Orientation Meetings Checklist
I. First Orientation Meeting:
Purpose: The first meeting will include an overview of the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Quality Service Review (QSR) processes.
Expected length of the meeting: 1 – 1½ hours
Facilitators: State Site Lead(s) will be the facilitators of the first Orientation Meeting.
The following items should be discussed:
Introductions of QSRStateSite Lead(s) and Local Site Lead(s)
Overview of the CQIprocess and the role of QSR in that process
Purpose of the QSR process – Case-specific review; Focus Groups and Key Stakeholder Interviews
Overview of the components of the review process and timelines associated with the on-site review
Composition of review team
Overview of the QSR indicators
II. SecondOrientation Meeting
Purpose: The second meeting will focus on a review of the case sampling and case selection process, preparations for the QSR on-site review, and logistics of the QSR on-site review.
Expected length of meeting: 1-2 hours
Facilitators: State and Local Site Leads will be the facilitators for the second Orientation Meeting.
The following items should be discussed:
- Case Pool and Sample/Over-sample Selection
- Preparing the pool of cases for review
- Sample/Over-sample selection
- Preparation of the case file for reviewers
- QSR On-site Review Preparation
- Review of paperwork – letters, releases, interview schedule, timelines, etc.
- Identification of case participants for interviews (6-12 interviews per case are suggested. Consider language, culture, travel, and other barriers when scheduling interviews.)
- Contacting family and case participants for interviews
- Call family. Explain purpose and process of QSR. Ensure willingness to participate (i.e. this is an opportunity for them to provide us with feedback about the services they have received and their experiences with the Agency. We value their input because it will help us to improve how we do our work with families).
- Schedule parent/child interview(s)in the family home, if they are agreeable.
- Ask the family if they have suggestions about who should be interviewed.
- Discuss consent forms to release information.
- Contact service providers/extended family/child to set up interviews. Explain purpose and process of QSR.
- Send introductory letter via mail/fax.
- Follow up with phone call to schedule interview.
- Discuss consent forms to release information.
- Send letter to confirm appointment time.
- NOTE: It is important to share that the contents of interviews are kept confidential. Interviewers are gathering information from each person to form an overall picture of the case. Individual’s comments will not be shared with the Agency but will be used to help the reviewers get an overall view of the work with the child/family.
- NOTE: Considerations for scheduling interviews – location, travel time, work hours, etc.
- On-site logistics
- Rooms for all reviewers to convene in, rooms for focus groups and/or key stakeholder interviews, rooms for QSR reviewer’s interviews with interviewees
- Speakerphone access for telephone interviews (suggested availability is from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily during review week)
- Reviewer access to case files
- After-hours access to building/offices
- Arrangements/considerations for parking and security
- Availability of local accommodations for reviewers
- Lunches, snacks, and beverages for reviewers (optional)
III. ThirdOrientation Meeting
Purpose: The third meeting will provide an opportunity to share specific information about the on-site QSR review process to those caseworkers and supervisors whose cases have been selected as part of the sample.
Expected length of meeting: 1 hour
Facilitators:The Local Site Lead(s) (and State Site Lead(s), if requested) will be the facilitators for the third Orientation Meeting.
The following items should be reviewed:
Provide caseworkers with the Caseworker Orientation Packet and review the contents (NOTE: All the items to be included in the packet can be found in the QSR Manual Appendices)
- PennsylvaniaQSR Timeline
- Guidelines for Talking with Families About the QSR
- Releases of Information
- Sample “Interview Schedule”
- Case Summary and Contact Sheet *
- QSR Roll-up Sheet *
- QSR Electronic Roll-Up Sheet Guidance
* Instructions should be provided for the two items above in BOLD as these materials are to be completed the caseworker and/or assigned County staff person. Review the date that these materials must be given to the Local Site Lead(s). NOTE: It is suggested that these materials be turned in 5 weeks prior to the first day of the on-site review.
Details of the on-site review week;
Explanation that the common practice is for caseworkers and/or supervisors to be the first persons interviewed the day of the review;
Review process of how family members and other interviewees were contacted – (i.e. introduction letter, phone call, confirmation letter); and
Review what caseworkers should do if families have questions about the QSR process.
Pennsylvania’s QSR Manual Version 1.0Appendix 4