Organic Molecular Electrons -A Medical Science Re-Start

New Consciousness

Time`s new dimension became not straight but round,

Looping to infinity with space and matter bound.

Consciousness, risen, surveyed all structure in

And operations revealed a closed world without end.

Free to reprogram the clocks and codes of chance,

That Essence began a plan, its Vessel to enhance.


Consciousness arising from "A Plain Language Model of the Universe" posted at since 1993, requires a revolutionary re-start in medicine along with all other scientific disciplines. The upshot will be a much better handle on cause and effect at the organic molecule level, and an explosion of new self-administered preventive as well as disease/disorder treatment therapies. Medicine as routinely taught with highest priority in school, beginning with Pre-School, can then over generations of time, virtually eliminate the need for mass production of MD's in existing medical schools. and promote less lucrative but more accessible highly specialized degrees in medical technician training where complicated and very precise procedures are required for saving/restoring the lives of accident victims. The word "accident" here includes genetic outcomes in terms of built in defects that do not allow adequate self-control based on early and continuing self-education.

Expensive repair and treatment for the helpless can then be held to nationalized levels easily covered by general tax revenue, as personal comfort-level amendable by privately held insurance of modest cost by those who want and can afford it.

The New Generalists kept in residence by hospitals for directing and coordinating the medical technicians (MD's) of various specialties will return to being well established physicians who major in Physics at the level of molecular biology and above, from start to finish -- to successfully complete an eleven year, world wide standardized college level program that openly requires a top 5 percent IQ/EQ measure, in addition to a lot of very difficult, expertly guided, very broad and deep self-education-- well beyond what most of us could ever hope to achieve.

The rare physician generalists with successful "10 year internment period" records at public hospitals, will then be retained by private hospitals in sufficient smaller numbers for private-citizen-paid-for preventive medicine via regular appointments with brief check-ups. Similar checkup appointments administered by Public Hospital Internist-serving Generalists -- are routinely provided in cooperation with public school resident nurses through the high school level.

Private college level institutions will have ongoing contracts with private hospitals for regular check up appointments and emergency care of enrolled students.

This vision of the future for the discipline of medical science is made possible by a new revolutionary level of molecular physics understanding that will greatly accelerate necessary nanotechnology as well as related educational facilities.

Gifted volunteers from the top IQ/EQ five percent of the nation will eagerly take available openings at the top medical schools where emphasis is on lifetime contribution and not income level. All it takes to be accepted at a school capable of granting Physics Generalist Medical Doctor (PGMD) degrees -is well demonstrated exceptional intelligence and emotional stability by age 18 in graduating from High School. Specializing PhD level medical doctor schools as currently constituted but technically directed by PGMD's, will provide the much larger numbers of Doctorate level technicians needed, with less movement toward more lucrative but less rewarding careers.

What makes this much-needed revolution in medical science possible and practicable? New theory here exposes a universally-ongoing, root-causal math and physics that enables a Mind's Eye fully-visualized understanding -- of the detailed mechanics of the human genome at the level of organic molecular electron closed loop, visible matter binding patterns.

New medical science will include organic molecule periodic-table-like documentation that fits and explains the molecular bases of the ever-changing genomes of human & other life forms. Greatly extendable and harmonized atomic and molecular periodic tables, will account for the detailed formation and maintenance of healthy life, and an holistic experience of consciousness, as uniquely associated with each life form.

Visualizing internal molecular energy and mass

It is vital to visualization by the Mind's Eye that one accepts and believes in the impossibility of "empty" space-- that every ponderable location in space-time is dynamically filled with spinning/vibrating, material object dark matter. The term "vibrating" literally means that every volume of space, no matter how tiny or big, is constantly breathing in and out in terms of its causally-identifiable outer boundary, as well as spinning relative to its always touching, also spinning/vibrating neighbors---both motions mark dynamically changing outer boundaries in terms of energy state. This no-force-at-a-distance, never static but very dynamic-vision is simple and necessary enough in principle --why is it not where science is at the moment and forever more?

Why has science come to be so lost when it comes to getting rid of logically impossible and non-static, immersion-interactive "nothing. Something very dynamic and all fulfilling is notably missing in our visions of what the atom and molecule are all about.

The images on the next page make the point --we simply do not yet know what a molecule is in 3-D dynamic terms and especially do not know what organic molecules are, as they serve as self-assembling, holistic building blocks for biological cells. Missing is Einstein's greatest contribution whereby what we call mass in atoms and molecules as convertible to radiation energy is always precisely proportional to the inverse square of its measurable speed of transfer when released outside of atoms and molecules -- per M = E/v2! The expression for kinetic energy where the speed, v, is constant, lets us predict the measurable energy-results of physics experiments but also lets us be forever confused about the detailed mechanical aspects of mass and energy as fundamental properties of space-time. We simply cannot measurement parse between energy and mass in E = Mv2. Extend this abysmal reality of basic science to the science of medicine.

