COUNTRY / Türkiye
NAME / Karabağlar İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
ADRESS / Karabağlar İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
TELEPHONE / 2322618667
FAX / 2322626972


TITLE OF PROJECT / Ensuring employment by the education of adults without occupation and socialize them.
AIMS and OBJECTIVES / Karabaglar County National Education Management in İzmir, Turkey, is going to prepare a European project – Grundtvig Learning partnerships – on Adult Education. The principal focus of this project is to demonstrate that –for learning something new it’s never too late. Especially for the ones who hasn’t got an occupation for earning their lives. All the European countries and organizations that work for adult education can participate in this project. If you are interested to participate we ask to answer immediately to us, sending also some information about your Association.
We enclose a short description of the project.
CONTENTS / This project intends to ensure the adults especially females have an occupation to earn their lives. Especially females who haven’t got economical freedom face to face many problems in society. Also having no occupation discourages their social life. In this project process we aim the adults not only get a job but also make them social. First various kinds of courses will be organized for eager adult groups. These courses will reply the needs of the society; e.g., baby sitting, hand crafts, stylistics, needlework, sewing, wooden painting, jewellery, hairdressing, painting, cooking, ICT, foreign language. At the end of the courses they’ll have certificates and a display will be organized. During the courses a music group will be constituted from them. Cooperation and communion among the individuals by means of making music will be developed and ensured to work in groups in musical activities. Creating and developing international affairs and sharing cultural components will be possible. By this way, developing and enriching intercultural relations will also be possible. With a concert at the end of the work done through the year the participants will gain self-confidence. All the people taking part to the project will be encouraged to deepen the knowledge of other cultures. Each country should organize lectures, seminars, conferences and meetings during the partners’ visits. In this way the participants will develop a consciousness on the artistic expression of other cultures overtaking boundaries and racial differences. People of different social belonging, profession and age will share their common passion and will enlarge their cultural view in discovering European identities learning that in other countries are existing systems, traditions, principles, methodologies and arts different from the own ones but worth to be known.
The project will diffuse and support the cultural heritage in Europe and will educate citizens to a stronger sense of European citizenship, helping them to develop comprehension, mutual knowledge and understanding.


ADRESS / Karabağlar İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
TELEPHONE / 2322262636
FAX / 2322626972
MOBILE PHONE / 5058251000