OSCIA MAJOR Grant Proposal Form

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Project Title: / Sulphur on Corn
Applicant (SCIA):
(Region or Local Association) / Middlesex Soil & Crop Improvement Association
Objective: / To investigate reported sulphur response in corn
Background: / With the clean air initiatives both in Canada and the United States, atmospheric deposition of sulphur has been dramatically reduced. For decades, we have not been able to garner an economic return to sulphur fertilizer in corn because atmospheric deposition has supplied this need. Recently, with documented reductions in deposition and dramatically higher corn yields, we suspect that available sulphur levels may be yield limiting. As well, with the lack of a reliable soil test for Sulphur, the simplest and most reliable test appears to be adding 10 lbs of S present in the Sulphate form
Project Description: / Corn will be grown with and without sulphur in field scale replicated strips to determine response. Target sulphur rate will be 10 pounds/acre. All other nutrient applications will be held constant. 8 sites are targeted.
Communication Plan: / Results will be included in CropAdvances, on CropLine and radio reports, at many meetings across the province, and 1 site will be included in the summer tour.
Locations: / Middlesex county. 6 directors have currently committed to cooperate with at least one site. Neighbouring counties will be encouraged to participate.
Site Selection: / Site selection will endeavor to include a range of soil types and past management history. At least one sand site with low organic matter will be included.
Treatments: / No sulphur and 10 pounds of S. This trial is not meant to determine rate response, but is a yes/no investigation to determine how much effort (if any) should be put into further S research.
Plot Setup and Harvesting Layout / Field scale minimum 3 replicate trials. S will be applied in the most convenient manner for each co-operaotr, either as ammonium thiosol with 28% N or as a Sulphate fertilizer of some form in the starter band.
Treatment Sizes: / Field scale by header width.
Assessments, Type and Timelines: / Yield, moisture, test weight, soil test, tissue tests if deficiency or differences become apparent, growth observations.
Linkages with Other Organizations: / Greg Stewart has some effort underway through funding from Grain Farmers of Ontario on MESZ that links to this project.
Responsibilities: / Grower cooperators: plant, harvest and coordinate with OMAFRA staff and students.
OMAFRA students: collect data and monitor sites.
OMAFRA corn and cereal specialists: compile data and prepare report, extend results.
Budget: / $5,000 including in-kind contributions
Duration: / 2013 cropping year
Responsible Person(s): / Peter Johnson, Cereal Crop Specialist, OMAFRA
Greg Stewart, Corn Lead, OMAFRA
Dr. Bonne Ball, Soil Fertility Specialist, OMAFRA
Ken Nixon, MSCIA

OSCIA Grant Guidelines for 2012

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. (OSCIA 2012)