Medical PhD's today do not see that detailed physics of the real world has any thing to do with medicine, and neither does the complex mechanically false math upon which top physical scientists critically depend. What is shown on the next page is undeniable evidence that medical science like all other less critical disciplines, is not proper science at all.

Einstein as our finest physics generalist to date would not have touched being an PGMD - he knew he was not smart enough, not broad enough with sufficient depth in all technical discipline areas. He was plenty smart and humble enough to know he was not among the highest 5 percent in IQ/EQ in his time. He could not transfer his exceptional intuitive understanding to peers in science without the help of elite mathematicians whose IQ exceeded his own. He thus went totally astray mechanically at the ends of big and small with his complex-mathematical-but non-real warping of space. UH lets clever applications of math be fantastically predictive in the mid-size-range of human physical experience outside medical science. Einstein was hopelessly inorganic but gut level Organic-God appreciating in his carefully constrained thought experiments --based on no-force-at-a-distance (no nothing anywhere) visualization.

Einstein never completed his visualizations at the ends of big and small and he lost the argument with Bohr, whereby visualizing the real world was totally dismissed as a pursuit of science. Neither of them understood medical science where the real world is life itself and its ever-struggling self awareness.

Bohr and most scientists today, including medical scientists see science as being the proper subject of mathematicians only. To them, the vast majority of humans can never appreciate science and should not try. Medicine is really about memorized procedural/symptomatic rote; about what works and does not work on a problematic experimental results basis.

As long as a person tends to fit a certain symptomatic profile, medical doctors have all the knowledge they need to proceed -- to greatly risk quality of life by selectively expending and extending available medical care today. All things considered with the current status of science, most of them do a much better job than one has a knowledgeable right to expect. We have just got to do better all round!

Water Dimer Molecule

Fullerene Molecule Ice Molecule

Acetic Acid Molecule Acetic Acid Molecule Spacefill Representation Wireframe Representation

What fills the space inside, and between atoms and molecules, and what defines the visible outer surface of both as obligatory "visible" gravity fields? Molecular Biology requires a medical science where organic molecules are fully visualized and understood as 3-D-interactive agents--- by a Physics Generalist Medical Doctor (PGMD) capable of detailed technical coordination and direction of highly specialized MD technicians.

Today the specialist is telling the inadequately educated generalist what needs to be done, when and how, when neither really have a good understanding of what they are doing at the level of physics.

When the overwhelming majority of those receiving such medical care have no capability to either judge or pay, a society is in a serious state of decay whereby the less knowledgeable and less capable rule by default over the more knowledgeable and capable. We are already seriously upside down in our American society. This conviction is the motivation behind this short theory paper.

To have any hope at all for the longer range future, most of us must persist in staying in full charge of our daily lives by trying to personally gain a better intuitive feel for the real world through reading about science and nature as routinely taught in schools both below and above the prestigious university level.

Good choices based on intuitive feel comes from real world visualization and understanding of both our private selves and our constant interaction with other biological beings and with nature in general-- at the level of intimately interrelated, molecular biology.

Until medical doctors can be educated in depth about organic molecular electrons and how they determine the functional quality of cells, tissues, organs and whole persons as choice-making individuals on a moment to moment basis. Until then we are stuck with trial and error based mostly on wrote learning in medicine. Both we and they desperately need a physics level restart. How could WE have gone so wrong?

Science as quantum theory has gone on like a house a fire in the 20th century to not only stay consistent in a predictive way with Einstein's general theory but also to fully explain in complex mathematical but phony way, the ends of big and small. But physics has not until now had the scope to realize that it must address "living systems" in all its universal manifestations.

Top mathematical physicist Roger Penrose of Oxford has tried in recent years to examine the physics of consciousness and is maybe alone among well establish scientists to see what the author is here suggesting. He has well documented the many blatant short comings of current best science theory.

The super elite mathematicians erroneously called Physicists became turned off completely on Einstein's mechanically valid thought experiment approach that insisted on a real world where a Designer God is fully causal and deterministic, and that the universe appears problematic only because of our uniquely human limitations in experiencing it. Bohr's even more limiting real-world-dismissing approach is now adopted by the huge majority of living scientists, and is epitomized by the hugely popular and prolific thinker-writer, Stephen Hawking. It is clear from the published Hawking and Penrose debate, that Hawking is not interested in gut feel physics and cares only about the ability to predict experimental results.

