated every year.
  2. Go to the Facility Building Condition screen (Inventory and Condition > Facility > Condition > Site), and complete the rating for all components for each sub-assembly.

1.6 Facility Exercise

Facility Summary - The Facility Summary page displays specific information about the facility, including the rollup totals from all of its buildings. This is a read-only screen and no changes can be made.

Edit Facility – Flow chart slide 15 - The Edit Facility screen is where the facility data can be edited.

Click the gray arrow next to your District on the Tree View to expand the view

Click directly on one of your Facilities

View your Facility Summary screen

Click on the Edit tab and add the following data:

Students Served

Original Property Acquisition Date

Original Occupancy Date

Original Board Acceptance Date

Total Number of Teaching Stations

# of Teaching Stations for Students for Disabilities

Facility Latitude(+-0 >=90)

Facility Longitude (+-0>=180)

Skills Center Programs check box, if the Facility has Skills Center programs.

  • Select the Skills Center Type
  • Select the Skills Center Affiliated With

Remote & Necessary School check box, if applicable

Click Save

Click the Facility Space Inventory button

Enter numbers for the fields, must be zero (0) or higher

Tip-Double-click in the first Quantity field, and then use your Tab button to move to the next field.

Click Save

Click the Facility Summary tab to view your changes.

Add Facility to the District–Flow chart slide 14

In the Facility Summary screen, click Add Facility

Enter your new facility the name- This field is required -

Select the Facility Site Profile Type- This field is required -

Click Save on the screen – the New Facility screen will close.

Open the new facility on the tree view, which can be found at the bottom of the list of District facilities on the tree view, and add the following:

Students Served

Original Property Acquisition Date

Original Occupancy Date

Original Board Acceptance Date

Total Number of Teaching Stations

# of Teaching Stations for Students for Disabilities

Facility Latitude (+-0 >=90)

Facility Longitude (+-0>=180)

Skills Center Programs check box, if the Facility has Skills Center programs.

  • Select the Skills Center Type
  • Select the Skills Center Affiliated With

Remote & Necessary School check box, if applicable

Click Save

Add Facility Photo to Facility Summary Screen

In the Facility Summary screen, click the ‘Add/View Files’ button:

Click Add File

Browse for file/photo

Select Document Type: Photo

Click the ‘Summary Photo’ indicator

Click Add

Click Save, Click Close

Close and reopen the Facility Summary screen to view the photo

1.7 Site Inventory Exercise

Add or Edit Site Inventory data – Flow chart slide 16

Click on the gray expanding arrow next to your Facility to view Inventory and Condition.

Go to Inventory – Click directly on the word Site

Add the following information to your site:

Total Site Acreage – Required --

Click the Shared Facilities check box

Click Add in the Facilities pop up box search for two facilities and add them

Add/View Parcel and Census Tract Numbers

Click the ‘Click to Add/View Parcel Numbers and Census Tract Number’ button

Add parcel number, click the Add New button

Enter a number, (maximum 14 digits)

Enter the census tract number, (maximum 11 numbers)

Click Save

Add Sub-Component Data

Add the following data for any component:

Unit of Measure

Quantity or Estimated Size

Click the Edit Sub-Components button for the component

Click the Add button

Select a sub-component and add Unit of Measure and Quantity or Estimated Size

Click Add again and add another sub-component

Click OK

Repeat the above steps for 2 more sub-components of your choice.

Click Save

Add Site Map

Click the ‘View Site Map’ button:

Click Add File

Browse for file

Select Document Type: Site Area Map

Click the ‘Site Area Map’ indicator

Click Add

Click Save

Click Close

Click the ‘View Site Map’ to view the document

1.8 Building Inventory

Building Inventory Summary – Thispage displays a summary of all buildings for the facility, including the square footage totals. This is a read-only screen and no changes can be made.

Edit Building InventoryExercise – Flow chart slide 18

Click on the gray expanding arrow next to your Facility to view Inventory and Condition.

Go to Inventory – Click directly on the word Building

Click on the Edit button next to one of the buildings listed in your Building Summary screen

Add the following information to your building:

Edit Building Profile Type, if needed.

Edit Number of Floors, if needed.

Click the ‘Characteristics’ button.

  • All fields must have a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ selected
  • Click OK

Add the following Area Use data, see page 14 for Building Area Analysis for sample data:

Year Built – Required --

District Assigned Area

District Assigned Area Use – Required --

Gross Building Sq Ft

Gross Instructional Sq Ft

Area Original Occupancy Date

Area Original Board Acceptance Date

Click ‘Add New Area’

Click Save

Upload Building Area Analysis

Click the ‘Upload Building Area Analysis’ button:

Click Add File

Browse for file

Select Document Type: Building Area Analysis

Click Add

Click Save

Click Close

Click the ‘Upload Building Area Analysis’ or ‘Add/View Files’ to view the document

Building Inventory Summary

Click the Building Inventory Summary button

View your inventory changes

1.9 New Building

Add Building Exercise – Flow chart slide 18

Click on the gray expanding arrow next to your Facility to view Inventory and Condition.

Go to Inventory – Click directly on the word Building

Open Building Inventory Summary screen, click the ‘Add Building’ tab.

Add the following data:

Add District Assigned Building Name or ID: for example, Greenhouse– Required --

Make the Building Profile Type: for example, Greenhouse – Required --

Number of Floors (1-9) – Required --

Year Built - – Required --

District Assigned Area

District Assigned Area Use – Required --

Gross Building Sq Ft – Required --

Gross Instructional Sq Ft

Area Original Occupancy Date

Area Original Board Acceptance Date

Click ‘Add New Area’ and add two more new area use rows

Click Save

Building Inventory Summary

Click the Building Inventory Summary button

View your new building and its inventory changes