OrientationandGraduationInformation for


Saturday, 13 February, 2016


There are certainevents—highschoolorcollegegraduation, yourwedding, first day onthejob— that are realmilestones inyourlife. Agraduationceremony celebratesbothajob welldone and a very brightfuture. Whetherit is offto college oranewjob, thingschangeupongraduation. It is a great time to celebrateawonderfulaccomplishment and a promisingfuture.

“You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.”

-Tom Brokaw

Graduation CeremonyDateand Time

Congratulations, you will be graduating soon! Below you will find instructions on the processes involved in receiving your diploma. Read these instructions closely, as they give you important information, deadlines and explanations.We’re here to make sure you can celebrate this important milestone in a safe and fun environment. The ceremony honors the hard work and achievements of our graduates, as well as acknowledges the invaluable support received from their family and friends. Afterallthehard work,youare ready forthebignight. The AmericanUniversity inCairo- BachelorCommencement-ceremony willbe heldonSaturday,February 13, 2016 at 4:00 pmin ARTOCSports Court.

Ifyoudecidenottoattend theceremony,youshould send an email tothe Degree Audit Unitatthe Office ofthe Registrar().


Rehearsalwilltake placeonThursday, February 11, 2016 at11:00am in ARTOCSports Court. You must attend in order to have your name called at the actual Commencement ceremony. If you do not attend the rehearsal, your name will be removed from the calling list and you will not be able to walk across the stage to receive your diploma. Your name and seat number will be sent to you through email via the portal before the rehearsal. Please arrive on time for each event so that we can finish in a timely manner.

Graduation Admission

The ceremony lasts approximatelytwohours. Entrance invitations are required;no reserved seating or parking isavailable forguests.

Please read your invitation to determine the gate you will enter from, as you will be allowed only to enter from the gate marked on your invitation.

Arrival Times

You must planto arrivedressed inyouracademicattire(cap and gown)and meet in Mohamed El Rashidi Gym by3:00pm. Pleasebe prompt, and make sure to bring yourseat-numbercard withyou. Campus gates will open at 2:30 pm, and the doors to ARTOC hall will openat 3:00 pm for all guests.

Online streaming, Photography andVideo

For online streamingthroughout the ceremony, please click on the URL:

You can also download the link to the video of the commencement ceremony on the Registrar’s Graduation website will be available within two weeks after the commencement day.

To help ensure thatthe ceremony isconductedina dignifiedmanner,family members and allother attendeesare asked to remainseated.Aisles mustbe kept clear. Anofficialcommencement photographerwilltake formal graduation portraits. Only University officialphotographers willbe permittedinthe stage area. Photos may be ordered by phone, call Mohamed Fahmy at or Fawzy at 012.2.317.5392

Group Photo with Capsand Gowns

Do not miss theopportunity tohavethis great souvenir. Thegroup photodate withthe caps and gownsis scheduledforFriday, February 5, 2016starting at 2:00 pmat theUniversity gardenopposite the AUClibrary,New Cairo campus.

Capsand Gowns

Ifyou planto attend, you must be attired inacap and gown. Before youtake yourcap and gown, youare required to pay a deposit of LE 450 online. The tasselis a gift from theUniversity,soyoucankeepit as asouvenir. Tassels areworn onyour right. Ifyoulose yourtassel, youwillhaveto purchaseanother one. Forany inquiry please callAly Abdel Latif at012.7.178.7876 orHossamSalouma at 012.2.809.9946.

Fitting for thegowns will take placeatroom 1002,firstfloor, Conference and Visitor Center, located intheCampus Center, onthe following dates and times:

Dates / Hours
January 17- February 10 (Sundays-Thursdays only) / 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
January 30th(Saturday) / 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
February 11 (Thursday) / 1:30 pm–3:00 pm

If youreturnyourcap and gowntoroom 1002, first floor, Conference and Visitor Center, located inthe Campus Centerduring the periodFebruary15toMarch 10 from 11:00 am to 2:00pm,youwillbe refunded yourdeposit. Ifnot, youwill lose the deposit, and itwillbe used to purchasea replacement.

The return deadline is Thursday,10 March, 2016at 2:00pm. Forany inquiry please callAly Abdel Latif at012.7.178.7876 orHossamSalouma at 012.2.809.9946.

Class Ring

If you wish to buy a class ring, place your order at the Office of Advancement and Communications in the Administration Building (plaza level, room P008), Sunday through Thursday, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Rings are available in different sizes for both men and women. Silver rings cost LE 600; silver rings with the AUC logo in gold cost LE 1,000. It takes five weeks for the ring to be delivered.


Students graduating withoutstanding academicperformancewillbehonored at Commencement.

Summacumlaudewillweargoldenribbons; Magnacumlaudewillwearsilver ribbons;and Cumlaudewillwearburgundy ribbons. Youwillreceive the ribbons onthe day oftherehearsal, and you cankeep themas a reward foryour outstandingacademicperformance.