Penrose to this writer seems much the wiser of the two, and is more deserving of the top Physicist title even though he also still claims to be a Platonist at heart.

When Einstein invented "space curvature", he reasoned that since Maxwell had proved that the speed of light in open space was constant at c  1010 centimeters per second (cm/sec), the average curvature of space must be such that a gram weight of mass traveling in "open" space must have an energy of c2 as measured numerically by all observers looking at open space, no matter what the relative motion of the observer. The upshot of Einstein's theory as it still forms the reliable backbone of science of all disciplines, is that what we call energy and mass must have the constant ratio in open space of E/M = c2, as seen by all observers. This is the Einstein-derived expression for the underlying Universal Harmony(UH) sought by scientific philosophers from the time of Ancient Greece to the time of Kepler.

Kepler's celestial mechanics, as used religiously by astronomers to this day, was discovered and given mathematical form while he was openly searching for what he called universal harmony (UH). Kepler's data show that the distance of every planet from the center of the Solar System multiplied by orbit energy is numerically equal to the inverse of Planck's constant, namely 1/h  1026 erg-cm. This Value is here called the constant unit mass Moment of Energy (MOE) of the Solar System.

Just prior to Kepler, the greatest scientific genius of all time became the first real medical scientist who could see and draw, and cut cadaver flesh with amazing skill and then draw the human tissues he saw in amazing 3-D, very precise mechanical detail. His endless curiosity caused him to tediously study, totally on his own, most every discipline of science that we know of today. If he could do it in his time, the best of us with intense curiosity and a world library at our keyboard fingertips, can do it better. One here uses a short write-up found on the internet about Leonardo Da Vinci, followed by where science as he started it, then proceeded most haltingly. But if you want modern precise, high definition 3D simulation of Da Vinci's mind boggling genius, try Microsoft Windows XP 's latest "Theme" named "Da Vinci".

Leonardo certainly had an uncanny ability to observe nature and record it. And to this he added a preternatural, even spooky determination. The first biographer of Leonardo da Vinci, Paolo Giovi, wrote in 1520: "in the medical faculty he learned to dissect the cadavers of criminals under inhuman, disgusting conditions...because he wanted [to examine and] to draw the different deflections and reflections of limbs and their dependence upon the nerves and the joints. This is why he paid attention to the forms of even very small organs, capillaries and hidden parts of the skeleton."

In a study of cervical vertebra shown from different perspectives, Leonardo notes: "[Both] former and contemporary authors have produced written reports [about anatomy] in tormenting long-winded and confused styles. However, through a concise portrayal from different [visual] perspectives, things are described definitively; and to avoid that my gift to mankind could be lost [to time], I teach the technique of reproducing things by printing [drawing in detail]." These remarks heralded the birth of a new method of scientific study: the systematic, descriptive method of the natural sciences, which was the predominant method of scientific study well into the 19th century.

As his curiosity took him in ever wilder directions, Leonardo always used this method of scientific inquiry: close observation, repeated testing of the observation, precise [3-D] illustration of the subject object or phenomenon with brief explanatory notes. The result was volumes of remarkable notes [and detailed drawings] on an amazing variety of topics, from the nature of the sun, moon and stars to the formation of fossils and, perhaps most notably, the mysteries of flight.

Newton in discovering the way gravity works and all other then-known physical laws about force, had rightly used Leonardo's scientific methods approach.

Newton incorporated Kepler's unknowing discovery of Universal Harmony (UH) as secretly embedded in his three equations for describing the motions of the planets. Maxwell followed him with UH-compatible, incredibly fluid-charge -field detailed electromagnetic theory. Einstein then unified with incredible mind's eye visualized intuitive feel, the two great "field" theories into one.

Leonardo was also gut feel moved by the same Universal Harmony (UH). That is, each of these five awesomely capable natural scientists had an undeniable urgent need to vividly visualize in full 3-D mechanical detail what the focus of the moment to moment real world examination was all about. That is, they needed to feel a mechanical resonance in their souls, of a sense of nature that was strongly operative in them, that made them know on faith alone that they were an integral part of “something” greater and eternally awe inspiring in its holistic upshot.

As Einstein perceived early on, the scientific hard nut to crack at the gut feel level was all about mass and its relationship to energy. He got closer by far than anyone else in this regard, but no cigar! Now we can no longer survive well here on planet earth unless we finish what Einstein started and see most of the real world implications at the level of organic molecular physics in the vivid 3-D manner that Einstein and Leonardo did. This state of affairs applies to medical science and industrial use of science in all discipline areas.