Forany inquiry please call Aly Abdel Latif at012.7.178.7876 orHossamSalouma at



Invitationswill be distributed during the rehearsal onThursday, February 11, 2016 at11:00 am in ARTOCSports Court.Each student will receive four invitations in the Artoc Sports Court and 2 invitations in Bassily Auditorium for the online streaming.

Before the rehearsal, make sure to:

- Clear any outstanding balance or library fines. Deadline for clearing any outstanding balance or library fines is Sunday, January 31, 2016.

- Fill in the alumni form at the Alumni Lounge, Garden level, Administration building from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm from Sunday, January 31 to Sunday, February 7, 2016, and Saturday, February 6, 2016 from 10.00 am to 2:00 pm. Deadline to fill in the alumni form is Sunday, February 7, 2016.

On the day of the rehearsal,youare requested topresentthe following to receive yourinvitations:

1 - Your national ID/passport

2 - Academic cap and gownclearance

3 - Credentialclearance card (from the OfficeoftheRegistrar)


Ifyouclearyour account afterthe deadline,youneed to obtaina clearance card from the Students Accounting Office, Library, and alumni servicesand bring them with you to the rehearsalto receive yourinvitations.

No one is permitted to pick up anyone else’s invitations. Invitationswillnot bedistributed oncampus the day ofgraduation.

You must arrange to getyourinvitationson Thursday, February 11, 2016.

The Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Life,KhaledDahawy, will send an announcement with a linkto fill an online form for students requesting extra invitations (beyond the four guest invitations each student is allotted).

Guests with Disabilities

If you have a guest attending Commencement who is disabled and unable to walk at all, please email y Monday, February 1, 2016to request assistance. The Office will inform you of the special arrangements for you and your guests.

ParentsAssociation Cup

The graduating class willvote forthe winner ofthe Parents AssociationCup on the day of the Cap and Gown photo. Votingwilltake placeonFriday,February 5, 2016.

Thewinnerwill be announced onSunday, February 7, 2016.

Graduation Speech

The commencement ceremony willinclude a two-minute speechby a graduating senior. The speechis to containaserious message and meaningfulstatement to leavean impact onthe graduating class.

Students are asked tosubmit their resumes and abstracts byemailto Dalia Issa at the Office of Student Development . The StudentUnion(SU)highboard selects five ofthe speechesforcommittee consideration.Submitted speeches should include the text ofthe proposed two-minute speech, aswellas a separate listing ofthestudent’sGPA, activities,honorary awards, etc.

The deadlineforsubmissions is Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 11:00 am sharp.

Late submissionwillbedisregarded.

The winnerwillbe announced onSunday,January 31, 2016.


From November 24to December 16,2015andJanuary 3toFebruary 11, 2016

Collect your originalcredentials, whichwere submitted at the time ofadmissions and receive a‘CredentialClearancecard’from 9:00 am to 1:30 pmfrom the Office ofthe Registrar, room P-041.

Sunday, January 17to Thursday, February 11, 2016and Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cap and Gownfittings from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. For Thursday, February 11 fittings are after the rehearsal.

Sunday, January 10, 2016 at11:00am

Deadline forsubmission ofproposed graduationspeechesvia emailat

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Deadline for clearing anyoutstanding balancesfrom theAdministrationBuilding, room P035.

Deadline for clearing finesfrom thelibrary. Library fines can be cleared at the circulationdesk.

Announcement ofthe graduationspeechwinner.

Sunday, January 31 to Sunday, February 7, 2016 and Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fill in alumni form located at the Alumni Lounge, Garden Level in Administration Building from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. For Saturday, open hours are from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Group photos with cap and gown.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Deadline to fill in the alumni form.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

RehearsalinARTOCSports Court at 11:00 am and Invitations distribution.

Saturday,February 13, 2016

Commencementceremony at 4:00pm.

After the Ceremony:

FromFebruary 15toMarch 10, 2016

Return of cap and gown daily from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in room 1002, first floor, Conferenceand VisitorCenter, Campus Center.


Should anemergency arise thatwould delay or prevent acandidatefrom attending the graduation ceremony, please make sure to inform the Registrar’s graduationteam at least onehour before the ceremony begins,which isscheduled at 4:00pm. You may reachthem at 010.6669.4358

What should I do if I am denied for this graduation, but plan to graduate in the future?

Any candidates who are not approved for official graduation must reapply for a future graduation cycle, and they must do so by the appropriate deadline. Students who apply for one graduation and who are denied for whatever reason will not automatically have their applications for graduation carried forward.

Leave bags, purses and other large items at home.

We do not have a secure place to store any items you bring with you, so please plan ahead.

Do not throw your cap or any other objects.

To avoid injuring those around you, please do not toss any objects in the air during the ceremony.

Help us pronounce your name correctly.

If your calling name has an unusual pronunciation, please make sure to let us know during the rehearsal.

Return to your seat, and stay seated for the rest of the ceremony.

Be respectful of other graduates and the audience by staying in your seat before and after you receive your diploma and until those on the Commencement platform exit during the recessional.